Promote Israel or Else? Isaiah 60:12

Hebrew Translation: “For the non-Jewish Gentile nations and kingdom that will not serve, worship and honor thee shall perish with destruction, those Gentile nations shall be utterly wasted as a dried up desert.” Comment: Do not play with fire! Hitler did not take this scripture seriously! Many world leaders today follow Hitler’s treatment and attitude towards Israel. So how many nations support Israel today? Just one! The United States of America! Our Blessings as a nation are linked to Israel. America the number one economic and military power and only supporter of Israel! Do we get this? Most of the political left in America does not support Israel. If we read our Bible and believe it then Blessings will flow to our nation as a defender of Israel. We worship Israel as believer’s through our Jewish Lord Jesus Christ! President Trump gets the connection and is moving our Embassy to Jerusalem! Other nations are following! We support the physical Israel for many reasons! Remember at Christ’s second coming he will return to Jerusalem for the 1000 year reign over this earth! As believer’s sooner of later you will move to Jerusalem! Would it not be nice when you enter the Glorious City of Jerusalem that you could say in your heart that I did my part to defend Israel my first time here on earth! People who claim they are Christian’s and hate the Jews have evidence against them that they have either never read their Bible or do not believe what it says! If they the Jews are the apple of his eye then we need to treat them so! James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Color is America?

Is it white, black, red, yellow or brown? The color of America is red, white and blue! MSG Roy Benavidez, Medal of Honor, Vietnam War.  Comment: The color of our American flag represents character not race! White represents purity and innocence! Red represents hardiness and valor. Blue represents the color of our Chief, vigilance, perseverance and justice! The stars are the symbol of Heaven and the divine goal of men from the beginning of time! The stripes represent rays of light as from the sun! Character is chief among God and men! Nations that drift from character go into the annals of history! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Medal of Honor! Vietnam 1968

“I wear this medal for my fellow American’s who died along side of me in this combat engagement! It was easy to earn this medal however to wear this medal for them, the one’s that sacrificed their lives to defend me and my unit is the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life!” Staff Sergeant Drew Dixon, U.S. Army, Chau Doc Province, South Vietnam, January 1968

Valetine of Sacrifice! Acts 20:35

Not all are born equal. Some guy’s are smarter! Some guy’s are stronger and faster! Some guy’s are better looking! Where we can be equal is in courage and sacrifice! That is a choice! It is important our children understand this! Sacrifice is a good thing! Sacrifice for a soldier is a very good thing! There is no bottom line to it! People will sacrifice in society but only so far! They will want something out of it! Not a soldier! A sacrifice for a soldier will only deepen his capacity for more sacrifice! Sacrifice and responsibility go together! I am only able to stand here with this Medal of Honor around my neck because of the supreme sacrifice my comrades made for me in the midst of the battle! I wear this award for them and stand in for them! That is the only reason I am here! Patrick Brady, Medal of Honor Recipient, Vietnam War

Medal of Honor! John 15:13

I have watched some video’s of American Medal of Honor Winners from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. As I watched these I began to see a pattern in the lives of these brave men! Their love for their comrades on the battlefield led them to take very heroic actions in combat! One particular Vietnam Veteran really got my attention! When they were in the midst of a battle a Viet Cong soldier through a grenade into the midst of his army platoon! When he saw the grenade he said it was like being frozen in time! What to do? He took his steel helmet off his head threw it over the grenade and then threw his body on top of his helmet! The grenade exploded under his helmet tearing his stomach open and filling his body with shrapnel! He said his intestines were laying outside of his body on the ground! Another soldier came along and put his guts back in his stomach and taped his stomach closed with ribbons torn from his uniform! Another soldier came along and drug his body away from the fire fight so the medics and the helicopters could get him to a field hospital. He said we never left the dead or wounded for the enemy! His recovery took years at a Veteran’s Hospital. He said the hardest thing for him in this hospital was to see the young men come in from Vietnam and die in the hospital with no family around them! After his recovery he tried to go back to college but the protesting college students would mock him for going to war for his country so he left school. The other veteran’s also said that the love for each other is what kept them going and bonded them together! It was not the politics of the war or political parties that mattered to them! They had to look out for each other! That is what a family does for each other! Jesus said there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his brother! Why did Jesus go to the Cross? His love for His Father! Only He could pacify the anger His Father had for His Creation! Remember Jesus words on the Cross? Father forgive them! Why have you forsaken me? The Vietnam Veteran’s even today feel forsaken by their country! But their love for each other bonds them together! We the people are free from foreign aggression because of their love for each other! Likewise we are  benefited by God’s love in particular with Jesus love for His Father in being obedient even to the death on a Cross for our sin! Today Jesus position in Heaven is not by accident! He is seated at the right hand of the Father because of His love for His Father! None of us will even sit closer to the Father than the Son! Jesus is returning soon back to the earth to complete His love for the Father and for you! Jesus went into combat for you! He lives for you and died for you and rose from the dead for you and His love of the Father is also expressed to you! Love is manifested in relationship! We cannot love God if not in relationship to Him! You could never sacrifice your life on the battlefield unless in relationship to other soldiers of your Nation suffering the same combat! To honor God is to honor American Veterans! No one except President Trump understands the neglect our American Military Veteran’s! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941

Have we dropped our guard again? History demonstrates that previous military drawdowns invited aggression by our enemies. After World War I, America drew down forces until the U.S. Army had fewer than 100 thousand men in uniform. That weakness invited Nazi aggression in Europe and the Imperial Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor! Frank Gaffney Jr., American anti-jihadist, politician and patriot. His father Frank Gaffney was a Metal of Honor winner in World War I. He was considered the second bravest man in the United States Army!

New Revelation on the Clinton Foundation!

It is hard to get information about the Clinton Foundation because it is set up in Canada where under Canadian law they do not have to disclose donors! What happened to transparency? You have to sue Obama to get something that is to be provided to the citizens by Constitutional law! Anyway through law suits under the Freedom of Information Act under our Constitution information is slowly being released! What we have learned is that the Clinton Foundation is spending on itself as a proclaimed charity 90 percent of all income taken in! Ten percent of collected funds go to charities! I would like to know the names of those charities? This is an example of Santa Claus turning into a scrooge! Santa delivers 10 gifts to the children on Christmas morning and keeps 90 gifts for himself? We need to ask ourselves as Christian’s how much of our income do we spend on ourselves? How much does the ministry you support spend on themselves? To be a good steward it is intellectually honest to ask your church for the annual budget report! If they are buying jet planes and putting property in their names it is time to step back and pray about your investment! Are they using the funds to proclaim the Gospel, mission work, helping widows, orphans, single moms and homeless people on the outer fringes of our culture? Our income requires time and we have only so much of it before we stand before Jesus! If we amass a lot of money with no compassion for the lost then we are bankrupt before God! The word time in the Greek means to  Honor God with your tithes and offerings as one of the ways we worship God to say to Him i am who i claim to be as a believer in His name! A believer who names the name of Christ and follows His Commandments while here on earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Picture Worth More Than Thousand Words! John 1:1

The truth is all images or pictures are formed in the lens of your eye were created by the Word of God! His creative power is in His Word! God spoke the world into existence with His Word! He created to establish and sustain life! Prophesies fulfilled in the Bible are completions of His Word! His Word is hidden in our heart for application to deliver us from sin! What you see on earth was first in Heaven! Yes, both love and war! If you decide to follow Christ the world will oppose you! God is greater than the world because He created the world! Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan! Satan tried to deceive Jesus by twisting the Word of God! Deception cannot live where God’s Word dwells! Political correctness is all about hiding the truth! All deception is accomplished with words! Bibles are being burned in the Middle East right now along with people! Hitler burned thousands of Bibles along with people! Not a pretty picture! If we ignore or reject God’s Word we do at our own peril! The final picture of your life will be determined by your acceptance or rejection of His Word! Believe it or not? You entered time so you could make a choice about His Word! You choose either Heaven or Hell? Life or death? Peace or war? Time is eternal and when it closes on your life you cannot turn back the clock! Eternity is a long time to live with your wrong choices! Time means to honor so you can choose right now with the now you have to secure your life with Christ! Jesus on the Cross is a picture worth more than a thousand words! It is the purpose and reason God came to redeem creation! The picture of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation is displayed on the Cross at Calvary! God cannot make it any clearer than that! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Veteran’s Day! 2014

We honor our veteran’s today both men and women! Why is our President absent in China? An insult to our veteran’s! I have always opposed women in our military! I am from the old school (Bible), and I believe any culture worth it’s salt would protect it’s women from the horror’s of war! What happens to them if they are captured and become POW’s? We continue to have a high sexual assault rate on women in our armed forces! The liberal progressives continue their war on women. We honor our women who have and are serving but our hopes and prayers are they will not be exposed in our next big war! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse.