Micah prophesized the Messiah’s birth place about 700 years before the event! The chief priest’s and scribes quoted it to Herod when they were asked where Christ was to be born. The prophet Isaiah had a lot of revelation about Christ hundreds of years before He came including birth, death and resurrection! It is interesting that the revelation of Christ was spread out among several old testament prophets. This is also true in the Body of Christ today! Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all prophecy! He is the Chief Prophet and it says in Revelation 19:10, “Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy!” Remember Christmas is more than about His birth! Remember that during the future tribulation period (7 years), the religious ruler of the world (false prophet), will force the inhabitant’s of earth to worship the anti-Christ (World political ruler). If you have rejected Christmas and Christ then you have chosen to follow the false prophet and worship the false Christ or anti-Christ! This will lead to your destruction! Micah a old testament prophet prophesized the coming righteous and Holy Prophet and Savior who pre-existed time and created all things both visible and invisible! Christmas is not just a point in time and a place in time but all time and all history past, present and future revolves around Him! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: history
Winston Churchill Quote At End Of WWII
In 1945 after over 50 million killed in WWII Winston Churchill summed up this most costly war in the history of man. Quote; The malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous. Failure of the Democratic states to act together before the monster was fully grown was without excuse. In the beginning when it counted the most leadership failed. It is our obligation to remember so it never happens again. Unquote. Conclusion; In light of our war with Islam over past 10 years our current challenges in Syria and Iran building an atomic bomb we need to be reminded of this important conclusion Winston Churchill reached at the end of WWII. If western civilization is to survive we cannot ignore the growing monster! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Abortion In Egypt! Exodus 1:17-20
Murder or genocide of minorities is nothing new to the history of man. This episode in Egypt took place thousands of years ago against the Jews. Today in America genocide is being done on African Americans through abortion. Over 40 percent of all abortions done in America are done on African Americans. Their population only represents 12 percent of all Americans. So they get over a 300 percent disproportionate increase in abortions over all other races. The other sad and tragic story here is the Democratic party tells them they are for them while promoting genocide against them with our tax dollars? Martin Luther King had a very noble dream but it did not include this nightmare! Let us together fight for life to remove this scar upon our land and pursue liberty and justice for all! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Sons of God / Daughters of Men Genesis 6:1
Over history three main theories are advanced to explain this. The first theory is the “sons of god” are fallen angels and the daughters of men are mortals. This ancient viewpoint hinges in part on the assumption that Jude 1:6-7 refers to these angels. If this sin is perpetuated by angels then why is man punished in the flood? Christ said in Matthew 22:30 that angels do not marry. There is some difficulty in understanding mortals as descendants of angels and not from Adam.(Acts 17:26) The second theory is that the “sons of god” are from the Godly line of Seth while the “daughters of men” are of the line of Cain. The sin which they are charged is common to the whole scripture, especially the Pentateuch; the intermarriage of the chosen people of God with those who are unholy. How can these men be considered holy when the Bible states only Noah was holy. (Genesis 6:8-9) Why is the “sons of god” not used with this meaning in any other place? Why only sons and not daughters are associated with the line of Seth? The last theory is very popular among conservatives. Recent archaeological evidence suggests that the term “sons of god” was sometimes used to describe kings (Exodus 21:6, 22:8, Psalm 82:6-7) Therefore the ‘sons of god” are immoral kings who use their power to take women and use them at their will. Well pick your pleasure or poison on your choice here? Regardless these were acts of immorality. Who are the “sons of god” today? Who are the “daughters of men” today? God has sons and daughters! Who are the sons and daughters of men today? The sons and daughters of god are those who have accepted Jesus Christ into their lives! Born gain! The sons and daughters of men are those who have only had the first birth or natural birth and not the second birth! They have either rejected Christ or are living out of ignorance or do not have the knowledge and revelation about Him. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Look For Two Beasts ! Revelation Chapter 13
This is not a tour of your local zoo! This is not your spouse or your boss we are talking about. This is a virtual tour of two upcoming world leaders described in the Book of Revelation. One leader the anti-christ will be the political leader of the entire world. The second beast will be the false prophet and the world’s religious ruler. He will force the world to worship the first beast the anti-christ. We know from the Bible that the anti-christ will be a Jew and gay. We also know many more things about him from the Bible we will not cover in this article. The question is what world religion will this world religious ruler represent? Since Christians will be raptured before these two beasts are in place we know about 1/3 of the world population will be gone in the rapture. I do not believe a Pope from Rome will be this second beast! Even if this Pope were apostate he has no followers since the Christians are gone! Who will he lead? I believe the false prophet will represent Islam! He will rule from Rome as the Christians have vacated. This would be the perfect mockery of Christendom to have Islam set up headquarters in Rome. With the anti-Christ setting up headquarters in Israel we have a blasphemy unmatched in world history! This will be an unusual marriage between a Jew and a Muslim to rule the world yet this alliance will deceive the whole world into believing peace has finally come. We as Christians need to look to Christ and not the anti-christ! However, we should not be surprised as Bible prophecy writes history! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
The Last of America and The One World Government!
Biblical prophetic events are closing in fast! It is difficult for me to understand why Obama got re-elected? He has a record of 4 years of economic failure! Another 4 years with him will lead to a welfare state as poverty will grow across America. With welfare failures such as Cuba, Greece, former Soviet Union and others why would we follow their path? An economic collapse of America and a shaky Europe that would also fall will bring in a new world order or a One World Government! From our Bible we know this new world order will be lead by the Anti-Christ! Great destruction will come through his leadership! We also know the rapture of Christ’s Church will preclude this one world system. With the isolation of Israel by Obama Israel must stand alone as Bible prophecy predicts and God alone comes to her rescue through signs and wonders! These are trying times yet exciting times to live in for the Christian today! If I had a choice about what era of history I could live in I would choose today! We look forward to Christ as He rescues His people from the impending destructions that are here and coming over all the earth to those who have rejected Him! Look up for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless! James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Wall Street Protests / Anti-Semitic
Comments by wall street protestor’s such as; Jews control wall street, Israel is a criminal pariah state and Jews need to be run out of this country are a warning that history is repeating itself again! While protestor’s are seen spewing hate against Jewish American’s where is the outrage from our political leaders? It is troubling to me when I heard our president say, “Martin Luther King would have supported the wall street demonstrations!” I lived on planet earth during the 1960’s! Never did Dr. King support violence or anti-semitics in his own life or in his work to restore civil rights! What concerns me most is the silence of the church? History is repeating itself again! As the world moves into greater socio-economic chaos every nation on planet earth has a history of blaming the Jews for their troubles! I believe the silence of the church as persecution rises against the Jews is due to their Theology! I am speaking about Replacement Theology. Many Christian’s in their minds cannot separate Israel from the Church! In fact the lines get so blurred that eventually they say the Church has replaced Israel! Then as in Nazi Germany the Church can look the other way when atrocities come against the Jews. Christ was a Jew and came first for the Jews! Even in the Book of Revelation after the Church is raptured in Chapter 3 we see God’s covenant promises being met to the Jews in the following chapters. Keep the Church and Israel as seperate subjects in your Biblical understanding! An attack on the Jews is an attack on Christ’s Church and an attack on God Himself! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
What is the church?
A very controversial question with many,many answers—— You know the text in Matthew 16 when Peter made his confession and Christ promised, I will build my church—– I decided that the church was whatever Christ meant when he used the word “church” and the church is what Christ is doing in history.Whatever Christ meant when he said “church”, whatever he is building in the world, that is my definition of the church. Begging the question? I think not. According to his own testimony, Jesus entered history to do the Father’s will— an agreement they had arranged before the foundation of the world. He said, “I will build my church!” I believe it! The church is the body of Christ!The church is the bride of Christ. It is what he is building in the world. He said something else—fundamental to understanding the church as He meant it: ‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” In obedience to the Father’s will He is building something in history that is indestructible—the church! It is inconceivable that Jesus would refuse to do the Father’s will—and it is inconceivable that He could fail in what he is building! What humans build is temporal—vulnerable—perishable. That which Christ is building—whatever it is—is permanent and eternal. The Church is what Christ is building in the world. My desire is to be part of that. Matthew16:17-18 “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Source; Wisdom of the Church by Richard C. Halverson Published 1995.
Love Demands a Choice!
God gave Adam and Eve a choice. They made a wrong choice. God gave His Son Jesus Christ a choice. He made the right choice and chose the Cross for you! He could have walked away but He chose death to give you life! Any religious or political system that denies you a choice is not Love! All wicked systems of world history whether Nazism, Facism, communism, Islam all denies choice! These systems say if you do not agree with me I will kill you! Please exercise God’s Love in our Democratic system and vote. Choose this day who you will serve! Overcome evil with good! Thankyou.