Global Warming in France?

Really sad for the French people are suffering from heavy taxation for socialism policies including a carbon tax and fuel tax that are based on the phony global warming scheme! Global warming is a myth and is used by the political left or socialists to extract money from the hard working citizens through heavy taxation! Diesel fuel is over six dollars per gallon in France! We are about two dollars per gallon here in America! If we had to pay those prices America would go into a deep recession or even a depression! President Trump did not go for the global warming fraud to politically drain the finances of the American people! President Emmanuel Macron needs to wake up and see his error and remove these burdensome taxes on the French people! Then to abandon socialism and the heavy tax costs to his citizens! Shrink the huge government and relieve the people of these heavy burdens! Giant socialistic governments require huge taxes from the people to support it! Socialism has failed everywhere it is tried yet the left just wants to try failure one more time! Utter stupidity! A lean efficient government will relieve the people of heavy taxes and the people will spend that money into the economy which will lead to business prosperity for France! President Macron needs to wake up quick! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Fishing Without Jesus! John 21

The disciples jumped into the boat with Peter! Peter was going to show them how to do it! It was his old occupation! Can you imagine taking Thomas the doubter along with you on a fishing trip? I told you guys you would not catch anything! Just wasting my time! The only thing we caught was a cold out on this water all night long! I really had my doubts about this trip! Shut up Thomas! Since the ministry had failed Peter went back to his old job! However it looked like Peter was failing in his old occupation? Was he rusty or bad luck? Failure can be a good thing if it points us to God! That has been my experience in life! When our own efforts fail God can do mighty things through us! If we can trust God rather than ourselves good things will come out of that! The disciples were so into themselves they did not recognize Jesus standing on the shoreline patiently waiting for them after their night of failure! Hey boy’s you caught anything last night? Hell no! I got a little heaven waiting for you guy’s! You boy’s are fishing on the wrong side of the boat! Throw your net on the other side! If in life you fish in the wrong place without Christ you could even catch things that could harm you! John was the first to recognize Jesus from the boat and when Peter found out he jumped into the water and headed to shore dragging the net with 153 fish in it! When Peter got to shore Jesus had a fire going on frying fish with bread! Jesus had already prepared what the disciples were seeking! They did not even need their big catch! Jesus has promised us that He would prepare a place for us! The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is waiting for us! The disciples finally figured out they could not make it without Jesus! Don’t be a slow learner but profit from their mistakes! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do You Have a Meaningless Life? Ecclesiastes 1:1-9

Solomon was a wise man but sometimes not so wise! Starting life off with 1000 wives would not be a good starter? You would have to remember 3 wedding anniversaries everyday! Could he remember all their names? Name tags would help! Solomon seemed to be a cynical old man at times but he did write a book of wisdom! He tries to explain to us not to make the same mistakes! He took an honest look at his life! He was the richest man in the world! He did not spare himself any pleasure! Solomon wished he had asked himself the hard questions! Do you have time to wrestle with your Faith? Take an inventory of your Faith! Why do I believe? Why do I follow Jesus? Do you ask questions about God? Solomon repeated 27 times, “Is there anything new under the sun?” Life can seem burdensome and meaningless at times! I have two teenagers at home. We have on going conversations like when can I get my drivers license? When can I go off to college? I want to go to a college far away from home? Teenager’s want your money and your absence! Do not be in a hurry to grow up! Our daily routines of dishes, laundry, house cleaning repeat everyday with no end in sight! A lot of life is routine! You may hate your job and is just a paycheck? Sometimes we can lose our passion for life! Like Solomon we are looking for the right things in the wrong places! We are looking for something to give life meaning! In 1st Kings we see Solomon was a great builder! He built palaces and Houses of Worship! Today in 2015 people are not sparing themselves any pleasure! We have hundreds of options! We have all the electronic gadgets to amuse ourselves! We have drugs and alcohol to drown our meaningless in! Solomon arrived at emptiness! Is your tank on empty? When we reach the point of our limitations collapse can come! What can we turn too? Our need for completeness comes from outside of ourselves! Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said come unto me! Those that are laboring and overburdened! To those that are carrying a heavy load! Jesus promised to those that receive His invitation He will give rest! Yes! Rest and refresh. You will find completion in Christ! How do you know you are doing well? Solomon had everything but was not doing well? Jesus said, “Come to me.” Solomon did not have the revelation of Christ we have today! True worship is to come to Jesus! Jesus did not come to promote Himself but to promote you! The Old Testament Books point to the Cross! People without Christ come to despair! You may have lost a key relationship? Husband or wife? Son or daughter? You may have lost a job or business failure? A sickness or accident may have taken your ability away to provide for your family? Internal failure requires and external rescue! When we learn we cannot make it own our own then we discover the only one who can give us rest! We discover Christ’s yoke is easy and His burden is light! A yoke is designed for two! Let Jesus come along side you and lift you out of your troubles! Rest in Him! Talk with Him! Walk with Him! Think on Him! Discover in Him! Love in Him! Plan in Him! Win in Him! Stand in Him! Trust in Him! Faith in Him and He will never leave nor forsake you! Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Failure + Success = Humility

A famous quote by Mark Twain says, “Failure is never permanent and success is never final!” The most challenging part of our life cycle is not dealing with failure but being able to successfully handle success! If success is only a tool to get above others and control others then we misuse God’s Blessings! A Godly Blessing should help us help others to be successful! Who you give the credit to is an indicator of a right or wrong attitude about success. Excuses cannot be our foundation for failure. When we take responsibility for our actions and repent then a door is opened from God for recovery towards success. When we take the Blessings God has given us and give credit to ourselves and not honor Him and the people He has placed in our lives we set ourselves up for failure. God has a plan for you to prosper you and bring good success! However to try this on your own without Him is like walking across a mine field in a combat zone! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Deaths of Christian “Martyrs” Doubled in 2013

More Christians were killed in Syria in 2013 than worldwide the year before! Open Doors, a non-denominational group that supports persecuted Christians, said that 2123 Christians were killed because of their faith in 2013, up from 1201 the year before. Reuters reported that 1213 martyrs were reported in Syria alone! The complete failure of the Arab Spring with no strong dictators left to keep the most violent elements of Islam in check has released an unprecedented wave of violence to Christians across the Middle East and Africa. Let us not forget our very own 4 American’s killed in Benghazi! As Hal Lindsey has said before we must remember our brothers and sisters living in desperate conditions and pray for them and help them! One day when severe persecution comes to America we will need their prayers and help! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do American’s Trust Obama?

Since Obama has taken office American’s have purchased a total of 65.4 million weapons! This is 91 percent more than President Bush first term total. Have you tried to buy a weapon lately? Our Constitutional rights in America give law abiding citizens right to own a weapon. However this right is being eroded in a back door way by President Obama. The first red flag I saw was when Obama wanted a civilian defense force during his first term. My first question then was why compete with our regular military? Then my history memory about Hitler and his brown shirts came to mind. These armed youth of Germany became the S.S. troops who worked independent of the regular military forces. The brown shirts got rid of any who opposed Hitler. When any high ranking regular military officer opposed what Hitler was doing they were assassinated by the S.S. The Department of Home Land Security has purchased 1.5 Billion rounds of ammunition. Why? This is more ammo than our military requires. These are not target practice rounds but killer rounds. Other federal agencies that have never been armed in our history are being armed by Obama? This is Obama’s growing civil defense force! Why? America has been weakened by Obama since taking office in almost every category. It does not matter whether health care, employment,income,ect. We are viewed by the world as weak and indecisive! When you go on-line to purchase a weapon you will notice a thirty five dollar pistol just a few years ago is going for six hundred dollars. You will notice that hundreds of ads for handguns are listed as; “Out of Stock.” Go to your local Walmart and notice the empty shelves in the ammunition department? If your government is buying up all the ammunition you may have the right to own but no ammo or guns to buy? This is the back door policy of Obama to disarm civilians. His gun control efforts are also producing the opposite effect. Has Obama planned a takeover? I saw moves early in his first term for planned failures of America. If you have not read history you may think it cannot happen here. I hope I am wrong but next three years will prove or disprove me. I see the hand writing on the wall! I trust my God and He has always given me discernment to coming future events. I had a vision of 9-11 months before the event. In the vision I was walking down a street in New York city and this white powder was everywhere? When I told my Pastor in Macon Georgia he thought I was crazy? After 9-11 he looked the other way when I passed him. Prepare your hearts for very difficult things coming to America. Your faith in God will be tested beyond all your imaginations! When you have a leader who wants us to fail only Christ can rescue you from the disaster to come! God Bless! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.