2020 Prophetic Year!

Take your age and add it to the year you were born! Everyone on earth comes up with the same number! 2020! This year is significant on God’s prophetic calendar! When time is gone we all become the same age! When we stand before Christ only one thing matters! What did we do with Christ while living here on earth? Bless him or curse him? Honor him or dishonor him? Christ holds your future so you might want to hold him up in admiration! Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Science tells us the earth and the planets are all the same age. If all our ages point to the year 2020 what does this mean? The year of redemption and judgment or good and bad news for those that have embraced Christ good news and those that have rejected him bad news! This is the year to get serious with God! Your eternity hangs in the balance of Lady Justice! When redemption is complete judgment begins! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Prophetic Words!

If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from the permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive! Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)  Comment: I was 18 years old when Martin Luther King was assassinated. Even though I had never taken part in any active racial prejudice I still was stopped in my tracks by his murder! I thought in my heart this racism has to stop! It has already cost our nation too much! The civil war with over six hundred thousand casualties! Jim Crow laws and the KKK! Public hangings! If it does not end with the sacrifice of Martin Luther King then it will never end! This has to be the moment in time to turn the tide of racism! Fifty two years later yes there is still evil around us but like many in my generation we decided on April 4, 1968, that we would never participate in any acts of racism because the cost has been too great for our nation! The murder of King was the spark that pricked the conscious down through the soul of the citizens of America that change has to come to us all! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Prophetic Warning on Evolution!

Blind metaphysical necessity, which is certainly the same always and everywhere, could produce no variety of things. All that diversity of natural things which we find suited to different times and places could not arise from nothing but by the idea and will of a Being, necessarily existing. Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Physicist, Mathematician and Inventor.

End of Church Age! Psalm 137:6

O’ Jerusalem if I should not remember thee; let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy! Comment: Where was the first church on earth? Jerusalem! The Apostle Peter was the Pastor of the Jerusalem Church! Where will be the last church? Jerusalem with the return of Christ at his second coming and the end of the church age! The church age was established by Jesus to maintain his body of believer’s in the earth until his return. To ignore Jerusalem is to deny your faith! Your faith began there and will consummate there with Christ’s return! Jesus is not returning to America or Utah or China, Russia, UK, or any other nation except Israel! Do you now understand why much of the world wants to destroy her! If you really have the courage to fight for your faith you fight for Jerusalem! The Crusader’s acted on their faith! They did not live in a theology based theory! This is why President Donald Trump moved our U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem! As Gentile Christian’s let us never forget Jerusalem for if we do we are living contrary to our Holy Scriptures! The time clock of prophecy is set in Jerusalem to go off one day soon! We do not look for the next new ministry on the horizon! We do not look for the next denomination that claims they have more revelation than the last one! We look to Christ and his return to Jerusalem Israel! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Inverse Proportion! John 3:30

Comment: How do we decrease and Christ increase? How did the Apostle John do this? Caesar boiled him in a pot of hot oil and when that did not work he exiled him to a slave labor camp stone quarry on the island of Patmos! There he wrote the Book of Revelation! The purpose of any ministry is to point people to Christ! If pride rules your life you cannot do this! Every time you point people to Christ, that is increase the Kingdom of God you must decrease! If we try to increase ourselves then Christ decreases in us! Our 3 years in India helped me to understand this! The more I decreased the more Christ increased in me! The more I try to puff up myself the less Christ has influence over my life! The measure of Christ’s influence over any culture is measured by church attendance! Today only 28 percent of young people between the ages of 23-37 attend church? Forty seven percent of all American’s are unchurched! Fifty nine percent of all millennials who grew up in church have left! Eighty five percent of all American churches are declining or have plateaued! Europe is even worse! Before we start blaming Pastor’s let us see how we got to this point! Supreme Court rulings banning prayer and the 10 Commandments in our public schools! The vacuum left is school shootings! The secularization of public schools by atheists John Dewey and Charles Darwin! The teaching of evolution as a science disregarding the creation model of our Bible! The pursuit of success and money robbing parents the time needed to instill religious values in their children! The list goes on but these are some honorable mentions! Imagine the millions of souls Dewey and Darwin have kept out of the Kingdom of God ? Certainly they are seated at the right hand of Satan! So how do we get America back? Is this prophetic heading us towards the one world government ruled by the Anti-Christ? I have asked President Trump to introduce school vouchers where private schools can replace our failing public tax funded education system! Schools must be competitive not paying our tax money to the failed public education system! Christianity is just one generation from extinction! Is America worth the fight to turn this around? Is it worth your time? Go to Reachrightstudios.com They have some good idea’s! The Southern Baptist’s found out after building 600 new churches that attendance increased 21 percent in these new churches over a 5 year period! Thankyou! James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

How Did The Apostle John Decrease? John 3:30

John was arrested in Ephesus when his enemies threw him into a pot of boiling oil. However John was miraculously delivered from death! The authorities then sentenced him to a slave labor camp in the marble mines of Patmos! On this island on the Aegean Sea John under impossible odds had a vision of Jesus Christ and wrote the Prophetic Book of Revelation! John years later was freed due to his old age and returned to Ephesus in now modern day Turkey. He died an old man sometime after 98 A.D. He was the only Apostle to die peacefully! Comment: If we will decrease Jesus will increase! Most 21st Century Christians think of decreasing as missing a meal now and then or even a whole day! When you find yourself in a pot of boiling oil up to your neck you could easily think I am having a bad day! Especially when the local natives are cutting up vegetables and putting them in your pot! To be sentenced to a slave labor camp on a remote island under Roman guards in a stone quarry might cause you to think you are having another bad day? John probably said all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Pride! 2 Kings 20:17-18

Please don’t get me wrong! King Hezekiah was a good man! God healed him from death, turned back time for him and added 15 years to his life! Pride is the most celebrated word in America but the least talked about word in the church! Gay pride day? Pride is like a bottle of poison that tastes like candy with no warning label on it! It always follows success! If you do not believe you suffer from episodes of pride then you are as blind as our first parents Adam and Eve! We have ten words for pride in the Hebrew and three words in the Greek in our Bible. Here are some definitions for pride from these root words; Arrogancy, swelling, pomp, haughtiness, loftiness, elation, grandeur, proud, raging, exhaultation, presumption, self-confident boasting, smoke without flame or smoltering, and ties and binding. Remember Samson got tied! The word i have not listed yet is the one i like best! Pride means to turn your back! Some people turn their back on God! Peter did! I don’t know him? Jesus did not turn his back on Peter! Have people turned their backs on you? Friends or family? Church members or a Priest or Pastor? Have we turned our backs on them? I have asked Jesus why i should try to establish a relationship with them? Jesus asked me do i want to be like them or like me? The Middle Eastern Christians who were beheaded this past two years did not turn their backs on Jesus! Do we turn our backs on the poor, widows, orphans and single moms? After success King Hezekiah showed off his wealth to the Babylonians! After this Isaiah warned him that this would result in Babylonian captivity and his sons would live in their palace court as eunuchs! We believe Daniel was a eunuch in the court there during their 70 year captivity however it did not impede his Prophetic words as recorded in our Bible! Pride was the very first sin and the sin that causes us to turn our backs on God and others! Humble yourself that you may turn people’s heart towards God! Jesus humbled himself even to death on a Cross! Thankyou James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Is Israel Important to You? Zechariah 14:12

As a Christian is Israel important to you or is it a bump in your theological road in your travel? Is it just a wayside inn or a tourist trap? Jesus at His second coming will rule the world from Jerusalem! That fact alone should get your attention? Zechariah’s prophetic ministry began 520 years before the birth of Christ! He addresses both the first and second coming of Christ! Zechariah’s name means, “The Lord Remembers.” An elephant may forget but never God! Zechariah was of the priestly line. How did Zechariah know about nuclear war 2500 years ago? He says in verse 12, “Those that fight against Jerusalem will have their flesh consume away while they stand on their feet! Their eyes will consume away in their sockets! Their tongue will consume away in their mouth!” The Bible goes on to say in verse 13 that those who fight Israel will turn on each other in war! They will nuke each other! Do you vote for and support political leaders who oppose Israel? Do you vote for and support political leaders who strengthen the hands of their enemies? These are important questions for you and God already knows where you stand but the danger is you may be blind to your sin! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Judah Territory! Joshua Chapter 15

Is history important? Without it we have no reference for the future and the promises of God given to us! Without history there is no basis for predicting the future. It has been said that the only thing man has learned from history is that he has not learned from history! Each generation repeats the same errors! History therefore repeats itself. If you go to the ancient Biblical maps of the territory occupied by the twelve tribes of Israel you will find many fascinating facts. Here is just a sampler. Our Savior Jesus Christ was born from the Tribe of Judah. Judah was given territory after the conquest of Canaan. If you study this ancient map some very obvious things are there! The Red Sea completely borders Judah territory. So when Moses crossed the Red Sea with the millions of Jews escaping Egypt they entered the future territory of the Tribe of Judah! The birth of Jesus was in Bethlehem which is in Judah! Now this where it gets even more interesting! Our complete atonement at Calvary or Golgotha was located east of the Road to Bethany and Jericho which is just east of the Kidron Valley. The Romans liked to crucify people along major highways so the conquered population would be able to witness executions so they would not get any idea’s about overthrowing them! Another fascinating fact is the Mount of Olives where Jesus ascended to Heaven and where He promised to return at His second coming is on the eastern side of the city and in Judean territory! These are places of great historical events in Judah territory! God is consistent like the sunrise and the sunset! You can set your clock by His Prophetic calendar and His promises to you are as sure as history itself! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Anti-Christ is a Jew and Gay! Daniel 11:37

According to the Bible in the Book of Daniel Chapter 11, verse 37, desribes some of his character and race. It is interesting that Jesus is a Jew and so is the Anti-Christ. This is one of the reasons the Jews are deceived by this guy during the 7 year tribulation period of history. They believe a Jew would not turn on a Jew. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God for their gay life style as were they during the flood in Noah’s day. However the homosexuals are back as the United States government and other world governments promote them with our tax dollars. Jesus warned us that the last days before his return would be as in the days of Noah. The spirit of Anti-Christ has always been with us but the embodied man Anti-Christ will soon emerge as the one world ruler. The spirit of Anti-Christ promotes death through abortion, gay marriage, gambling, drug abuse, prostitution,divorce and every other sin on earth. Remember when Herod tried to abort Jesus through the murder of the children in Bethlehem. We as Christians should not be surprised about prophetic events as they unfold before our eyes. Your Bible is front page news! Read it! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com