Socialism & Darwinism!

Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. Vladimir Lenin  Comment: What is scientific socialism? What was Lenin referring to? The fake science he was referring to is Darwinism! All the different words they throw in front of socialism to sugar coat it! Remember the Nationalist Socialist Party? Adolf Hitler was the leader of the party! In America they call it the Democratic Socialist Party! None of these words placed in front of socialism can make it legitimate! No nation has succeeded in implementing it! China has it! Russia has it! Cuba has it! Venezuela used to have it but has collapsed! Remember the Soviet Socialist Republic that collapsed in the 1990’s after 70 years of failure? So what keeps socialism being tried and tried again! The first prerequisite is atheism! Darwin and teaching of evolution in our public schools prepares the way for the sale of this failed product by the Democratic Party! Public education produces Democrats because they brain wash the children that there is no God and teach them the socialist ideologies of Darwin, Lenin, Marx, Engels and many more founders of socialism! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christ or Anti-Christ? Daniel 11:36-37

Verse 37: Neither shall he regard the God of his Fathers (Jewish), or the desire of women (Homosexual), not regard any god (Atheist): for he shall magnify himself above all. Comment: In verse 36 it says he will do marvelous things against the God of gods! Marvelous here translates miracles and astonishing things! This prophecy explains the promotion of the gay agenda in America and around the world! As we prepare to meet Christ as believer’s the world is preparing to meet the Anti-Christ! Atheism is also on the rise in America and around the world! Another preparation for the Anti-Christ! The Orthodox Jews have to be very careful here! Daniel was a Jew and trying to warn them! The orthodox Jews are still waiting for the Messiah? Ben Shapiro says we are looking for a world political leader who would be their Jewish Messiah! I have warned him that the one world Jewish political ruler that will appear 7 years before the return of Christ will be the Anti-Christ! This is how the Jews will be tricked into believing this guy is the real deal! Being Jewish they will let him into their re-built Temple in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Tribulation period! The Othodox Jews would never accept a homosexual however like Hitler it could be hidden from them until he sets himself up in the Temple and at the 3 1/2 year period of the 7 year Tribulation period sets himself up as God! Hitler’s homosexual gender was hidden from the world until his medical records were released in 2009! So which Jew will the world follow? Christ or Anti-Christ! People have and are making their decisions right now! Homosexual and atheistic behavior are Spirits of death! Let us look at the facts: “Studies have found that GLBT youth attempt suicide 3 times (300 percent) more frequently than their heterosexual counterparts! Transgender people have a 30-40 percent higher rate of suicide!” Source: Health Place 2018  Jewish atheists such as Karl Marks and Frederick Engels were responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths! Also the Jewish atheist Charles Darwin who Hitler worshipped is also responsible for tens of millions of deaths! Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is built on the premise there is no God! So things must have happened this way? The atheistic abortion practices here in American are responsible for 57.76 million babies being murdered since 1973! Today in America 1.3 million babies are aborted a year or 3562 babies per day! Our choices have good or bad consequences! Christ knows who are his own here in the earth! Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If it is he is coming back for you as Savior! If not he is coming back as your judge both the living and the dead! Choose this day who you will serve! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You Stoned? Ezekiel 28:13

Lucifer had it made! The praise leader of Heaven! He had every precious stone in his covering! Sardius, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, emerald, carbuncle and gold! Lucifer was equipped with praise instruments! He had the tabrets and pipes like a pipe organ to make music to the Lord in worship! Lucifer was a created being like us! That is why we are not to worship angels! Pride entered Lucifer and rebelled against God and was cast down to earth with 1/3 of his followers! When he impacted the earth his precious stolen stones from Heaven were scattered throughout the earth! So when you find a precious stone in the earth think where it came from! According to verse 13 Lucifer had been in the Garden of God, Eden! That is where he met Adam and Eve the first humans on earth! You might say Lucifer had a touch of heaven for in heaven the streets are paved with gold! It is not rare stuff up there! So why do we labor for the stolen goods Satan left here on earth when the jems and gold are as common as dirt in the earth up there? Some humans have worked for them but others have stolen them committing evil sins against God and man! Worship of God by humans involves the precious elements of the earth! Let us look at the Ephod Breast Plate in Exodus 28:18-29. The 12 tribes of Israel each had a precious stone of a significant color representing each of them before God! These stones represented earthly people. Most of these colors are in the rainbow across our sky! The rainbow has 7 colors! This sign in the heavens reminded us of God’s covenant to never completely flood the earth as in the days of Noah. It is interesting it takes water to activate the rainbow! It takes sin to activate the blood! When we look at the breastplate the tribe of Judah was represented by an emerald. The green emerald stone is used in engagement rings representing fidelity, harmony and loyalty! In Revelation 21:19-20, we see these precious stones appearing in the New Jerusalem! In the 4 entry gates of the city! Our Messiah came through the Tribe of Judah! God’s engagement to man began here and was consecrated in marriage which produced a Son named Jesus Christ! Remember Jesus always existed before creation and was incarnated into the earth as a human! The church today is the bride of Christ! My Bible says he is more precious than silver and more costly than gold! Why? Because he created this stuff! Remember the Ephod Breast Plate was for judgment! Judgment begins at the House of God! If you let Christ take your judgment then you are saved from it! Christ the eternal judge will not condemn his own! Another notable here is the eastern gate of the mobile tabernacle was guarded by the Tribe of Judah! When the Muslims controlled Jerusalem centuries ago they heard that Christ would re-enter the city through the eastern gate! So they sealed the eastern gate closed with brick and mortar to try to stop Christ at his second coming! The eastern gate is still sealed today and it looks like the Muslims believe some of the scriptures! In the New Jerusalem the eastern gate will have a green emerald stone on the gate representing the Tribe of Judah! If you have accepted the offspring of Judah Jesus Christ you will be able to enter this gate! Only God who created us is able to deliver us from sin! You cannot save yourself! It takes the God who never sinned to deliver you from our sin! He sacrificed himself for us! In the New Jerusalem there will be 12 gates, 12 angels, 12 tribes, 12 foundation stones, 12 names, 12 apostles, 12 thousand furlongs (dimension of city), 12 stones, 12 pearls and 12 fruits! This is going to be a fascinating place to live! Can I wait to see the mansion he has for me? Not really! It will certainly beat this stone age earth! There are a lot more scriptures available describing the New Jerusalem! Isaiah 54:11-12 is a good one! The windows are dressed with agates which are of every color representing the induction of every race into heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do You Love Me? John 21:15-17

Greek translation: “Peter do you love me unselfishly to the point of sacrificing yourself for me more than these fish? Peter do you understand God’s love towards men even though they are His enemy? Yes Lord, I know I am your friend. Then shepherd, guard and protect my sheep. Then Jesus says a second time to Peter, “Do you love me to the point of sacrificing yourself to me and my work here on earth? Peter replied you know I am your friend. Jesus replied a third time, Peter are you my friend? Peter was grieved for Jesus asked him a third time and Peter replied, “Lord you know all things and you know I am your friend.” Jesus said to him then shepherd, protect and guard my sheep.” Comment: Two very different Greek words are used for the English word love in these passages of scripture! They are agape and phileo! Initially Peter did not understand God’s love Like most of us when we first come to Christ initially He becomes our friend! Peter probably thought since he betrayed Jesus just before the Cross three times Jesus needed to ask him about his commitment three times? Actually in Jewish Hebrew culture when something is said three times it is complete and not necessary to repeat anymore! Peter though because of his past he could be no more than just a friend! Could God forgive me? Peter answered this question later in his life as he was the leader of the Jerusalem church! Then later he was crucified upside down on a cross in Rome! Jesus was more than a friend to those 21 Coptic Christian men who were beheaded by ISIS last year! Peter finally understood God’s love for him! I have been a Christian for 45 years yet still with each new revelation I understand more of his love for me! Will we totally understand His love for us? After our resurrection from the dead we will learn more! During the millennium we will understand more of His love! We understand enough to feed His sheep here on the earth! As he shepherd’s you shepherd others! James and Hamsa Sasse.

No Bang For Your Buck!

Nearly 20 percent of American’s in the workforce are high school dropouts! About 25 percent of high school graduates are functionally illiterate! Twenty percent of high school graduates this spring will not be able to read their diploma’s! According to Youth at the Crossroads 40 percent of employer’s test for literacy and math skills! Now for the really bad news! The Department of Education spent 69.4 Billion dollars in 2017 on education! We won’t even go to how much each State spent on education in America? The illiteracy rate in Colonial America among the 13 colonies was 2 percent! They were home schooled and the Bible was their reading text book! Now teachers in the powerful NEA Union want 40 percent raises for the teachers? If we can get the government out of education and return to private schools America will be great again! School vouchers are necessary to return American education to a world leader once again! We will bring this important agenda to the attention of President Trump! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Calvin on Abortion! (1509-1564 A.D.)

For the fetus, though enclosed in the womb of its mother, is already a human being, and it is a monstrous crime to rob it of life which it has not yet begun to enjoy! If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house than in the field, because a man’s house is his place of most secure refuge, it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy a fetus in the womb before it has come to light! John Calvin (1509-1564), French Theologian and Great Leader of the Reformation.

Looking Forward! Matthew 25:31-34

When the Son of man shall come in His Image and Character with Splendor And Brilliance with His Holy Angles then He shall sit upon the Throne of His Glory! And before Him shall be gathered all the races of mankind and He shall cast out the wicked and abominable as the Spiritual Leader of the flock. He will divide the sheep from the goats! He shall set the Sheep on the right hand giving them equal honor as to Himself! He will set the goats on His left hand! Then shall the King of the people say unto them on His right hand, Come, my Father shall dwell upon you and you will be heir of the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world! Comment: So where is His Throne of Glory located on earth with His return? Jerusalem! The same place where He was Crucified! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Hitler Admirer!

“Hitler is one of the greatest men, the old trust him, the young idolize him. It is the worship of a National hero who has served his country….Within a few years, Adolf Hitler will emerge from the hatred which surrounds him and will be one of the most significant figures that ever lived!” John F. Kennedy, Prelude to Leadership, The European Diary of John F. Kennedy, 1937-1945, Regnery Publishing Company Inc., Washington D.C., Page 74.

Suffering and Success! Acts 9:15-16

It seems that everyone is trying to show the world how successful they are! The American dream! Mansions, land, gold, money, private jets, limo’s, fame, status and the rest of the vanities! However though everyone wants it there is a problem? Success tends to put the spotlight on us rather than God! Our failures can put the spotlight on Jesus rather than us! God delivered me from the death bed! Jesus raised me from the dead! I was a street person but now He has given me a family and a home! No one else ever cared for me like Jesus! He loved me when no one else would! The disciples were afraid of Paul and rightly so but Jesus told them that Paul was going to be a great leader in the church and suffer many things for my name! In my weakness i find His perfect strength! Much of the modern church has adopted the ways of the world! Then they wonder why there is no power to do the things Jesus commanded them to do? You cannot do it without Him and the Cross you must carry! Pastor Robert Jeffress, Southern Baptist Missions