Elder’s Home Grown Weight Loss Clinic!

Honey the batteries are dead again on our weight scale! Would you please replace the batteries again for me? Why do these batteries die a lot on this scale? Maybe because you drive the numbers so high when you get on it? You do not have to get on your scale three times a day? You should get on the scale too because you are overweight! Are you happy being overweight? No I am not! I will worry about it when I get older! You are already in your seventies so when will you start? When it comes time for my funeral! As long as I can get an extra wide coffin I will not worry about my weight! How can I lose weight? By getting out of your wheel chair once in a while!

Winston Churchill Quote At End Of WWII

In 1945 after over 50 million killed in WWII Winston Churchill summed up this most costly war in the history of man. Quote; The malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous. Failure of the Democratic states to act together before the monster was fully grown was without excuse. In the beginning when it counted the most leadership failed. It is our obligation to remember so it never happens again. Unquote. Conclusion; In light of our war with Islam over past 10 years our current challenges in Syria and Iran building an atomic bomb we need to be reminded of this important conclusion Winston Churchill reached at the end of WWII. If western civilization is to survive we cannot ignore the growing monster! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com