Case Against Halloween!

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 Let us discuss these verses first. What is meant by passing your son or daughter through the fire? This is human sacrifice! This was the practice of the Canaanites sacrificing their children to their gods! Modern day sacrifice would be abortion! Divination is divining a sentence on someone! A charmer casts magical spells on people. A witch is basically the same thing casting spells on people. Another word for this is a whisperer. A wizard conjures up familiar spirits. Remember King Saul asking the witch of Ender about his future? She did not tell him he was going to be beheaded? King Manesseh also inquired to witches and fortune tellers! A necromancer is one who raises spirits from the dead! They do this to make predictions about the future or in their ghostly help to make something happen. Kind of like the rabbits foot? How lucky was the rabbit? This occult practice was also called Black Magic and comes from the ancient Greek word for corpse necro or prophecy mancy. Comment: It is interesting I lived in India for 3 years and I saw these practices done in the Hindu Temples! I have a blog post on my experience inside a Hindu Temple. The Hindu Priests collect money from people to cast spells on other people. Say a husband wants to get rid of his old wife for he has found a young girl. Then he hires the Priest to cast spells on his old wife that she might die! This is a big money business in India! Funny thing is the opposing party will come to the same Priest and pay him money to cast a spell on his adversary! The Priest will ask more money from the second party! The Hindu Priest’s told me these spells do not work on Christian believers! They do work on everyone else! You might say it is Halloween everyday in India! Do I want to spoil some kids fun collecting candy? No! Did I trick or treat when I was a kid? Yes! What I want you to understand is the origin of Halloween! In Leviticus 18:3 God warned the Jews not to participate in the ordinances or statutes, decree’s, feasts and customes of the gentiles! Today here in America the orthodox Jews do not participate in Halloween but the secular Jews do! Now to the origin of Halloween. The druids were the members of the ancient Celtic culture! The words druid and Celtic mean magic! Remember the Boston Celtics? In the ancient Celtic culture they had Priests, magicians, soothsayers and fortune tellers! They were a high ranking professional class of people from Ireland, Briton, Scotland and Wales. When Rome invaded these area’s around 60 B.C., Caesar said the Celtic groups were performing human sacrifices! Not that Caesar was the Gold Standard for morality but this is what the Roman soldiers observed. Have you ever heard of the wicker man? The Celtics built large wooden idol’s in the form of a man. On top of the wooden beams they nailed wooden slats to form the image. So the center was hollow! Halloween! Then they put the human sacrifices inside and set it on fire! The hollow of your pumpkin has a fire or candle inside of it! The druid religious culture had no written communications only oral. It was a secret society! What are the rules? Criteria for sacrifice? The Romans pretty much wiped out the druids but their occult spirit lives on in culture! The immigration of the Irish to America during late 1800’s and early 1900’s brought Halloween and some of these cultural traditions even though most were Christians. In the Medieval age the remnants of druids opposed Christianity! Trick or Treat! I will hurt you unless you treat me? God says I love you even though you hate me! Let us close with Ephesians 6:12 “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the Rulers of darkness in this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” When children come to our door I put a Gospel Tract into their bags along with the candy! This is one way to wrestle against powers and spirits of darkness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Religious Anti-Semitism!

The last characterization is provided by the product of this religious education, the Jew himself. His life is of these words, and his spirit as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founders of this new doctrine. Adolph Hitler Commentary: I had a previous post on this quote but due to the increased Anti-Semitism in America since that posting I do not want the church to repeat the same errors of the past! Hitler had a church theology but not a Biblical theology! This led to tragic errors! This is why to know your Bible and Christ personally will keep you out of following a movement that opposes God and his Christ or starting an Anti-Christ movement like Socialism! Our Bible is a Jewish Book! Jesus was a Jew as were his disciples! The Jewish religious rulers rejected the Jewish Messiah! I believe the Anti-Christ ruling the world during the 7 year Tribulation period from Jerusalem in the rebuilt Temple will be a Jew! The Jews will not let any gentile leader into their Temple! Only a Jew! This is why any doctrine based on racism is so deadly! Martin Luther founder of the Reformation movement thought the Jews would come to Christ but they rejected him and he was angry! In his anger he wrote some Anti-Semitic things that Hitler picked up on! We know from scripture many Jews will come to Christ during the Tribulation period! Islam in the Quran links Jews and Christians together and their responsibility to kill them! This is why the political left is embracing Islam in America today! They will use them to come after us! The new doctrine Hitler is quoted is really the old doctrine! The Old Testament prophesies of the coming Messiah! When and where he was to be born! The Old Testament prophesies of what is happening today and future! Never follow any movement unless you know their doctrine or ideology! Otherwise you can be deceived by a name such as Black Lives Matter when their ideology has nothing to do with African Americans! Go to their web site and look at their doctrines! It is a Marxist movement to overthrow our existing nation! The Old Testament is the womb that gave us our Messiah! My Bible says the Jews are the apple of his eye! Hitler used church theology not Biblical theology to massacre millions of Jews and tens of millions of gentiles! I never want you to follow my theology or any other theology but only what your Bible says and build your life on that! The Word of God! Biblical theology leads to life today and forever! So which Jew will you follow? The Christ or the Anti-Christ? James and Hamsa Sasse.

No More Excuses! Revelation 1:7

“Behold, he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so. Amen” Comment: The word “wail”, in the Greek is the strongest form of the outward expression of inner grief! It means to beat one’s own body! At Jesus second coming why would the world grieve at his coming? Just as those who rejected him at his first coming so will some at his second coming! Now the man made plans of men supported by Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Atheism, every other religious excuse will come to an end! The false religions will be exposed by the Truth! Every political system that opposes Christ such as Socialism, Fascists, Communism, Darwinism, Nazism and every other Anti-Christ ideology will come to an end! No more hiding behind religious and political systems to promote your sin! Halloween is over and the masks are removed! Sin can no longer be worshiped! Now every knee will bow and every tongue must confess Jesus Christ is Lord! They now stand naked before God! They are striped naked before God! No more coverings! No more hiding! Remember at this time the Church has been raptured! The Saints are following Christ back to earth from heaven at his second coming! For the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth! The only one’s left on earth are those that have rejected Christ! The party is over! Judgment has come! Judgment starts in the House of God yet Christ has taken our judgment upon himself at the Cross! Do you want to try to take your own judgment? Yet many try? You will never be good enough and you have become the fool! Time is short and this life is very short but eternity forever! Are you greater than God? Only a fool would wait and delay a decision for Christ! Choose Christ before you enter your eternity! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Socialism & Poverty!

Socialism has no moral justification whatsoever; poor people are not morally superior to rich people, nor are they owed anything because of their lack of success. Charity (Love) is not a socialist concept–it is a religious one, an acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty over property, a sovereignty the Left utterly rejects! Ben Shipiro    Comment: So when there is no recognition of sovereignty what happens? No borders! Sanctuary cities! A push for State ownership of all property! No private property rights! No God! The State becomes your God! No respect of any authority! Why? No sovereignty recognition of God or nation! God does not exist and Nationalism to country is rejected! People lose their incentive to work! No rewards! Everyone is paid the same State pay (Welfare), regardless of whether you work or not! Poverty takes over a nation! Drugs replace God for worship! My Bible says a fool has said in his heart there is no God! The battle lines drawn for this election in November are between Socialists (atheists) and Christians (creationists).  The battle is between evolutionists and creationists! Between those that honor God and those that reject God! How you vote is going to determine your future! If you think I will not bother to vote you are gambling your future and the future of America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Fast Forward Evolution!

Is discord going to show itself while we are still fighting, is the Jew once again worth less than another? Oh, it is sad, very sad, that once more, for the umpteenth time, the old truth is confirmed: “What one Christian does is his own responsibility, what one Jew does is thrown back at all the Jews.” Anne Frank Comment: What a wise little teenage girl! She was way beyond her years! It is such a paradox that Hitler was blaming the Jews for Germany’s problems yet he was following a Jew named Charles Darwin? Darwin was an atheist and Hitler was planning out his genocide not only on the Jews but every race except the German race! Hitler through his propaganda minister spread the fake news to the Christians of Germany that Jesus was not a Jew! Hitler blamed the Russian Revolution on the Jews and it is true that Marx, Engels, Lenin and other founders were atheistic Jews! Hitler believed he could fast forward or speed up evolution by millions of years by getting rid of the undesirables which included everyone but the Germans! Do you see how racial selective evolution will lead you? One false doctrine lead to 60 million dead across Europe during WWII. Darwin is also responsible for the deaths of over 57 million babies here in the United States! Abortion! Yet I cannot condemn all Jews because of a few atheistic Jews promoted a ideology that has lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people! My savior is a Jew! The Anti-Christ will be a Jew! So this bright little Jewish girl sorted things out! What a difference had Hitler followed a Jew by the name of Jesus Christ! He could have become the greatest Evangelist for good the world had ever seen! Who we follow determines our outcome! Everyone will follow someone! Our Bible teaches Creation and that all people are created in the Image of God! We are all created equal before God! This is confirmed in our United States Constitution! Our Constitution is a Biblical document! When a false teaching enters the minds of men bad things happen! When men believe their is no God then they take things into their own hands! If men believe in a false God they again take matters into their own hands for a desired outcome! What new doctrine or old sin will men pursue in the 21st Century? Islam, socialism, racism, fascism, communism, Nazism and the Anti-Christ that lives in all these ideologies! Or will Christ come into the hearts of men causing them to live in peace with God and man? We know right now 1/3 of the earth is Christian. There are three major religions in the world. Their were 3 Crosses at Calvary but only one counted for the redemption of man! Even though a minority the Jews have played a major part in the redemption of man! Think about this! If the religious Jews would have accepted Jesus in the 1st century then their would not have been a crucified Christ! No redemption for man! God provided a Jewish Savior and the religious Jews made the sacrifice! If you fast forward evolution you come up with death! If you fast forward Christ he is waiting for you in Heaven and has prepared a place for you! You live for him because he died for you! So the choice is yours! The Christ or the Anti-Christ? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Observations of God and Men!

I have done some studies about events and the leaders of the world prior to WWII. I have studied the ideologies of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Emperor Hirohito of Japan! What was the driving purpose for their ideologies was determined by their belief about God! Their supporting cast were their cultures! Much of Eastern and Western Europe at this time in history embraced Darwinism or Evolution! Charles Darwin was an atheistic Jew who believed that since there is no God things must have happened this way! That is we must have evolved from very primitive life forms! Japan was very different in their culture where they worshipped the Emperor as God! The west and the east were are on very different ends of the spectrum in their belief about God but with the same devastating results! What about Islam? What does believing in a false god lead to whether religious or not? If you are an atheist you make yourself God! If you make man god then you make yourself equal with God! Jesus was man but he was also God! I have noticed in history and in my own life that if you worship a false god you will sacrifice others for your own perceived gains! If you worship the real God you will sacrifice yourself to help others! Whether you wear a religious cloak or not this is the bottom line! The sacrificing could be your laying down your life for others as the disciples did or living one day at a time sacrificing for your family and the community! Sacrificing for friends and sacrificing for strangers! It could be coaching a youth basketball team! Serving in your church! The day I discovered God’s only Son Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for me for my sin I wanted to sacrifice my life in service to others! There is a righteous sacrifice and an unrighteous sacrifice! The righteous sacrifice will always benefit others the unrighteous sacrifice will always destroy others! Serving the living God will benefit all. We face the false god of Darwinism in American culture today! Sacrificing children through abortion to cover sin with 57 million victims so far! Death cannot be our motto! Gay marriage cannot produce children ending in the death of our culture! Gay’s, lesbians and transgenders have about a 40 percent higher suicide rate than the rest of the culture! The only ones holding America together today are the Christians and Orthodox Jews who vote Republican for traditional values that have always made America great! The Bible and the Holy scriptures promote life and not death! When we choose life and Christ we say no to death! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Train Up! Proverbs 22:6

Hebrew Translation: “Train up; that is initiate, consecrate, dedicate and teach in community, a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Comment: The key here is to teach the child in the totality of the community! So what is the trinity of the community? It is first parents, church and school! The school part is where the rub can come in! If your children attend a public tax funded school here in America the children or young adults will be conflicted! That is they will be taught things there that will contradict what you teach them at home and in the Church! Creation versus evolution is one important example! The children will be taught that homosexual, lesbian and transgender gender is to be celebrated! Loyalty to America will be discouraged! Prayer will not be allowed! No Bibles in school! If your children attend a religious supported school whether Jewish, Catholic or Protestant their chances of confliction are greatly reduced! They will also be exposed to real academic training rather than social engineering! The Democratic Party gets their supporters and voters through the Public education system! Home schooling is an option! One third of all Harvard freshman are home schooled adults! I want to have my children miss out on school shootings, drugs and the violence in public schools! Twenty percent of all public high school graduates cannot read! Raising children is a real challenge but what complicates it is your children being taught atheistic ideologies from Darwin, Engels, Marks and others that oppose your Biblical view of life! Jesus said what profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your only soul! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Keeping or Polluting the Sabbath? Isaiah 56:2

Comment: What is my attitude about keeping the Sabbath the 4th Commandment of God? If I were to keep the Sabbath I would guard it like a gardener building a hedge around his garden! I would guard it as a shepherd would protect his flock from the wolves! Why is the Sabbath important to God? It is the seventh day of the week! Remember after God finished creating the world for six days he rested from his labor on the seventh day! It was the climax of his creation! On the Sabbath you cease from your work and reflect on the wonderful things God has worked out for you! You rest in his supply! You relax trusting God rather than your own works! So how would I pollute the Sabbath? You would just make it another common work day! It would be violence against God’s established law! I would defile, pollute and desecrate a Holy God! I would ignore him and his Blessings and trust in my own works! Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath! Remember the Jewish religious leaders got on Jesus for healing on the Sabbath! Jesus was raised from the dead on the Sabbath! That is why we worship on Sunday! He rested from his work on the Cross! If God needs rest who are we? Are we greater than God? Remember Lucifer thought he was greater than God! What happened to humanity? Death, destruction, war, disease, sickness and famines! Do you want to worship death or life? Self-worship is worshiping death! Worship life by honoring God and his Sabbath and creator of life who has also promised to raise you from the dead both now and forever! Keep the Sabbath because God is Holy! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Make America Great Again!

“The Supreme Court has insulted you over and over again! Lord, they have taken your Bible away from the schools! They have forbidden little children to pray! They have taken the knowledge of God away as best they can and organizations have come into court to remove the knowledge of God out of the public square of America!” Pat Robertson Comment: As we the people install new judges to the High Court our hope and prayers is that the court will reverse many wrong decisions that have resulted in the suppression of religious liberty! Hopefully abortion will be overturned and you our Christ be reinstalled back into American culture where we can once again return to our greatness! James and Hamsa Sasse.