Earthquakes and Air! Matthew 8:24

“And behold there arose a great tempest in the sea, inasmuch that the ship was covered with the waves; but He was asleep.” The Greek word “seismos”, used for tempest can either mean an earthquake or a gale of wind. Are these events related? Could this have been a tsunami? Regardless Jesus used the air or His breath to command the storm to cease! Let us go back to some other voices from the past! From the lifetime of Greek Philosopher Anaxagoras in the 5th Century B.C. to the 14th Century A.D. believed that earthquakes were attributed to air(vapors) in the cavities of the earth! The Greek Philosopher Democritus (460-371 B.C,) blamed water in the ground for earthquakes! He did not know anything about fracking! Also remember the earth in history was completely flooded in water for months! Noah’s flood! What would that do to the earth’s crust soaking and submerged for months? Perhaps this is why the Greek word became associated with earthquakes, air and water? We know earthquakes can cause floods, fires, volcanos and elevate the earth’s temperature! Jesus predicted an increase of earthquakes before His second coming! Could this increase cause global warming? An earthquake of 8.6 in magnitude releases the same amount of energy as ten thousand atomic bombs the size used in WWII. Remember the earthquake when Jesus died on the Cross? The graves were opened and many other things happened! When Jesus stopped breathing (air) the quake occurred! Let us look at Revelation 16:17-18. Chapter 16 covers the seven vial judgments released upon the earth! Notice the seventh angel poured out his vial out into the air! Then God spoke it is done or finished and then the largest earthquake ever recorded in history took place! Jesus said in Luke 21:11, “there shall be earthquakes in diverse places and great signs from Heaven.” Remember Paul and Silas in prison? Acts 16:25-26. Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God! Your praises and prayers involve breath or air! Suddenly an earthquake came and freed them from prison! God can use a supernatural event to save you or destroy you! Without breath we die! God breathed into man the breath of life! Creation involved air as God spoke it into existence! When a baby is born it is slapped on the bottom to get it to breath! When opposing winds collide they form cyclones or a tornado! Opposing words between nations can cause a war! Words are important because they can either pollute the air or fragrance it! Remember when the Holy Spirit came as Jesus had promised? The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples as a mighty rushing wind! We can repeat Jesus words with our breath or we can speak our own words in destruction! Use the breath God gave you to praise Him! Your life and others will be changed! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Winston Churchill on Islam

Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Islam is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science which had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as the civilization of ancient Rome. Winston Churchill 1899 Comment; President Obama is giving the Muslims the science needed as with the Atomic bomb, delivery systems and the lifting of arms embargo and hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran to defeat the west! His legacy is not going to be pretty for America and the free world! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Suggested Name Change For Washington Redskins!

I hereby suggest the new name should be the Washington Pigskins! My only concern is Obama may still sue the team representing the Geico Pig! Obama is pushing Global Warming again? With the Middle East on fire and our southern border being invaded are there not more important issues? The political issue of Global warming can be simply defeated by looking at science! All the planets are heating up not just the earth! Our sun has an 11 year solar flare cycle where solar activity is at it’s highest. The earth also has cooling cycles! God has this figured out and we do not need another tax on us from Obama for another scheme! If our President would stop Iran from building their atomic bomb then our planet would not heat up so much! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

War Against Israel Equals Atomic War! Zechariah 14:12

Zechariah says,”Their flesh shall consume away while they stand on their feet and their eyes shall consume away in their holes and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth!” This prophecy was written 2500 years ago! If you go to the Book of Revelation and do a word study the word plague used there translates from the Greek as, “melt away.” We have seen the effects of Atomic war on Japan during World War II. Remember Japan joined Hitler with Italy known as the Axis Power. Hitler’s priority was to exterminate the Jews from the face of the earth! The Muslims joined him then as they do today to exterminate the Jews! Hitler almost succeeded were it not for a Jew. How far was Germany from an atomic weapon at the end of World war II? Evidence says exactly one year! At the end of the war the allies discovered a four engine jet bomber in a secluded hangar in Germany. The two engine proto type had already been test flown. It had a delta wing design with payload ability to reach New York City! It also had twice the speed of any existing allied aircraft. Albert Einstein, a Jew was a professor at Berlin Academy of Sciences in 1933. He was visiting America then when Hitler came to power. He did not return to Germany. In 1940 Einstein wrote four letters to President Roosevelt. He warned Roosevelt that Germany was developing a super bomb that could wipe out an entire city! You can read these letters on-line which are very interesting and detail Germany’s research at that time. In one of these letters he warned Roosevelt that Germany was blocking all Uranium sales from German occupied Czechoslovakian mines! These letters prompted Roosevelt to start the Manhattan Project! Israel has had conventional wars since becoming a nation in 1948. Now the balance of power is shifting in the middle east! President Obama has given Iran the green light for Iran to complete it’s atomic weapon development! Israel has about 80 atomic tipped missiles. Most are set to guard Israel’s back side which is Russia. With the entire middle east in chaos and Russia and Iran filling the vacuum left by American foreign policy failures the stage is being set for Zechariah 14:12. The Good News is there came another Jew Jesus Christ who has made a way of escape for you! No government can save you! Your Pastor cannot save you! Only Christ! Save you from the plagues coming upon the earth! Remember the Anti-Christ will also be Jewish! Which Jew are you going to follow? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Winston Churchill Quote At End Of WWII

In 1945 after over 50 million killed in WWII Winston Churchill summed up this most costly war in the history of man. Quote; The malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous. Failure of the Democratic states to act together before the monster was fully grown was without excuse. In the beginning when it counted the most leadership failed. It is our obligation to remember so it never happens again. Unquote. Conclusion; In light of our war with Islam over past 10 years our current challenges in Syria and Iran building an atomic bomb we need to be reminded of this important conclusion Winston Churchill reached at the end of WWII. If western civilization is to survive we cannot ignore the growing monster! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.