Overcome the World!

1 John 4:4 “Ye are of God, little children, and overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.” Commentary: So what are we to overcome? The world! Sin in me and you! Overcome means to succeed, defeat, overpower and conquer! Has sin conquered you? Conquer in his name! The Apostle Paul says we are more than conquerors in Romans 8:37. What needed to be conquered in the 1st Century is the same foe in the 21st Century! God does not change and neither does Satan! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! My Bible is just as powerful today as the day it was written! The technology I studied 30 years ago is in the museum today! God’s word never changes! The 16th Century Bible of Martin Luther is the same Bible we have today! New discoveries in science make old science obsolete! However the same sciences have always been around since God created the world but we have just discovered some of them! When you make a discovery in your Bible through reading and studying that discovery will power you to seek more truth! Time and history will not change your Bible it will only reinforce it! The ‘he’ that is in you is Christ! The ‘he’ that is in the world is Satan! Man made ideologies that oppose the word of God! What are some? Cancel culture, political correctness, socialism, Marxism, Communism, abortion, drugs, homosexuality, transgenderism, lesbianism, witchcraft, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, religion, Darwinism, atheism, Nazism, Fascism, BLM, ANTIFA, open borders, sanctuary cities, globalism, global warming, plagues and the list goes on! The Christ that lives in you is greater than these evils! Be a victor rather than a victim! Christ has defeated your every foe! Conquer in his name! Words that oppose Christ are foes of Christ! Happy Holidays! Sorry! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Milk Toast Christian? Revelation 2:7

Comment: Are you lukewarm? Neither hot or cold? The word overcometh used all over both the Old and New Testament is not really understood as used in the English language! I might think about getting an “A” grade on a test as an overcomer! I could also think of getting a poor grade and not failing as an overcomer! Jesus said throughout the Book of Revelation and other New Testament scripture said that he that overcometh I will give…….. A promise of a reward! So what does overcome mean in the original Greek and Hebrew? The Greek word is “Niko”, which means to subdue and conquer! Victory like those wearing the Nikki athletic sports equipment! The Hebrew word appears first in Genesis 49:19, and it means to collect a troop of warriors for an attack! It is a military term or offensive maneuver! So who are we conquering? We must have an enemy? Wait a minute? Jesus said to forgive your enemies! By doing this you conquer Satan who inspired your enemies to attack you! We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers of darkness! When we get to Heaven will we be sitting on a cloud reading our Bibles? At Jesus second coming he will be returning to earth leading an army to conquer and subdue the earth! You will be in his army! We are to conquer also while still on earth! Conquer Satan! With the Word of God! Conquer in His name! After you leave the earth will Satan be better off because of you and get a promotion or will you have vanquished him? To overcome means you are on the offensive! There is no victory if you are on defense! Holding the fort? Jesus said go out into all the world to preach the Gospel! Is your voice muted in our culture? Are you a politically correct pawn used by Satan for his gain? Wait! I have a 501c tax exemption! I could lose money if I speak out! I cannot speak out against homosexuals, lesbians and transgenders! I know my Bible says it is evil but I have to sell my books and be popular! I need the money! My books sell if I promote the idea of wealth, fame, fortune, prosperity and success in this world! If my best life now is all there is why would I ever want to go to Heaven? My pyramid scheme of selling these books is great because those suckers give me all their money! I end up rich they end up poor! I win! There are no substitutes for reading your Bible! I am not saying there are not good books about the Bible but what I am saying is the Word of God came to you through His Blood! And the blood of martyrs! None of these authors of these books are going to give their lives for you! Most just want your money! If God gives me some revelation I can post it on a blog where it is free to you for benefit! I freely received from God why should I charge you? The most valuable possession we have has already been paid for! Eternal life by the Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Christmas Party is Growing!

Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the world! Islam is second. It’s spreading in Asia, Africa and South America. So the world is in a kind of religious revival, and the atheists are totally flummoxed. They thought they were winning, and now they see the are not. Dinesh D’Souza.  Comment: The world is a stage for the battle between good and evil. God has only one tactic to overcome evil. Love! Love not the evil but overcome evil with good! Remember we were all on the wrong side of eternity at one time! It is righteous to punish evil! Christ took our judgment upon Himself! If you really love the Truth then point people to Christ! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Hear It and Practice It ! Matthew 7:24-27

Here Jesus gives the final benediction. Jesus demands and compels us to take the narrow gate, produce the right fruit and make the right choice! He required of us that we build on the right foundation. We are to examine ourselves and practice Holiness. Jesus repeats these requirements a second time because they are so important. Jesus was talking to believers not non-believers. The rain, wind and storms will come to us all. Good and bad days are ahead. The wise build on the rock and the foolish on the sand. If we build on the right foundation we will thrive through the storm. We have great days ahead! We can feel His Blessings! The disciples were passionate. They did great things! There were glorious days and there was also trouble. Eleven of His disciples were martyred! One was imprisoned on a remote island in a cave. John 16:33 — Peace and Tribulation? Jesus has come to give us peace. The world gives us trouble. Jesus has overcome the world! Stay strong and keep the Faith. Nothing shall shake you! The place of stability in Christ leaves no terror. The unstable world leaves us with fear. Love and fear are opposites. How do we practice words? We practice them by doing them. Action! Breath in His Holy Spirit. Get saturated with the Gospel! Breath out and go do His Word. Are you receiving but not giving? Gandhi said,” I like your Christ but not His followers! ” Christ’s followers cannot save Gandhi but Christ could! James 1:27– Pure religion is to take care of widows and orphans. Also keep your heart pure. Find some widows and orphans! Get busy. Do! Act! Along life’s path do His Word. Do you have a vision? That vision will deceive you if you are not doing His Word! A medical doctor is useless unless he is practicing his knowledge! Luke 8:15– There are four types of soil. The seed is the word. Good soil is a pure heart. Hear His word and do something about it. Hear it, retain it, talk about it and do it. Cares of the world will choke the word. Know the will of God and cooperate and do it. Good work does not earn our salvation. But the good works help to mature us. Put your hands and feet to His Word. The Bible is a living, breathing document. The Holy Spirit puts boots on the ground through you! Live out your revelation. Matthew 7:28– Jesus taught as one having authority. It is not about Plan A or Plan B. Make disciples teaching them to obey me! Christ will be with you always even to the end of the ages. Have a secure place and build on the right foundation. What are you building your life on? What and who is shaping and forming your life right now today? Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given Sunday, September 15, 2013. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What is the church?

A very controversial question with many,many answers—— You know the text in Matthew 16 when Peter made his confession and Christ promised, I will build my church—– I decided that the church was whatever Christ meant when he used the word “church” and the church is what Christ is doing in history.Whatever Christ meant when he said “church”, whatever he is building in the world, that is my definition of the church. Begging the question? I think not. According to his own testimony, Jesus entered history to do the Father’s will— an agreement they had arranged before the foundation of the world. He said, “I will build my church!” I believe it! The church is the body of Christ!The church is the bride of Christ. It is what he is building in the world. He said something else—fundamental to understanding the church as He meant it: ‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” In obedience to the Father’s will He is building something in history that is indestructible—the church! It is inconceivable that Jesus would refuse to do the Father’s will—and it is inconceivable that He could fail in what he is building! What humans build is temporal—vulnerable—perishable. That which Christ is building—whatever it is—is permanent and eternal. The Church is what Christ is building in the world. My desire is to be part of that. Matthew16:17-18 “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Source; Wisdom of the Church by Richard C. Halverson Published 1995.