Socialism & Darwinism!

Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. Vladimir Lenin  Comment: What is scientific socialism? What was Lenin referring to? The fake science he was referring to is Darwinism! All the different words they throw in front of socialism to sugar coat it! Remember the Nationalist Socialist Party? Adolf Hitler was the leader of the party! In America they call it the Democratic Socialist Party! None of these words placed in front of socialism can make it legitimate! No nation has succeeded in implementing it! China has it! Russia has it! Cuba has it! Venezuela used to have it but has collapsed! Remember the Soviet Socialist Republic that collapsed in the 1990’s after 70 years of failure? So what keeps socialism being tried and tried again! The first prerequisite is atheism! Darwin and teaching of evolution in our public schools prepares the way for the sale of this failed product by the Democratic Party! Public education produces Democrats because they brain wash the children that there is no God and teach them the socialist ideologies of Darwin, Lenin, Marx, Engels and many more founders of socialism! James and Hamsa Sasse.

How to Destroy Christianity?

To destroy Christianity, we must first destroy the British Empire. Karl Marx   Comment: Karl Marx is one of the founders of socialism and communism! He was a Jewish atheist and produced an ideology opposed to Christianity and capitalist democratic governments! China, Russia and North Korean and Cuba would be examples of Marxist states! Why was the British Empire such a threat to him and his political ideology? At one time in history England was the hub of Christianity! Their mission field as Christ commanded was the entire world! The sun never set on Britain! Britain ruled the waves! The greatest evangelists in the world came out of Britain! Richard Baxter and the Puritans! John Newton who helped abolish the slave trade! John and Charles Wesley and the Methodist movement! George Whitefield! Charles Spurgeon and Johnathan Edwards! The founding of America began with the Puritans landing at Plymouth Rock in `1602! I was a missionary in India for 3 years where Britain ruled over 200 years! So I would talk to the local people about the British rule of India. The local people told me they were thankful for them putting in the rail systems and for the electric grid in India. However what they were most thankful for was bringing the Gospel to India! These Gospel workers turned us from darkness to light one told me! When we look at England today in the 21st Century what has happened? The mayor of London is a Muslim! The old English churches are either warehouses or Mosques! England joined the EU with no borders! The illegals flooded into England! The Muslim invading armies no longer carry weapons of war but refugee status! Obama let over 6 hundred thousands Muslims into America as President! Obama is a smart Muslim! When he pulled us out of Iraq he knew millions of Muslim immigrants from the ensuing war would flood into Europe! Why is the political left in love with Islam? Because they are the military wing of the Democratic party! Marx could not be happier! If Christianity is defeated then socialism and communism will replace it! America’s biggest enemies are socialist states! Jesus was a colonialist! He said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! When Britain did this they were the greatest empire on earth! No longer! As long as America does this they will continue to be the greatest empire on earth! This battle that wages internally in America and externally is for the heart and soul of America! Make America great again will only come when we put Christ first and make him our only goal! James and Hamsa Sasse.

After Socialism What?

The goal of socialism is communism! Vladimir Lenin Comment: Socialism has failed in every nation that has tried it! Venezuela and her people are the latest victims! The people are crossing borders and fleeing to other countries! A mass exodus! I like this Winston Churchill quote: ” The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings, the inherent virtues of socialism is the equal sharing of misery!” Yet the ignorant left with Bernie Sanders and his followers on the left are promoting a failed system with a history of more losses than the lottery players across America put together! Bernie and his new bride 50 years ago went to Moscow for their honeymoon! Why did they not stay there? If you love socialism move to Cuba! Move to the Soviet Union! Move to Greece! Move to the EU! Spend about 5 years there and let me know how it turns out? James and Hamsa Sasse.


Now Hillary is blaming white women who listen to their white husbands and voted for Trump? How many excuses can she manufacture to explain her loss? First it was Putin and now American women particularly white women! What color are you Hillary? If tribalism is alive and well in America then Obama would never have been elected and you should have! There is something deeper here and more profound! Hillary you lost because the socialistic agenda of Obama was rejected and you attached yourself to him by association of ideology and you lost! Had you moved toward the center right you could have won! Now the Democrats running for election in states this November are saying all these companies giving millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises to the American worker are under a big conspiracy by Trump? They are saying you should give your money to the government rather than keep it yourself! The Democratic party is all about equal outcome! That is give us your money and your power and we will push socialism with equal outcome for everyone! Regardless of your work ethic or ability you will end up with the same outcome as the bum down on skid row! Give up your choices and we will choose for you! HealthCare! Public schools! Welfare! The Republican party is just the opposite! The party of equal opportunity not equal outcomes! Less government! More choices! More jobs! More income! Fewer taxes! Fewer regulations! Socialism is only popular because no one has lived in a real socialist country such as the Soviet Union, Cuba or Venezuela! Remember Burnie Sanders took his wife on their honeymoon to Russia about 50 years ago! I could never fall in love with failure! The left has run out of excuses for their failures to the American people! If we can replace the Democrats with Republicans we can increase the prosperity of Americans among all classes of people! Let us not turn back the clock to the failed socialism nations of the present and past! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why Kick President McKinley off the Mountain?

Have you ever heard of a standing United States President removing a memorial to a previous serving U.S. President? Obama evidently hates competition! Who is next? Mount Rushmore? Four President’s with name changes? Like Larry, Curley, Moe and President Obama! How hard he works at removing American history! Why? What has Obama got against President William McKinley? Is it the Cuba connection? McKinley was President during the Spanish American war. Remember the Maine! Spain was fighting a civil war on the island of Cuba. The Spanish military was fighting a civil war with Cuban residents in a rebellion against Spanish rule. American citizens were also living on the island and their safety was threatened! President McKinley ordered the U.S. Maine, a battleship down to Cuba to rescue Americans in danger! The ship peacefully entered Havana harbor and moored there to take home American citizens who felt threatened. The U.S. Maine exploded in the middle of the night with over 300 casualties and many wounded! Whether the ship was mined or blew up internally is still speculation after several investigations! McKinley got extreme pressure from the American public and legislators to go to war with Spain! McKinley was a Civil War Officer who knew the carnage of war! Finally under great pressure declared war on Spain! The war lasted just over 90 days with about 300 casualties. The important point here is America went to war to free the citizens of Cuba from the atrocities of the Spanish! Yes by Spain default America got Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam and Guantanimo  Bay! Cuba lost its independence in the 1960’s under Communist Dictator Fidel Castro and continues today under his brother! President McKinley was assassinated in 1901 while serving in office! President Obama wants to give away Guantanimo Bay? He wants to normalize relations with Dictator’s in Iran, Cuba and other rogue nations? How does that work? If you were an America citizen would Obama rescue you? Forget it! Ask the four American citizens rotting in an Iranian prison! Ask the four Americans murdered in Bengazi! He will exchange a Army deserter for releasing 5 deadly terrorist from Guantanimo Bay? President Obama you may try to erase American history but America will survive you because the Spirit of America lives within the hearts of her people! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Last of America and The One World Government!

Biblical prophetic events are closing in fast! It is difficult for me to understand why Obama got re-elected? He has a record of 4 years of economic failure! Another 4 years with him will lead to a welfare state as poverty will grow across America. With welfare failures such as Cuba, Greece, former Soviet Union and others why would we follow their path? An economic collapse of America and a shaky Europe that would also fall will bring in a new world order or a One World Government! From our Bible we know this new world order will be lead by the Anti-Christ! Great destruction will come through his leadership! We also know the rapture of Christ’s Church will preclude this one world system. With the isolation of Israel by Obama Israel must stand alone as Bible prophecy predicts and God alone comes to her rescue through signs and wonders! These are trying times yet exciting times to live in for the Christian today! If I had a choice about what era of history I could live in I would choose today! We look forward to Christ as He rescues His people from the impending destructions that are here and coming over all the earth to those who have rejected Him! Look up for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless! James Sasse.