No Deposit! No Return! Acts 1:11

“Which also said, ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Comment: Do you remember that old Walt Disney movie ‘No Deposit No Return’ produced back in 1976? Two rich kids found out their mother was not coming home for Christmas so she purchased them airline tickets to go stay with their grandfather. She was in Hong Kong working an executive business job and could not get off work! So the kids went to the airport trying to figure out how to get money to buy tickets to Hong Kong? At the airport they met two thieves who took them home to their hideout! When the kids explained to the crooks their problem they told them to demand a ransom to get the money! So the movie, ‘No Deposit No Return’ got its name! God made a deposit into the earth his creation to redeem us from our sin! He  invested his only Son Jesus Christ to accomplish this! The deposit of his birth, death and resurrection purchased our freedom from eternal separation from God! Jesus will return one day soon to redeem his deposits he has put into us! The only way people can lose his deposits is to reject his deposits he has made for you! Then no redemption for those that do this! God has purchased your tickets to heaven! God is merciful but if you reject his mercy what is left for you? Then your own sin will condemn you rather than letting God take your sin upon himself! Christ will return for his own so why not be one of his own today!  Only God is trustworthy no one else including yourself is! Do not trust in yourself with your eternity! Satan trusted in himself and created a hell for those that follow his ways! One road leads to heaven and one road leads to hell! Which road are you on? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Negative Exposure! Luke 2:34-35

Greek Translation: “And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, behold, this child is laid for a foundation for the fall and the resurrection of the body from the grave of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (yea, a sword shall pierce through your own soul also): that the thoughts and reasoning of many hearts shall be revealed what was hidden.” Comment: Simeon prepared Mary for many things to come! Even the miracles Jesus would do would be spoken against? Even today many speak against our Christ? The sword would pierce Mary’s own soul as she watched the Crucifixion! Jesus would expose the thoughts of many hearts! Jesus came to expose our sin! Then to save us from our sin! Christmas is all about the Salvation of humanity! Something we could never do on our own! Christmas is a solid case against our guilt and then an unearned acquittal of our guilt! However some like King Herod, Judas and many today thought that by their own efforts they can hide their sin from God! So foolish as to get rid of the only one who could save them! Sin is a strong addiction! It brings out the worst in us! It compliments evil! Confession is difficult because people are in love with themselves but not God! It is all about making yourself God! You decide who lives or dies rather than dying to self and let God live in you! All false religion is about making yourself God! God became a human to make us fit for Heaven! Without Christ no amount of human effort will ever make us fit for Heaven! It will only prepares us for Hell. No one can forgive you except God himself! Just like a negative film it takes light to expose the true image! We were made in the Image of God but only His light can expose and correct the imperfections in our image! Let God see you through the blood of His Son! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.


As with Christianity, the worst advertisement for socialism is its adherents! George Orwell, (Pen Name), Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), English Novelist, Born in Motihart, Bihar, British India.  Comment: Mr. Blair is no longer with us but I would remind him and others that the difference between the world and the Christian is that we who are in Christ are forgiven sinners and those outside of Christ are unforgiven sinners! This condition is what separates all people between Heaven and Hell.  James and Hamsa Sasse,

Holy Smoke! 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9

“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power,” Comment: I do not know about you but I would not want to be wood for the fire! Jesus was placed on a wooden Cross and took the fire of hell to save you from the flames! Think about this! God took your hell and gave you heaven! He took your judgment upon himself! He took your sin and gave you forgiveness! What a deal! What fool would turn this down? Sadly most of the world will recognize their error at Christ’s second coming! They will wail and beat their bodies when they witness his second coming! Christ’s body was beaten for you! To reject this is serious! No one will miss Jesus second coming but many have missed his first coming! No one will be able to hide behind their sin anymore! Jesus second coming is not only to rule and reign over the earth for a thousand years but to judge those who have rejected him while living on earth! Christ’s judgment will be socialism on steroids! All those that rejected him will get equal treatment with the same outcome! Hell! Why? Because they rejected the only God who took their judgment upon himself for their sin! The church is not on the earth at this time they are in heaven! Those following Christ at his second coming are the believers following him back to earth! No army can stand against him! Jesus came as a lamb for the sacrifice but his second coming he comes as a lion! You will not be able to vote him out of office! You will not be able to vote another sinner into office to cover your sin! He is King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s! You will stand at the judgment seat of Christ naked with no covering to hide behind! No ideology that opposes him will stand the test of fire! Fire forever! If you have rejected Christ now is the time for you to stop playing the fool! Eternity is forever and this life is very short! If I were playing the lottery game I would buy the forever ticket that keeps me out of hell! If I were wrong about this it would not hurt me one bit! In fact it would help me live a clean life! But if you are wrong and Christ is true and all that he has written you will not be able to purchase enough fire extinguishers to put out the flames of hell! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Democrat Caravan!

Heaven has borders! Heaven has gates! God does not just let anybody in! You have to legally apply for entrance! Your sin has to be forgiven! You have to legally by law accept the conditions for pardon of your sin! You cannot climb up another way! What the Democrats are pushing for is the one world government! The world order Jesus predicted would come before Christ’s second coming! It would be lead by the Anti-Christ a ruthless dictator that brings death and destruction beyond anything history has shown us yet! The one world government will be a Socialist State! You will not even be able to buy food unless you take their mark! The Democrats Socialism is a war against Nationalism! It is a war against our National Flag and our military! It is a war against Christianity because Christ has a Kingdom with borders! The righteous separated from the wicked! There are no borders in Hell! No rules! Anything goes! Loyalty is rejected! Marriage is rejected! Crime is welcomed! Evil is adorned! The one world government will come sooner or later! The question to you is you play a part in its promotion or delay! If you want to give up your freedom our Constitution affords us and move to a deep State where every decision you used to make for yourself is made by the State for you! I will not tell you how to vote but there will be consequences to you and your family to vote for those in government power who are moving America to a Socialist State! James and Hamsa Sasse.

First & Last! Isaiah 44:6

Hebrew Translation: “Thus says the King with Divine authority giving statutory laws to frame moral character. This is the King of Israel. I am the Redeemer a deliverer paying a ransom for your sin. I am the Lord of hosts directing my army of troops in Heaven who are in military service to me. I am first in place, time and rank. I am last concluding everything. Beside me there is no God.” Comment: Remember the words of Jesus in Revelation 22:13? I am the Alpha and the Omega! The first and the last! Why is he first? He is the cause of creation! Jesus was before all things! Very opposite to Darwin and evolution where he believed there was no God so with him everything began with man! When Jesus said he is the end it does not mean his extinction! Jesus meant his goal is reached redeeming men from death, Hell and the grave! Jesus is last for the conclusion of everything! He concludes with grace and judgment! You cannot have one without the other! You either let Jesus take your judgment on the Cross or you take your own judgment condemned to Hell.  Remember Matthew 20:16? Jesus said the last shall be first and the first shall be last! Lazarus the beggar was last in this world and the rich man was first! Then after the judgment Lazarus was first and the rich man was last! Jesus being first in time, order and rank will pass out rewards and punishments! If you have ever been in the military service you know the highest ranking military officer determines the rank of the rest of the unit! He will promote who he will. He will demote who he will. One day every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is Lord! You will do this from either Heaven or Hell. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Burning Bush! Exodus 3:2

This is not a California wildfire! The bush the Angel appeared out of was burning yet not consumed? Some theologians believe this Angel was Christ! We have some other examples of this in our Bible! Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? The angry King threw them into the fiery furnace! They were in the fire but not consumed along with the 4th man believed to be Christ! It was the same Angel in the burning bush! Did you know the souls in Hell are not consumed by the fire! However they feel the flames forever! Remember the rich man and Lazarus? The rich man begged Lazarus who was a beggar while on earth to bring some drops  of water to cool his tongue!  To warn his family still living on earth of his plight! Interestingly when God is in the fire with you there is no burning on your body! I am not a cremation fan because fire represents judgment! In the Old Testament the sacrifices were no good unless the animal was completely consumed! God never allowed human sacrifices because man a sinner could never atone for his own sin! Only God sacrificing himself for us would be enough! Remember Jesus after he was crucified descended to the heart of the earth and preached to the captives! The fire did not touch them! One day soon at the judgment seat of Christ both the living and the dead will stand before Christ! Those who rejected Christ are taken into the Lake of Fire! Where the worm dieth not and the fire is never quenched! Would it not be better to be with Christ in the fire and protected than apart from him and burned forever? Only a fool would reject Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Frog in the Pan! Hebrews 11:6

“But I was very unwilling to give up my belief: I feel sure of this, for I can well remember often and often inventing day dreams of old letters between distinguished Romans, and manuscripts being discovered at Pompeii or elsewhere, which confirmed in the most striking manner all that was written in the Gospels. But I found it more and more difficult, with free scope given to my imagination, to invent evidence which would suffice to convince me. This disbelief crept over me at a very slow rate, but was at last complete. The rate was so slow that I felt no distress, I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true: for if so the plain language of the text seems so slow that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished.” Charles Robert Darwin  Comment: Charles Darwin invented evidence that is false science and debunked by the Laws of God and his Creation! Charles invented evidence to support his unbelief! The Theory of Evolution! My Bible says without Faith it is impossible to please God! That is we do not as mortal men know everything! If we take one morsel of science and hang a theory on it then we are subject to error!  The science that exists is predictable but what we do not know in natural science cannot be used as a basis for any theory! His theory is not supported by science and the observations recorded in history! The greatest scientist is God! He created us and understands everything about us! That is man has the propensity to sin! Even creating theories that oppose him! There is only one road to Heaven and many roads to Hell. Darwinism is taught to your children in public schools today and for past 70 years or more! Jesus Christ the only Son of God who died on a Cross 2000 years ago for our sin is the only way to the Father and to eternal life! Men come and go in history but history was written by Almighty God to determine who will have Faith in the earth! You can gamble on a theory but not me! I will trust God and his Word written in the scriptures and will trust nothing or no one else for my eternity! James and Hamsa Sasse.

I Am That I Am! Exodus 3:14

The Hebrew word for this English phrase is “Hayah”. Strongs # 1961. This Hebrew word is also related to another Hebrew word “Havah”. Strongs #1933. What is interesting is that these words are not nouns but verbs! So they represent an action or initiation of something! The first word describes God as “to exist.” He always was and always will be! He does not fade off into history like men! The second Hebrew word used means to “breathe.” Do not confuse this word with the two Hebrew words used in Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 6:17. In Genesis 2:7, Strongs #5387, the word breath means a Divine inspiration with intellect. The word breath used in Genesis 6:17, Strongs 7307, means a violent exhaustion of air and spirit. Like giving up the ghost! At Creation God the I Am That I Am, initiated his breath into man with Divine inspiration and intellect! At Noah’s flood in Genesis 2:7, the word breath means a violent exhaustion of air and spirit by death! At birth we receive God’s breath! At death we exhaust God’s breath! At Creation our life is established by his breath! We are established with his breath! We did not evolve! So our breath is not our own! So you have to be careful what you say! Some people have bad breath! Do we praise God or curse him with bad breath? Do we exalt God or ourselves? Every good or evil action is initiated with the breath of our words! Again our breath is not our own! Who is the owner of your breath? When Jesus raises us from the dead again one day we will have breath again! Both believers and unbelievers! Remember the story Jesus told of Lazarus and the rich man? It is found in Luke 16:19-31. Lazarus the beggar was taken to Heaven and the rich man to Hell. There was a great gulf between the two abodes! The rich man begged Abraham to warn his brothers still on earth to the Hell that awaits them unless they repent! Abraham told the rich man in Hell that his brothers had Moses and the Prophets! Abraham told the rich man that if they will not believe them then they will not believe one though raised from the dead! So God was really telling Moses to tell Pharaoh that I am the breath that all men have! I am the God that breathes breath into men! I am the Creator of all living things! Pharaoh you have not evolved by your own works! Pharaoh since you are using my breath that I gave you do not abuse me in unbelief towards me! Jesus said we must be born again! I second breath or wind! Before being born again I cursed God with my breath! No I praise him with the same breath! Pharaoh rejected the God that gave him breath and he and his army was drowned in the Red Sea! In the time of Noah the world except for 8 souls were drowned in the flood! Remember Lucifer who became Satan the Praise Leader of Heaven? Remember the fallen Angel? He used the breath of God to Glorify God then he used the same breath to oppose God! He rebelled against God in Heaven and was cast down to earth with 1/3 of the angels! Now they use the breath of God to oppose his Kingdom here on earth! Satan has many followers over the generations that have lived since the Garden of Eden! Is your breath used to raise doubts about God or affirm him? After the resurrection of the dead we will have breath again! Some to everlasting life and some to judgment! The Praise of the Saints will be beautiful but the screams of Hell deafening! Remember this! What you did with God’s breath while here on earth will determine your outcome in eternity! You are not your own you have been bought with a price!If I were God I would be reluctant to give mortal men my breath! Very risky! Will they praise me or curse me? With the breath of God Jesus said on the Cross,” Father forgive them for they know not what they do”! Crucify Him! One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Why not start now while you have breath! Worship the I Am That I Am! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Does God Discriminate?

Yes he does! He discriminates between good and evil! In fact he has prepared a place for some in Heaven and he has prepared a place for some in Hell!
The choice to where you spend eternity in one of these two places is totally based on your decision! You have a choice! You can accept Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life for your sin or you can reject him and suffer in Hell separated from God taking the penalty for your own sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.