Does God Discriminate?

Yes he does! He discriminates between good and evil! In fact he has prepared a place for some in Heaven and he has prepared a place for some in Hell!
The choice to where you spend eternity in one of these two places is totally based on your decision! You have a choice! You can accept Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life for your sin or you can reject him and suffer in Hell separated from God taking the penalty for your own sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Blasphemy! John 5:22

Jesus words: “For the Father judges no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Comment: The word judgment means to divide or separate based upon the law to either condemn or aquit. Redemptive judgment is not based on breaking the law for we have all sinned but on God’s acceptance and forgiveness through his only Son Jesus Christ! God has committed all judgment to his only Son because his son paid the price for our sin on the Cross! In Chapter 5 of John we see the Jews wanted to kill Jesus because he broke the Sabbath healing a man on the Sabbath! Also Jesus told the religious leaders that all judgment was rendered unto him by his Father! The Jewish leaders were inflamed because they saw Jesus elevated to the position of God! We have previously discussed the one unpardonable sin which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit! Jesus is part of the Trinity! Jesus is the only part of the Trinity that can save you! Blasphemy is rejecting Jesus Christ as your Savior! If you reject the only one that can save you judgment to Hell follows! Jesus is judge of the living and the dead! Jesus did not die for himself! He was without sin! God died for you! Salvation is so important to God that Jesus commanded us to go out into the whole world and preach the Gospel! The good news! If Evangelism was top priority for Jesus what should it be for us? Believer’s highest calling and top priority should be Evangelism above everything else! If in the end of our lives here on earth our future is dependent on what we did with Jesus Christ and our Heaven or Hell depends on Jesus judgment of us then what is more important than reaching people for Christ! I have done some gambling early in my life but why do people gamble with their eternity? This life on earth is very short but eternity is forever! Your decision about Christ will affect you in the here and now and in eternity! Only a fool would say no the Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Easter Thoughts!

The word compassion means to suffer with! Do you see the word passion in compassion? The first use of the word compassion used in our Bible is in Exodus 2:6. Pharaoh’s daughter saw the baby Moses drifting down the river in a basket! She had compassion on the baby and rescued him! The word used here means to have pity and spare! However there is another Hebrew root word used for compassion that really got my attention! This word is used in 1 Kings 8:50 and 2 Chronicles 30:9. The word means the tender mercies of the womb! Moses was a deliverer of his people and the fruit of the womb! Compassion was born! Just as Jesus death was an act of compassion so was His birth! You cannot separate Christmas and Easter! We were not born to die but Jesus was!  We die because of sin but Christ is sinless! So Jesus suffered for us and with us at birth and at death! He took our death upon Himself so that we could live! His resurrection nullified our death! Satan threw the yellow flag with the penalty of death for our sin but Jesus protested the penalty and threw the red flag reversing the decision! The penalty on the field of life is reversed! Our new resurrected life is a 1st and 10! A fresh start! Born again! A second chance at life! His blood defeated death and has won the day and life for us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

You Shall Be As Gods! Genesis 3:5

A very fascinating offer! Adam and Eve certainly knew there was only one God. This statement by Satan should have raised a red flag? Satan is suggesting to them there is more than one God and they are missing out on something? To know good and evil is something to be attained! How does one who is not God come to the knowledge of good and evil? Yes, by doing evil. Your good deeds do not offset your evil deeds. Our evil comes from disobeying God which is simply sin. Good is never enough when done out of your own works. Satan and one third of the angels rebelled against God and got a head start on Adam and Eve. Satan, his angels and Adam and Eve got an eviction notice. This whole family made gods unto themselves and opposite in character to God! Satan’s bait here was promotion. Hell is not a promotion. Satan and all humans are created beings. Rebellion against God is to deny the God who created you and set yourself up as God! The Tree of Life was the only remedy but God could not let them partake until His Christ would be manifested in the earth in flesh. Then the curse over man would be broken! Today we have a way God has provided for us through His Son Jesus Christ who paid the penalty(death) for our sin. Any way such as Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddism, ect, is all about making gods unto yourself and then worship yourself is a rejection of the Living God! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is God gay? (continued)

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. Source; Holy Bible, Book of Romans, Chapter 1, verses 26-27.