No Deposit! No Return! Acts 1:11

“Which also said, ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Comment: Do you remember that old Walt Disney movie ‘No Deposit No Return’ produced back in 1976? Two rich kids found out their mother was not coming home for Christmas so she purchased them airline tickets to go stay with their grandfather. She was in Hong Kong working an executive business job and could not get off work! So the kids went to the airport trying to figure out how to get money to buy tickets to Hong Kong? At the airport they met two thieves who took them home to their hideout! When the kids explained to the crooks their problem they told them to demand a ransom to get the money! So the movie, ‘No Deposit No Return’ got its name! God made a deposit into the earth his creation to redeem us from our sin! He  invested his only Son Jesus Christ to accomplish this! The deposit of his birth, death and resurrection purchased our freedom from eternal separation from God! Jesus will return one day soon to redeem his deposits he has put into us! The only way people can lose his deposits is to reject his deposits he has made for you! Then no redemption for those that do this! God has purchased your tickets to heaven! God is merciful but if you reject his mercy what is left for you? Then your own sin will condemn you rather than letting God take your sin upon himself! Christ will return for his own so why not be one of his own today!  Only God is trustworthy no one else including yourself is! Do not trust in yourself with your eternity! Satan trusted in himself and created a hell for those that follow his ways! One road leads to heaven and one road leads to hell! Which road are you on? James and Hamsa Sasse.

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