Burning Bush! Exodus 3:2

This is not a California wildfire! The bush the Angel appeared out of was burning yet not consumed? Some theologians believe this Angel was Christ! We have some other examples of this in our Bible! Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? The angry King threw them into the fiery furnace! They were in the fire but not consumed along with the 4th man believed to be Christ! It was the same Angel in the burning bush! Did you know the souls in Hell are not consumed by the fire! However they feel the flames forever! Remember the rich man and Lazarus? The rich man begged Lazarus who was a beggar while on earth to bring some drops  of water to cool his tongue!  To warn his family still living on earth of his plight! Interestingly when God is in the fire with you there is no burning on your body! I am not a cremation fan because fire represents judgment! In the Old Testament the sacrifices were no good unless the animal was completely consumed! God never allowed human sacrifices because man a sinner could never atone for his own sin! Only God sacrificing himself for us would be enough! Remember Jesus after he was crucified descended to the heart of the earth and preached to the captives! The fire did not touch them! One day soon at the judgment seat of Christ both the living and the dead will stand before Christ! Those who rejected Christ are taken into the Lake of Fire! Where the worm dieth not and the fire is never quenched! Would it not be better to be with Christ in the fire and protected than apart from him and burned forever? Only a fool would reject Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Subjective Morality? Exodus 20:1-17

This is what the atheists in America are proclaiming! That is if man is just left to himself he will do good things! The historical evidence debunkes the left ideology! More people were killed by war in the 20th Century than the previous 19 Centuries! What happened to the evolutionary model? Getting better? We did not get off to a good start in the 21st Century with 9-11? America has been at war ever since in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and North Africa! God has Commanded us in the 4th Commandment not to murder! What about the millions of babies killed here in America through abortion! This supports the statement made by Ben Shapiro that the political left breaks everyone of the 10 Commandments! You remember Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty? He has a new show now! He went to the Governor of Nebraska and ask him to proclaim to the State of the people to just try to keep just two of the Commandments for just one year and see if things are better? The two are thou shall not murder and thou shall not steal. We have the 10 Commandments hanging on the wall of our living room! If every family in America would do this and the children would be reminded of them daily we would have a very different America! At first they would be objective but later would move into our hearts and change us! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! That is to love God and love man! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Interesting Facts About July 4, 1776

Three men that signed the Declaration of Independence were from Georgia. Three counties in Georgia are named after them. The average age of the 56 signers was 35. The American Revolution was started with guns and religion and has kept us safe thus far! What was the temperature in Philadelphia during the afternoon signing? It was 76 degrees! Franklin had a thermometer which in those days cost 300 dollars! The signers basically signed their death warrant! John Adams signed his name in the largest script because he wanted to let King George know it was him! Thomas Jefferson and John Adams separated for 14 years over politics! They both died on July 4th, 1826. Of the 56 men that signed the document 5 were captured and tortured before they died! Two lost their sons in the war. Another had 2 sons captured. Nine more died of wounds from the war. Carter Braxton of Virginia was a wealthy planter and saw his ships sunk by the British! He sold his home and property to pay debts and died in poverty! At the Battle of Yorktown, British General Cornwallis took over Thomas Nelson’s home for his headquarters. Nelson ordered George Washington to open canon fire on his home! Nelson died bankrupt! John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside while she was dying! Their 13 children had to flee! His fields and mill was destroyed. For a year he lived in caves and the forest! When he returned his wife had died and his children vanished! Weeks later he died from exhaustion. Fifty two of the 56 signers were Christian and some were Pastor’s! This same Congress formed the American Bible Society. The Continental Congress voted to import 20000 Bibles for the citizens of the New America! Remember Patrick Henry? All his famous speech has been deleted from text books except for one line! Here is the complete speech, “An appeal to arms and the God of Hosts is all that is left! But we shall not fight our Battle alone! There is a just God that presides over the destines of the Nations! The Battle Sir, is not for the strong alone! Is life so dear or peace so sweet to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! What course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Comment : What has been the biggest effort by the Obama administration over the past 8 years? Take away our guns and our religion! Our Founding Fathers saw him and others like him coming! God Bless our Constitution and the sacrifices made by them! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Military Humor!

Rick Jason starred as Lieutenant Hamlin and Vick Morrow as Sargeant Saunders in a military world war II television series back in the 1960’s called ‘Combat.” As a lot of shows back then they contained high moral content. The U.S. Combat units were engaged with 1000 German infantry who were located on a mountain with heavy weapons. Lt. Hamlin’s squad was located at the base of this mountain dug in watching allied aircraft and artillery pound the German positions. A new recruit found Lt. Hamlin in the trenches and said, ” Sir if we get lucky the Germans will vacate this mountain tonight!” Lt. Hamlin repied,” private tonight we are going to make some of our own luck for we are going to crawl up this mountain beginning at 2000 hours and take this mountain for America.” Some of these old movies can be seen on Youtube. They portray something very important for in the midst of death and destruction great moral character is demonstrated! Just like we see at the “Cross!” As we approach the 4th of July celebration remember our military members of past, present and future who have and will pay the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom! Remember that great people are always targets! The Cross-Hairs of the Cross are our best example. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Was Jesus Married?

This subject has come up alot since about the 4th Century! The novel, Da Vinci Code was our most recent until a Harvard scholar says she has found evidence? This writing is out of the 4th Century. The 4th Century is a long way out from the Gospel’s that were written a few years after Jesus life in the 1st Century! Keep in mind what was going on in the 4th Century! One of the greatest challenges to Christianity came from the Coptic Church in Egypt! You had a non-trinitarian theology system rising and with that the rise of Arianism! Arianism said Jesus did not pre-exist His birth. All these forces lead to the Nicene Council in 325 A.D. This lead to the Nicene Creed which millions of churches around the world hold in their theology. There were many forces in the 4th Century trying to remove Christ’s Divinity and reduce Him to a mere man. The same goes for today! This letter from Harvard came out of the 4th Century. The Gospel’s of the New Testament mention all of Jesus family which includes mother, father, sisters, brothers, cousins, ect. Also the Gospel’s take Jesus lineage all the way back to Adam and Eve! If Jesus was married it would not have been left out by all these writers of Biblical and Non-Biblical Historians during the 1st Century! His disciples died promoting the truth and reality of who Christ is and would not have died for a fake! Sometimes I joke and say Jesus did not get married because He was too smart! Think about the plan God had for His Son Jesus and what it required of Him! The Cross and all that lead up to it and then after the Cross! When would He have time for a wife and kids? Then you would have generations living after Christ who would claim they are His relatives and claim special rights! Jesus is married to His Church! We are His Bride! Jesus said you must be born again! This birth is a Spiritual Birth that transforms your life and prepares you to receive the Holy Spirit! Are you married to Jesus or are you trying to live without God? The choice is yours. Love demands a choice! You either serve God or Satan! Choose the one who has created you, died for you, saved you, rose from the grave for you and is in Heaven preparing a place for you! No one else in history can do this or would do this for you! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com