Road to Socialism!

How do you think the transition from the present situation to community of property (State Owned), is to be affected? The first fundamental condition for the introduction of community of property is the political liberation of the proletariat(Working class people), through a democratic constitution. Friedrich Engels, Co-Author with Karl Marx of the Communist Manifesto. Commentary: The next four years will move us towards a Socialist State! This is Bible Prophecy in the making as we move towards the one world government. Those running our government starting in January are people who have lived off the State all their lives! They worship the State and will bring the one world government to pass very soon! We are in last days territory now! Read the Book of Revelation and you will be reading front page news! No fake news in your Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Way? Mark 1:2

Is there more than one way to skin a cat? Is there more than one way to get to Heaven? Jesus made it clear there is only one way! The word “way” in the Greek means to travel in a manner of life or a method to live by to the revealed will of God for your life! It is the only road leading to Salvation! It is the only road leading to eternal life with God not separated from him! It is an action that keeps you on this road in the direction of his providence trusting him to remove the obstacles in the road that would block your Blessings and Redemption! It is a matter of trust in him to stay on this road! It is a way to detour around death and stay on the road of life! Only those that stay on this highway can stay on this road with a lot of the traffic taking another route to hell! Those that stay on the road to Salvation also proclaim this way to eternal life to others sharing the good news Christ has revealed to us through His Word! Jesus has prepared the way for you  going to the Cross for you! By being raised from the dead for you! By preparing a place in Heaven for you! Any other road does not offer this but leads to the ways of death! Why not chose life! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Who Do You Trust? Psalm 86:11

Hebrew Translation: “Teach me by laying a foundation established and erect controlling me which leads me down the road of life. O Lord; I will walk faithfully and stable in thy truth; unite my heart in the totality of my inner nature to reverence and respect your name.” Comment: We like Jesus disciples have struggled with this scripture! Like Jesus disciples we sometimes do not walk stable following him! We waver in faith getting off the road that leads to life! The disciples would sometimes get off the foundation! Their heart was not always united with Christ! Reverence and respect for his name was not always there! Peter denied Jesus even though he told him he would die for him! He eventually did in Rome years later! Jesus told us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! We say let the church do it! Let an organization do it! Pay them so I do not have to do it! Our gift’s God has given us cannot be used unless we do what Jesus told us to do! At the feeding of the 5000 Jesus asked the disciples what do they have? The disciples wanted to send the crowd away! We do not have money to feed this large crowd? Cancel the meeting! Send them home! The disciples were perplexed? They can buy their own food! A little boy in the crowd came prepared! He had more than enough for himself! He had a little faith! Enough faith to give Jesus everything he had! The little boy gave his all! He had the gift of 5 loaves and 2 fish! Bring what you have to Jesus! God will multiply it! Let God bless what you have! Really what he has given you! Doesn’t seem like much but enough! He will multiply it to feed everyone! God is greater than what you have! Have you figured this out yet? Do something with what God has given you! With your life! Don’t waste it on drugs and go to work! With the left overs from a miracle you can feed even more people! Twelve baskets full! Israel had twelve tribes and Jesus had twelve disciples! God can build a nation out of left overs! God can build a church with left overs! God has more than enough for your family! He has more than enough for your church! God can bless you if you bring all you have to him! Peter build my church! Do you want to distribute God to the world? Or keep him for yourself? Sow the seed you have! Do not eat your seed! Share and multiply what you have! The rich young ruler was not able to do that? He valued his possessions more than God! I don’t need to tithe and make offerings? The possessions God had given to him he could not give back! If you give to God what you have he will do more with it than you ever could by yourself! The graveyard is full of excuses! Even David who wrote this Psalm waivered at times! Jesus never did! Wait on God but not on anything else! Do what God has called you to do! Help the needy and the lost! Go after those the world has rejected! Pray and agree with God! Jesus had every excuse to quit! The crown of thorns was very painful! The betrayal of his disciples was painful! His back cut open and bleeding was painful! His Cross was heavy! Your will be done! God’s will is not easy! Jesus had no excuses to die for you! Do you have any excuses not to live for him? He gave his all! Can you? Be faithful! Stand up for our flag and take a knee for Jesus in prayer! Pastor Don Wildes, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia

Frog in the Pan! Hebrews 11:6

“But I was very unwilling to give up my belief: I feel sure of this, for I can well remember often and often inventing day dreams of old letters between distinguished Romans, and manuscripts being discovered at Pompeii or elsewhere, which confirmed in the most striking manner all that was written in the Gospels. But I found it more and more difficult, with free scope given to my imagination, to invent evidence which would suffice to convince me. This disbelief crept over me at a very slow rate, but was at last complete. The rate was so slow that I felt no distress, I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true: for if so the plain language of the text seems so slow that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished.” Charles Robert Darwin  Comment: Charles Darwin invented evidence that is false science and debunked by the Laws of God and his Creation! Charles invented evidence to support his unbelief! The Theory of Evolution! My Bible says without Faith it is impossible to please God! That is we do not as mortal men know everything! If we take one morsel of science and hang a theory on it then we are subject to error!  The science that exists is predictable but what we do not know in natural science cannot be used as a basis for any theory! His theory is not supported by science and the observations recorded in history! The greatest scientist is God! He created us and understands everything about us! That is man has the propensity to sin! Even creating theories that oppose him! There is only one road to Heaven and many roads to Hell. Darwinism is taught to your children in public schools today and for past 70 years or more! Jesus Christ the only Son of God who died on a Cross 2000 years ago for our sin is the only way to the Father and to eternal life! Men come and go in history but history was written by Almighty God to determine who will have Faith in the earth! You can gamble on a theory but not me! I will trust God and his Word written in the scriptures and will trust nothing or no one else for my eternity! James and Hamsa Sasse.

I Do Not Know? Proverbs 3:5

Nothing can be believed unless it is first understood, and that for anyone to preach to others that which either has not understood nor they have understood is absurd. Peter Abelard (1079-1142), French Theologian. Comment: Peter’s dying words were, “I don’t know!” Even though I have been a Christian for 44 years I am still learning about God! My Bible reveals new things to me everyday! We start by Faith continue in Faith and finish in Faith! Without Faith it is impossible to please God! Beware of anyone who says they know more about God than you do! We only understand about God what he gives us! We will never know everything about God because if we did we could control Him! What we do know about God is that He loves us! That is enough! We need to search and seek God through His Holy Scriptures! The Apostle Paul was a learned man yet far from God until Jesus revealed Himself to Paul on the Road to Damascus! The only way to God is through His Son Jesus Christ! If you know this much you know enough! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Misdirected Zeal

Zeal is very blind, or badly regulated, when it encroaches upon the rights of others! French Theologian Pasquier Quesnel (1634-1719) Comment: Remember Paul said he had a zeal for God but not according to knowledge! Today as before in history we face movements whether religious, political or social that are blinded from truth and press on running over basic human rights of men! Paul stopped his persecution of Christian’s when the light appeared to him on the road to Damascus! Pray for Christ’s light to shine into our dark world! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Road Most Traveled!

The reason socialism will fail every time is because governments run out of other people’s money to fund the failure! Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) Comment: She tried to warn Europe not to go down this path but today they are there! England wants to leave the EU because it carries socialist countries that will cause it to collapse! America with now nearly 19 Trillion in debt is headed down the road most traveled too! Obama threatened our ally England of trade sanctions if they leave the EU? Obama loves our enemies and hates our allies! The bad players Russia, Iran, North Korea and ISSIS all got a promotion when he came into office! We cannot get rid of him soon enough! Also remember that the collapse of America and the socialist nations will lead to the one world government prophesized in the Bible! The anti-Christ a one world political leader and his false prophet or world religious leader! He will most likely be a Muslim! Good news is Christ’s church will be raptured and He will return at the end of the 7 year tribulation period to rule and reign over His enemies! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Wine and Roses when Jesus Returns? Revelation 19:11-21

Not exactly! All of us have to be careful not to cherry pick the scriptures! That is believe the scripture we best like and forget the rest of them! We need the whole counsel of God! Each verse and chapter of the Bible is like a snap shot of God. If you put all the photo’s together of God you get the big picture! How many photo’s are in your album? Remember words form images! We were created in the Image of God! The images you see here on earth were formed by the Word of God! Creation formed by the Word of God! Images can also form words but that is where deception can come from! Have you ever heard of the Jefferson Bible? Thomas Jefferson tore out every page of the Bible he did not believe! So he ended up with a very thin Bible called the Jefferson Bible. How thin is your Bible? The show down between Heaven and Hell on earth is described in Revelation Chapter 19. Yes, Matt Dillon is in Dodge City on main street facing off with a gun slinger! The streets are empty but the buzzards are circling above! The undertaker is watching the fight trying to determine if he has a casket in stock that will fit one of them? The Road Kill Café has just opened in Dodge City! It is gourmet food for the scavengers! Jesus tells Satan, “Heads I win tails you lose!” Remember war started in Heaven and will end here on earth! The war that will really end all war! Are there really horses in Heaven? My revelation of 2014 was that everything we see on earth was first in Heaven! The armies of Heaven will follow Jesus to earth for the fight! Wait a minute here? I do not want to join the Army? My Pastor told me I would die rich and famous? Christ is going to smite the nations and rule them with of iron! What an Evangelism program! Hold it? I thought it was going to be a peace rally with all of us smoking pot? I thought that Jesus was that little milk toast guy timid and shy? I thought I was going to play a violin in Heaven docked on a cloud? What is the supper of our Great God? Who is for supper? The flesh of Kings! The flesh of Captains! The flesh of mighty men! The flesh of horses and the flesh of all men both free and bond! The Kings of the earth get together with their Armies to war against Christ and His Armies! This will be the Super Bowl of Super Bowls! Then the beast or dragon (Anti-Christ), with the False Prophet (World Religious Leader), who did miracles and his followers marked with the mark of the beast will go to a Global Warming Conference! Then the remnant that were left were slain with the sword of Christ’s mouth and then the fowls of the earth opened up a Road Kill Café with 24 hour service! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Did Jesus Say About Following Him? Matthew 7:13-14

Jesus had a radical message! You can only enter in at the narrow way, narrow passage or narrow gate to follow me. A narrow gate would only be about the width of your shoulders. You cannot carry any baggage with you when you go through it. Following Jesus through the narrow gate requires focus with no distractions in the way. The broad road or gate leads to destruction. Jesus does and did not go this path. It is a dead end road. Few people choose the narrow gate. American culture is more Christ resistant than anytime in our history. To follow Christ today is more costly than in previous generations. We are considered radicals by our culture and ridiculed. We are considered on the outer fringes like space cadets. Did you ever notice the on-line surveys always give you a way out. You are never committed to a yes or no answer. Kind of like politics today. Christ gave His disciples no third choice. It was either Heaven or Hell. The same holds true for us today! Yes or no? Easy or difficult. Matthew 5:1-2. Jesus real audience was more than the crowds it was His disciples. They had already made up their minds to follow Him but their trust level was low. It takes time to figure out if you can trust someone. Jesus told them the Kingdom of God is right now! It was not yesterday or tomarrow. Living right now is Monday through Saturday working, school and difficult schedules. Jesus said let Heaven break into your boring day to day world. Jerusalem has 12 gates. The wide gate is the most used gate. Examples today are convenience stores, shopping malls, fast food, ect. We like the best paved roads with the fewest traffic lights. They even have drive through churches today. Just hear a message on the internet or television. Why go to church? Studies have found that women like to shop on the internet after 9:00PM. Why? Convenient! We like to choose the easy way over the difficult. Going through the wide gate we can take along as much baggage as we want. No constraints, no sacrifices, easy choices, no boundaries, no commitment applies to all who travel the wide gate. Taking this path leads to ruin. Jesus took a narrow path from The Judgment Hall to Calvary. It was also a steep climb carrying your Cross! He took your unforgiveness, hurt, pain and all your sin. Jesus was a teacher of virtue. Creativity exits between boundaries. Whether it be inventions, music, poetry, sciences, discoveries or even the work of a humble farmer. All great work is done within constraints and boundaries. Jesus had to be sinless to fix your sin. Because of the discipline of constraints and boundaries we have very few great people. People do not like boundaries. Live together why get married? Why study? Why work? Get on welfare. Pregnant? Get an abortion. Vote for the political party that offers you no constraints or boundaries. Revelation 7:9. Heaven is not sparsely populated but has a great multitude. Salvation belongs to our God! It is a free gift like a Christmas gift under a tree and is easy to find. Jesus is easy to find but very difficult to follow. Weddings are exciting but then the couples have to learn to live together. Marriage goes from easy to difficult. The wide gate is to get a divorce or just live together unmarried. To remain in covenant is a miracle from God and requires His Grace. To stay married is hard work and a challenge. Getting pregnant is easy but raising children is hard work. The family under the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman is God’s only plan and design for relationships and for the security of future generations. Worship even requires constraints and boundaries. All people will make one of the following four choices in their life. 1. Secularism- autonomy, it’s my life, live for yourself, no boundaries, no restraints. Not Jesus way. No! 2. Moralism- Follow the rules and get the life I deserve. Entitlement. Steeped in religion that says it is all about me. I deserve to be rich and famous because I am a moral person. 3. Religion- I owe my life to God. Obligation. Things better go right with me because I am serving God! Bad exchange. Problems come! Death and disease comes to all! 4. Grace- Jesus says your life for my life! Wonderful exchange! Great Exchange! My nothingless for His everything. Give God your life and He gives His life back to you! Stop living for yourself. It is a dead end. Let Christ come in. Welcome the Holy Spirit! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. What needs constraint in your life? Do you eat food for comfort? Do you have a drug or sex addiction? Do you feed your senses to no avail. Let Christ increase and you decrease. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and He will add to your life that will help you to victory. Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given Sunday September 1, 2013.