Cow Farts & Global Warming!

The Global warming ideology and the Green New Deal require a cap on cow farts! With the political left back in power cow farts are back on the menu! The elite millionaires and billionaires have too much time on their hands so they dream up stuff for us tossing and turning late at night that will save our planet! Cow farts is one of their nightmares! Greenhouse gases! While Bill Gates, John Kerry, Al Gore fly through the sky at 500 MPH in their biz jets dumping tons of carbon gases into our atmosphere they look down from their port hole windows at 35 thousand feet wondering how they can control these poor humans and animals to produce less gases! Bill gates wants to get rid of cows! Are we next?We need synthetic or artificial beef! Never mind it tastes like a dog biscuit we just have to get used to it! Never mind he has millions of dollars invested in Chevron Oil and other non-renewable energy companies! Like Texas getting used to a winter without power taking the green house gases bait in their energy policies! Get used to it! Under Biden gasoline has jumped 50 cents per gallon in our area! Wait until every gallon gets a carbon tax and we have to now import our own oil from the Middle East! Supplies dwindle and prices through the roof! We will just have to get used to it! After all because of you we will punish you! We must after all save the planet! Darwinists always turn creation on its head! The planet becomes more important the man who lives on the planet? God created the planet for the benefit of man not the reverse! John Kerry married into wealth! The Heinz Ketchup company owned by his wife! So how did they make their fortune? Selling ketchup over decades to millions of people who put it on beef steak! On hamburgers and beef hot dogs ! On roasts and every other meat! So now war on cows! Bill Gates owns over 230 thousand acres of land raising corn and other products to feed to beef cows yet he claims he is a vegetarian? Global warming is a myth used for political purposes! For what? To control you! To accept and get used to high energy prices to support their false ideologies! The elites want to think for you! To the elites you are stupid and need regulations and high taxes so you can pay them to think for you! They know better how to spend your money than you do! You are stupid! Yes to believe them you are! The political left wants you dependent on them! If you the little guy get big idea’s they will use their political power to crush you! Crush your small business with lockdowns and more regulations! If you start making money like the big wall street firms and you are the small guy then they will shut you down! We will control you! Your conservative Biblical based idea’s are not fit to be heard so we will shut you down off social media platforms! We only want one voice that is our voice to be heard! No longer wanting debates on idea’s! President Trump you are banned off Twitter for life! You support the small guy and we will shut you down! We will impeach you! You have lost 2 billion dollars since becoming President and we will work to destroy the rest of your business empire and remind your 75 million supporters we will do the same to them! Socialism requires authoritarian rule! No dissenting voices allowed just like China, North Korea, Russia, Cuba and other dictatorial regimes! Free speech and the second amendment was what set America apart from the despot regimes of this world! Why the war on fossil fuel? Control! Drive energy prices up so high you will have to ride public transportation systems! You will become dependent on the State! Loss of choices! Why try to destroy small businesses? They will have to rely on the State! You cannot buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast! This prophecy in the Book of Revelation is coming soon! The one world government is coming soon led by the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet! Freedom is about choices! Our freedoms are being chipped away one by one! No prayer! No public worship! Look we live in a fallen world but we serve a risen Savior! We listen to his voice and no other because he is truth! Jesus is returning soon to keep his promises to us! To keep choosing Jesus now will become much harder here in America than ever before yet trust him even in the darkest night! He will shine his light on you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Ice Age & Global Warming!

It was 1967. That summer I had finished high school and I and my brother and cousin Billy were helping my grandfather on the farm in Nebraska. Grandpa promised us that if we would help him during the summers on the farm he would pay our college tuition and help keep us out of the Vietnam War! Grandpa and grandma were always reading their Bibles and we being young fools would kid them about it! I am so smart so I picked up a Time magazine to read and on this issue on the front page was a picture of the continental United States with walls of ice closing in on our nation moving from both the west and east coast towards each other crushing America! I was worried! Grandpa we are all going to die being crushed by ice! He shook his head and said Jimmy you have not been around very long have you? I was born in 1897 and I have lived long enough to see a thing or two! WWI, the roaring twenties, 1929 crash with a 7 year drought on our farm, WWII, Korean War and now the Vietnam War! Jimmy God has got his creation all figured out! These politicians will try to scare people to collect tax money from the people! These politicians have no way to stop a wall of ice more than me or you? It is to create fear so they can become your savior Jimmy! Jimmy only Christ is your Savior! None other! Not any crook in Washington nor the politics of this magazine! Interesting today it is global warming! Did you know the earth has heating and cooling cycles depending on solar sun spot activity which cycles every eleven years? The trouble today some science is influenced by politics! It leans towards the politics of the day! Guess what? God has this figured out when he created the heavens and the earth he had safety parameters built into it! One day this earth will be destroyed by fire and a new heaven and earth created by the same God who made this earth! If you want to hand over your hard earned money to the politicians in Washington who have no more power than you do to correct what God will correct by his design of our earth and the heavens then hand your tax money over to them! They will spend it on themselves and their friends! Why should they spend your money? Are you not smart enough to spend your own money? Then let them spend it for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Global Warming & End Times!

2 Peter 3:7   Greek Translation: “But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved and kept watch over unto fire against the day and night over a duration of time of judgment separating good from evil and the perdition or ruinous state after death of ungodly men with no reverence for God opposed to God.” Comment: Global warming is real but not for the reasons men think! You may not be old enough to remember but back in the 1960’s the presumed threat was global cooling! On the front of Time Magazine and Newsweek you had pictures of walls of ice crushing dinosaurs! Then proclamations that the earth is going to be destroyed by the return of the ice age! The politicians were all running around with their proposed solutions! Just the opposite of today claiming the ice is melting too much! Actually we know the dinosaurs were destroyed during the world wide flood in the day’s of Noah! The earth has cooling and heating cycles according to sun spot activity! If the global warming today is the beginning of the end then repent of your sin! If not still repent! Heat and fire represent judgment! God will separate the lambs from the goats! Sheep follow a shepherd! The goats go out on their own and are consumed by the enemy! I believe we are in the end times and if you read and study your Bible you will see it! The end of your life here on earth will be our end times! Are you prepared? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Global Warming! 2 Peter 3:7

“But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” Comment: The myth about global warming has nothing to do with cow farts! All the planets are heating up! Sun spot activity is at an all time high! This activity cycles every eleven years! The earth has heating cycles and cooling cycles! When men deny the existence of God then they make themselves God and do crazy things to help God out! When men have faith in God they understand God is in control according to the scriptures and we are unable to control God’s creation! We understand that fire and water are essential for life yet God uses these elements to either save us or judge us! The flood saved Noah and his family yet the same water drowned the entire population of the earth! The same fire saved the three Hebrew men in the furnace yet the homosexuals in Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the same fire! The water that was divided at the Red Sea saved Moses and the Jews yet the Egyptian army was drowned in the same water! God gave Moses a cloud by day (water) and a pillar of fire by night to escape his enemies! The same elements of the earth will save you or destroy you! God will use his creation to bless you or curse you! But the choice is all yours to make! Judgment of Salvation? Which side of the Cross are you on? Do you want to hang in Jesus place? Take your own judgment? This is what happens when you reject Christ! Only a fool would do this! Today right now you have made reservations in either Heaven of Hell! Because we have trusted his “Word”, We are kept from the fire that is reserved for the ungodly! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Global Warming?

Atheism is so senseless! When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amount of heat and light. This did not happen by chance! Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Physicist, Mathematician and Inventor

Global Warming in France?

Really sad for the French people are suffering from heavy taxation for socialism policies including a carbon tax and fuel tax that are based on the phony global warming scheme! Global warming is a myth and is used by the political left or socialists to extract money from the hard working citizens through heavy taxation! Diesel fuel is over six dollars per gallon in France! We are about two dollars per gallon here in America! If we had to pay those prices America would go into a deep recession or even a depression! President Trump did not go for the global warming fraud to politically drain the finances of the American people! President Emmanuel Macron needs to wake up and see his error and remove these burdensome taxes on the French people! Then to abandon socialism and the heavy tax costs to his citizens! Shrink the huge government and relieve the people of these heavy burdens! Giant socialistic governments require huge taxes from the people to support it! Socialism has failed everywhere it is tried yet the left just wants to try failure one more time! Utter stupidity! A lean efficient government will relieve the people of heavy taxes and the people will spend that money into the economy which will lead to business prosperity for France! President Macron needs to wake up quick! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Earthquakes and Air! Matthew 8:24

“And behold there arose a great tempest in the sea, inasmuch that the ship was covered with the waves; but He was asleep.” The Greek word “seismos”, used for tempest can either mean an earthquake or a gale of wind. Are these events related? Could this have been a tsunami? Regardless Jesus used the air or His breath to command the storm to cease! Let us go back to some other voices from the past! From the lifetime of Greek Philosopher Anaxagoras in the 5th Century B.C. to the 14th Century A.D. believed that earthquakes were attributed to air(vapors) in the cavities of the earth! The Greek Philosopher Democritus (460-371 B.C,) blamed water in the ground for earthquakes! He did not know anything about fracking! Also remember the earth in history was completely flooded in water for months! Noah’s flood! What would that do to the earth’s crust soaking and submerged for months? Perhaps this is why the Greek word became associated with earthquakes, air and water? We know earthquakes can cause floods, fires, volcanos and elevate the earth’s temperature! Jesus predicted an increase of earthquakes before His second coming! Could this increase cause global warming? An earthquake of 8.6 in magnitude releases the same amount of energy as ten thousand atomic bombs the size used in WWII. Remember the earthquake when Jesus died on the Cross? The graves were opened and many other things happened! When Jesus stopped breathing (air) the quake occurred! Let us look at Revelation 16:17-18. Chapter 16 covers the seven vial judgments released upon the earth! Notice the seventh angel poured out his vial out into the air! Then God spoke it is done or finished and then the largest earthquake ever recorded in history took place! Jesus said in Luke 21:11, “there shall be earthquakes in diverse places and great signs from Heaven.” Remember Paul and Silas in prison? Acts 16:25-26. Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God! Your praises and prayers involve breath or air! Suddenly an earthquake came and freed them from prison! God can use a supernatural event to save you or destroy you! Without breath we die! God breathed into man the breath of life! Creation involved air as God spoke it into existence! When a baby is born it is slapped on the bottom to get it to breath! When opposing winds collide they form cyclones or a tornado! Opposing words between nations can cause a war! Words are important because they can either pollute the air or fragrance it! Remember when the Holy Spirit came as Jesus had promised? The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples as a mighty rushing wind! We can repeat Jesus words with our breath or we can speak our own words in destruction! Use the breath God gave you to praise Him! Your life and others will be changed! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Russia Owns U.S. Uranium Mine!

Since 2013, the nuclear arm of the Russian State has controlled 20 percent of America’s uranium capacity! The deal, approved by a committee which included then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also followed donations from the One’s Canadian chairman to the Clinton Global Foundation which is based in Canada along with the Clinton Foundation. Canadian law does not allow anyone to see who contributes to the Clinton Foundation!  Source; New York Times   Comment: Would Hillary sell out America? She already has! American uranium is being placed in nuclear tipped missiles in Russia aimed at the United States! Some of the American uranium is going to Iran through Russia to help them build their atomic weapons loaded on Russian supplied missiles! These missiles are aimed at Israel, Europe and the United States! The America of yesterday would have tried her for treason! Under Obama crime pays! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Global Warming Guru’s!

These guy’s are fat, lazy socialists who want to tax the world! They are the debunked scientist on the Al Gore team! Al Gore can only sell his books in Africa! So how did our genius Obama get 200 nations to agree on anything? He claims we have a 60 nation coalition fighting ISIL? There are 3 active members including us and 80 percent of our aircraft return from the fight with the bombs still under their wings? It is like an air tour of the Grand Canyon using F-16’s! The Kurds are doing the heavy lifting against ISIL but Obama will not give them weapons? So the Kurds are winning using sling shots! Back to Global heat. Obama got 200 nations to agree because there is no penalty to break the rules! Who would not agree to this? No winners and no losers! No Heaven and no Hell! This is the Obama doctrine! It is like a football game with no referee’s and no one keeping score? You can play this game with global warming but not with war! If you do not fight the enemy and win there are consequences! Like millions of refugee’s and Christian’s slaughtered across the Middle East! American’s slaughtered at a Christmas party! Iran and Russia growing in power along with Islam by default! We have trusted a man who is not for us! Remember this Christmas that even if we lose our freedom and life Christ will never leave us nor forsake us! Our future is in Him and no one can take that from us! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.