Biblical versus Civil Law!

But hereof be assured, that all is not lawful nor just that is statute by civil laws: neither yet is everything sin before God, which ungodly persons allege to be treason. John Knox (1514-1572)  Comment: No one could probably understand this better than the Colorado Bake shop owner who was fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple! Then after a Supreme Court victory is still being harassed by Colorado State government? This is another ungodly civil law that when passed into statute the ungodly go after the Godly with harassment, threats of violence and civil court actions! John Knox also experienced this first hand as one of the leaders of the Reformation as Queen Bloody Mary of England took him to task! No history is new with man but just repeats itself! This is why God’s only Son Jesus Christ had to make a one way trip to the Cross for our sin! Many civil laws such as slavery, Jim Crow and others were at one time civil statute in our nation! Through a costly civil war the tide was turned! All civil laws that oppose the scriptures will be eventually overturned like abortion but often it comes with a great price! To oppose God is stupid and very costly! The unrighteous cause the righteous to suffer! That is best illustrated by Jesus to the Cross! James and Hamsa Sasse.

How to Destroy Christianity?

To destroy Christianity, we must first destroy the British Empire. Karl Marx   Comment: Karl Marx is one of the founders of socialism and communism! He was a Jewish atheist and produced an ideology opposed to Christianity and capitalist democratic governments! China, Russia and North Korean and Cuba would be examples of Marxist states! Why was the British Empire such a threat to him and his political ideology? At one time in history England was the hub of Christianity! Their mission field as Christ commanded was the entire world! The sun never set on Britain! Britain ruled the waves! The greatest evangelists in the world came out of Britain! Richard Baxter and the Puritans! John Newton who helped abolish the slave trade! John and Charles Wesley and the Methodist movement! George Whitefield! Charles Spurgeon and Johnathan Edwards! The founding of America began with the Puritans landing at Plymouth Rock in `1602! I was a missionary in India for 3 years where Britain ruled over 200 years! So I would talk to the local people about the British rule of India. The local people told me they were thankful for them putting in the rail systems and for the electric grid in India. However what they were most thankful for was bringing the Gospel to India! These Gospel workers turned us from darkness to light one told me! When we look at England today in the 21st Century what has happened? The mayor of London is a Muslim! The old English churches are either warehouses or Mosques! England joined the EU with no borders! The illegals flooded into England! The Muslim invading armies no longer carry weapons of war but refugee status! Obama let over 6 hundred thousands Muslims into America as President! Obama is a smart Muslim! When he pulled us out of Iraq he knew millions of Muslim immigrants from the ensuing war would flood into Europe! Why is the political left in love with Islam? Because they are the military wing of the Democratic party! Marx could not be happier! If Christianity is defeated then socialism and communism will replace it! America’s biggest enemies are socialist states! Jesus was a colonialist! He said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! When Britain did this they were the greatest empire on earth! No longer! As long as America does this they will continue to be the greatest empire on earth! This battle that wages internally in America and externally is for the heart and soul of America! Make America great again will only come when we put Christ first and make him our only goal! James and Hamsa Sasse.

It Was Fun! Luke 6:22-23

These were the words of Tom Brady quarterback of the New England Patriots at the end of his interview last night after their Sunday night football game win over the Pittsburg Steelers! This game was really a hard fought battle with both teams having to send players to the hospital during the game! Hopefully not with career ending injuries! Brady himself was body slammed to the ground by 300 pound plus linemen! So what was fun? Was it the pain, injuries, training or uncertainty of every game? Was it the risk of a career ending injury or death? It was the winning! The sacrifices are then forgotten! Do we have the child like excitement about Christmas? About giving? About receiving? Is it fun? In Luke chapter six Jesus is well past the manger scene! He is preparing his players for the game ahead! Jesus told His 12 players that they are going to hate you, isolate you, reproach you and call you evil because of me! Like NFL players they are going to sack you! But Jesus said to rejoice in that day! Leap for joy! You guys just won the Super Bowl! Your reward is great in Heaven! Your fathers the prophets suffered the same things! We do not like to think about suffering during the Christmas season! Yet that is why He came! To suffer for us! To make our lives fun and meaningful with purpose! To win! Losers made winners! The victory parade for you is going on in Heaven right now! While running your race sometimes the pain seems unbearable! Give your pain to Jesus! He became a curse for you! He took your pain upon Himself! We are on the same team! Jesus disciples except John all crossed the finish line with martyrdom! John was boiled in oil and then exiled to a stone quarry for slaves on the island of Patmos! They all looked beyond the finish line towards the goal and their and your victory in Christ! Those that have gone before us have prepared a way for us! Give a sacrificial gift to someone this Christmas as we were given the gift of a little baby boy born in a manger in Bethlehem! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

War & Faith!

“In my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength!” Robert E. Lee (1807-1870) Comment: Can we start on the wrong side of history and end up on the right side of history? If the truth be known we all started on the wrong side of history! Otherwise no one would need to be saved! Ask the thief on the Cross! Today there are billions of people on the Cross in the valley of decision! Millions will get saved! My favorite example of a thief done straight is John Newton! You remember his song, “Amazing Grace.” He was captain of his own slave ship! Then in the midst of a storm on the sea when they were about to perish God showed him how wicked he was! He repented and returned to Liverpool England and joined a small church. This is where he wrote his famous hymn! In 1787 he wrote a book, “Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade.” This book helped William Wilberforce a Parliament member over a 20 year period abolish the slave trade! Will tearing down confederate statues help America? No! For they remind us we all need a Savior! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Political Correctness Strikes Again!

This time in London! British Prime Minister Theresa May told the people of England that this was an evil ideology that attacked us! She did not have the moral courage to explain what the ideology is? She is no Winston Churchill or Margaret Thatcher! Where did these terrorists get their idea? Did they snatch it out of the thin air? It would be like after the city of London suffered from a night time bombing raid and Winston Churchill getting up the next day and announcing to the British people that they were attacked by a evil ideology! Sorry folks but we cannot mention the word Nazi or Hitler! We cannot mention Mohammad or Islam or Muslims? The Quran certainly had nothing to do with this? We cannot have a Muslim travel ban because people must be dying in our streets for another reason? Is it the weather? If our political leaders cannot identify the problem and the Church is deadly silent then this will continue! This war is no longer in a distant land but has come to our streets! I am thankful President Donald Trump has the moral courage to name our enemies as Islamic Terrorists! Sin is about hiding the truth and it all started in the Garden of Eden! We have to shine the “Light”, on the darkness but we have to identify the darkness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Groundwork for our U.S. Constitution!

This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people and for the people! John Wycliffe (1320-1384) He is most notably known as the Morning Star of the Reformation! He translated the Bible from Latin to English! He rejected the Doctrine of Transubstantiation! He sacrificed his life fighting for the common man and the abuses of the Clergy! Printing Bibles in English and getting them into the hands of the common man was a threat to the aristocracy! Thanks to John Wycliffe we have our English Bibles today! The principalities and powers of darkness declared John a heretic and dug up his corpse and burned it and scattered the ashes into the River Swift that flows through Butterworth England!

State Funded Schools!

Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for it’s own destruction! Adolf Hitler Comment: If anyone knew about destruction it should have been Adolf! Was he right? Let us look at the numbers! I have found in my research that trying to find the illiteracy rate for the United States is very challenging! The 2015 UNESCO report excluded the data for the United States, United Kingdom and Israel? I had to dig for a long time and the State Funded Education Department has it well hidden in a corner of their report? According to the 2016 report there are 32 million American’s who cannot read or write! This is probably a very conservative report! If you include the millions of illegals that have come over the past few years it is much higher! In the New England Colonies prior to public education the illiteracy rate was 2 percent! Then the children used the Bible as their text book for reading! If America is going to survive we must privatize our schools! The worst tragedy is that the State funded schools work overtime to remove their student’s Faith in God! For the first time in American history the succeeding generation is less educated than the previous generation! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Road Most Traveled!

The reason socialism will fail every time is because governments run out of other people’s money to fund the failure! Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) Comment: She tried to warn Europe not to go down this path but today they are there! England wants to leave the EU because it carries socialist countries that will cause it to collapse! America with now nearly 19 Trillion in debt is headed down the road most traveled too! Obama threatened our ally England of trade sanctions if they leave the EU? Obama loves our enemies and hates our allies! The bad players Russia, Iran, North Korea and ISSIS all got a promotion when he came into office! We cannot get rid of him soon enough! Also remember that the collapse of America and the socialist nations will lead to the one world government prophesized in the Bible! The anti-Christ a one world political leader and his false prophet or world religious leader! He will most likely be a Muslim! Good news is Christ’s church will be raptured and He will return at the end of the 7 year tribulation period to rule and reign over His enemies! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

King James Version of Bible 1611 A.D.

How did the King James version come about? The official language of the Medieval church was Latin. This was the language of the Roman Empire which adopted Christianity in the 4th Century. The Pope ruled from Rome and all services across the Empire were in Latin. Translations of the Bible into other languages was forbidden. By the 1500’s vernacular Bible’s were available in certain parts of Europe. This added fuel to the fire about religious authority as Martin Luther and the Reformation was growing! In England the Constitution of Oxford written in 1408 forbid translation of the Bible into a native tongue! This was done to prevent Lutheranism. The only authorized version was Saint Jerome’s Vulgate Bible which was only understood by England’s educated elite. The English translation by William Tyndale was published in 1525 and was the first Bible circulated in print form. Only 3 copies survived and William was executed! By Shakespeare’s time England and Rome had split and politics changed dramatically! King James the 1st, also known as King James the 6th of Scotland, abolished the death penalty for printing English Bible translations. Interestingly, 80 percent of William Tyndale’s was used to do the King James version! King James also employed 50 scholars to oversee the translation work. Comment: History repeats itself! Our Bible has come to us through the hands of the martyrs! If the Bible is one day banned in America what could you do to assure it would survive for the next generations to follow you? Do not let your Bible collect dust! Read it! Study it! It is the most valuable possession you have! Everything else will perish! James and Hamsa Sasse.