After Socialism What?

The goal of socialism is communism! Vladimir Lenin Comment: Socialism has failed in every nation that has tried it! Venezuela and her people are the latest victims! The people are crossing borders and fleeing to other countries! A mass exodus! I like this Winston Churchill quote: ” The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings, the inherent virtues of socialism is the equal sharing of misery!” Yet the ignorant left with Bernie Sanders and his followers on the left are promoting a failed system with a history of more losses than the lottery players across America put together! Bernie and his new bride 50 years ago went to Moscow for their honeymoon! Why did they not stay there? If you love socialism move to Cuba! Move to the Soviet Union! Move to Greece! Move to the EU! Spend about 5 years there and let me know how it turns out? James and Hamsa Sasse.

From Democrat’s Playbook!

My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism! Karl Marx    Comment: So how do you do this? Promote socialism! Get rid of Bibles! The deep State going after Christian’s through the IRS and other Federal agencies! Legalize sins that contradict the Bible! Homosexuality, gay marriage, lesbianism, gambling and illegal immigrants. Attack those that enforce our laws! ICE and law enforcement. Sanctuary cities! Disrespect our National Flag and military! Remove prayer from schools! Mock the Christian Faith! Take down Crosses and God’s Commandments! Head for the one world government with no borders! Make the world a UN or EU! The political left in America has the Karl Marx playbook and they are making plays! They are not following our Founding Father’s but following the failed ideologies of Communist regimes! When will they ever learn? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Olivet Discourse! Matthew 24:3-14

Jesus disciple’s just before His passion asked Him an important question? What will be the signs of your second coming and the end of the world? I will never forget the man I saw walking in Times Square carrying a sign that said the world is coming to an end! When I got laid off and the steel plant closed back in the 1970’s I thought the world was coming to an end! When Lockheed laid me off with 15000 other people at the plant back in the 1980’s I thought my world was coming to an end! When I got medically separated from the military back in the 1990’s I thought my world was coming to an end! Actually the word “end” in the Greek means the end of an age and the beginning of a new age! Jesus second coming will be the beginning of a new age called the millennium! Jesus said the first sign of the end of the age will be many false Christ’s shall rise up! I will never forget while in India back in the 1980’s of a famous Pastor/Evangelist there who one day in front of thousands of people told them that he was the Christ? His book sales dropped like a rock! Then Jesus talked about wars! Declared and undeclared! Insurrections and seditions! Every generation has not been spared war! However Jesus said do not be troubled with wars for the end is not yet! Then there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places! Jesus said all these things are the beginning of sorrows! Tell me more! The word sorrow here means like a woman with the pains of child birth! Then Jesus goes on to say that they will deliver you up and kill you and be hated of the nations for my name! Is it any wonder some believers will head for the exits? Since the rise of Islam thousands of Jews and Christians have been slaughtered! Remember that the end of the age will be concluded with the 7 year tribulation period! The Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will run the world for 7 years! Destruction like never seen before on earth will come then! The one world political leader and the one world religious leader will co-rule! The Church has been raptured at this point! The Anti-Christ will rule from Jerusalem and the False Prophet from Rome! A Jew and a Muslim will share power! The Anti-Christ will also be gay! He will have no natural affection for women! Now you understand the gay agenda! Now you understand the push for globalism and the war on Nationalism! No borders? Globalism! Sanctuary cities? Globalism! EU? Globalism! UN? Globalism! Democratic party? Globalism! War on cops? Globalism! No voter ID? Globalism! Trump won on Nationalism and how long can the USA fight the globalists? The British left the EU? Nationalism! During the tribulation period many will come to Christ including many Jews! Jesus went on to say iniquity or lawlessness will grow! Record number of policemen killed in America over past two years! Some believers will grow cold! Care and compassion will cool off! Hearts will be frozen in their own self-interest! Jesus said if we endure to the end we will be saved! Shall be saved means the immediate deliverance to Salvation through Christ! Endure means to sustain a load of miseries, adversities, persecutions, provocations with faith and patience! So what event concludes the end of this age and the beginning of the new age? Jesus said the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; then shall the end come! Did you ever notice that some people who are not interested in Christ’s return including some in the church are not interested in Evangelism of the lost? Some make claims to His name but never invest time and money to reach the lost? No tithes or offerings? Will attend church only if convenient? They will jump around to church after church careful not to leave evidence they are in love with the world! If you want Jesus to return soon then go to work in His harvest fields! The seeds are time and money! Cheap grace is to receive the benefits of the Kingdom and yet invest nothing to seed the fields for a harvest? Plant a harvest not a drought! If you are not really interested in Jesus second coming then you will continue in your sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Road Most Traveled!

The reason socialism will fail every time is because governments run out of other people’s money to fund the failure! Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) Comment: She tried to warn Europe not to go down this path but today they are there! England wants to leave the EU because it carries socialist countries that will cause it to collapse! America with now nearly 19 Trillion in debt is headed down the road most traveled too! Obama threatened our ally England of trade sanctions if they leave the EU? Obama loves our enemies and hates our allies! The bad players Russia, Iran, North Korea and ISSIS all got a promotion when he came into office! We cannot get rid of him soon enough! Also remember that the collapse of America and the socialist nations will lead to the one world government prophesized in the Bible! The anti-Christ a one world political leader and his false prophet or world religious leader! He will most likely be a Muslim! Good news is Christ’s church will be raptured and He will return at the end of the 7 year tribulation period to rule and reign over His enemies! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.