Did Paul and Peter pray for their leaders? I assume they did yet they were executed by Caesar! Some of their best works were written from prison! The authorities did not like to keep Martin Luther King Jr. in jail too long because he was working on his next speech! During the civil war Pastor’s and their congregations north of the Mason-Dixon line were praying for the north to win while Pastor’s and congregations south of the line were praying for the south to win! They were both praying for their leaders! A famous German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer was executed by Hitler but I assume he prayed for Hitler. Some of our famous reformation leaders were burned at the stake by their King! I assume they prayed for them! Jesus called his political leader Herod a fox but prayed for him! He called the religious rulers of his day a generation of vipers but prayed for them! Do we pray for ISIS leaders? What would be your prayers to those who were about to behead you! Father forgive them for they know not what they do! Different from prayers of the west? Father give me a big house, big auto, big money and fame and fortune! Jesus taught us how to pray! I love this prayer because it is not a political prayer! I personally have one leader or ruler and Savior and His name is Jesus Christ! I am loyal to one Kingdom and that is the Kingdom of God and His Christ! It is so funny I have a friend in Colorado Springs who was my military boss back in the 1970’s. We are both retired and meet once a month and tell old war stories! I told Kenny we were praying that our house would sell so we could move back to Georgia. Kenny told me he was praying that our house not sell and we stay in Colorado! I told Kenny you are my friend but not my prayer partner! Our prayers should be in agreement with God! We usually pray for an outcome. Do we always get it? God’s will is often different from our will! To deliver us from evil means not to partake in promoting evil! We pray for our leaders but also knowing it is vanity to trust in man! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: kingdom
Have You Wrestled with God Lately? Genesis 32:24-28
Can you win this one? Jacob did! Here is the question we need to ask ourselves? Do you have enough Faith in God that if you wrestle with God you could win? One of my best friends back in high school loved to wrestle! I hated it but he loved it! Since we were good friends I became a wrestling dummy for him to practice on! I was much like a sparing partner for a boxer. Kent Dove went on to win the heavy weight wrestling division state title for Colorado. Wrestling was sweaty, brutal, exhausting and very bruising to your body. Jesus wrestled with God for us in the Garden of Gethsemane! He sweat drops of blood! Most of our religious church guy prayers are pious, quiet, indifferent and selfish a sort of milk toast approach to God. You are probably thinking I have enough problems without taking on God! Jacob’s victory was a Blessing from God to himself and to all that followed him! It resulted in a name change. From a trickster to a Prince! The name Israel means to rule as God! If you were able to rule over this world would you do it as God does? Love the good and hate the evil? Jacob became Israel and a different man after his struggle with God and limped as he walked yet dependent upon God! No more tricks to try to get ahead! Do you struggle with God for the lost souls of this world? If they do not fight for themselves who will fight for them? How about the widows and orphans? Jesus wrestled with His Father and the Cross! Why have you forsaken me? Jesus went through hell for you and me so that we will never be forsaken! Let us wrestle with God to pluck souls out of the burning fire and from the Kingdom of darkness! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
End of the Story?
When it comes to Christ and His followers there is no end to the story! We have a cliché in American culture that is used to close out a conclusion by saying; “At the end of the day.” The end of the day brings a new day and another testimony written from God’s playbook! Christ’s Kingdom continues forever and ever and ever! In Heaven and here on earth! His story is our story in real time even more than a history of reporting the facts! Christ writes history in His followers! For every believer in every generation that receives Christ the old story becomes new again with results that are impossible to explain in natural terms! The Easter story is a routine story to everyone who is bold enough to take God at His Word! Source; Conclusion taken from Easter story presented by Pastor Daniel Grothe, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Easter Promotion!
God’s promotion system is opposite the world system we live in! The world system depends on doing wrong to someone in order to get ahead! God’s Kingdom promotes those who do right and suffer wrong for it! The Cross is our best example! Christ went to the Cross for our wrongs yet was promoted by being raised from the dead and being seated on the right hand of the Father forever! Christ through the Cross also promoted us to Heaven whom He died for our sin! So remember if you are suffering for doing right thing God is watching and waiting for your patience to promote you for what He has also done! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Humility For Pride! John Chapter 13
During Jesus last 3 years of ministry He would sometimes say my time has not come yet! However in John Chapter 12 we see a change where Jesus says my time has now come! The word time means to honor! The word honor means to promote! Jesus promoted you from Hell to Heaven! Jesus promoted His Father! Jesus got promoted and is seated at the right hand of our Father today interceding for us in prayer! What is our response to Christians being beheaded around the world? How do we respond to violence? Jesus said those who live by the sword will die by the sword! Jesus was also living in violent times! Jesus life was just not hanging around shepherds anchored to green pastures! The Romans ruled through fear and violence! The same for the Middle East today! In Jesus day swords, spears and crosses ruled the day! The good Samaritan got beat up! Mr. Rogers could not have lived in this neighborhood! John 13:3-5 Why was this foot washing so offensive to Peter and the disciples? In the Jewish culture only gentiles could wash a Jews feet! A Jew could never wash another Jew’s feet! Jesus stepped on their pride! Never let your culture separate you from God! Jesus was never careless with His authority. He used it to draw people to God! Jesus shows us and His disciples that serving confronts our pride! Sometimes we have pride we are not even aware of! Pride hung on the religious and political rulers but could not cling to Jesus! Matthew 6:1-4 Jesus warned us not to let acts of kindness be seen of men. Give in secret! When was the last time you served in secret? There are 3 ways to serve. 1. Serve to be seen by others. 2. Serve in secret but to be proud of it! Self righteous! 3. Serve in secret as worship to God! Do we serve to impress God? Serve in pride? Do you think you are better than those you serve? John 13:34-35 Jesus gave us a new commandment! It covers the other ten! Love one another! I thought just my family and church members? Help those who cannot help you! Serving others is the most powerful witness to the world! The watching world will never agree with all our theology but are fascinated with our behavior of helping others! Serve the widow’s, orphans and the hurting! The one’s nearest us know us best! How do the one’s closest to you describe you? Do they call us servants? He who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all! Carl Marks had a philosophy but it was not a reality? He got his best friend’s wife pregnant and then sent the baby to an orphanage! Let Christ’s love categorize you! Be a servant at home first then to the church and then to the world! Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
He is richest who is content with the least, for contentment is the wealth of nature! Socrates 470-399 B.C. Comment: Jesus said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you!” Matthew 6:33
Our greatness does not lie in our own success but in the success of another! Socrates 470-399 B.C. Comment; Jesus said, “He who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all! I came not to be served but to serve!”
The End of The World ! Matthew 24
I have images of the guy in Times Square with the sign strapped on his back saying the end has come! Maybe for him? How about the end of my mortgage and car payments? How about when the kids finally move out of the house on their own? How about when they move back in when they cannot find a job? Jesus come quickly has been my prayer most of my life! The Good News is the end of the world means the coming of Christ! Here are some of the signs Jesus has given us that the end of the world is near; 1. Many will come in my name and say I am the Christ. 2. Wars and rumors of wars. 3. Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom (Democrats and Republicans). 4. Famines, earthquakes, pestilences all in diverse places. 5. All these the beginning of sorrows. 6. You will be afflicted, killed and hated of all nations for my name’s sake. 7. Many will be offended because of me and betray one another. 8. Many false prophets shall arise. 9. Iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold. 10. Those that endure to the end shall be saved. 11. The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached for a witness unto the nations and then the end shall come. 12. When you see the abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel the prophet, stand in the Holy Place. These signs are exciting to the believer but terror to the unbeliever. We can participate in a positive way by promoting the Gospel of the Kingdom! It is no wonder there are so many political forces here in America and around the world trying to stop the preaching of the Gospel! There are no surprises to those who read, understand and believe the Bible. One way or another we all will be a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy but the side you choose will lead you either to Heaven of Hell! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com