Signs of the Time! Daniel 7:25

“And he shall speak great words against the Most High or Supreme God, and shall wear out the saints Christians of the Most High, and think to change times and immutable laws: and they shall be given into his hand of power until a time and times and the dividing of time or the half of time.” Commentary: The Anti-Christ shall speak against all institutions whether Divine or human authority! He will speak and act in lawlessness and in unbelief! The little horn or the beast will be successful for a time and then will be destroyed! By wars, massacres and inquisitions Satan will persecute the followers of Jesus! The times and times and the dividing of time is talking about the 3 1/2 years of the 7 year tribulation period culminated with the second coming of Christ back to earth with the saints in heaven! It almost seems like all these signs are with us right now! The changing of laws! Homosexual marriage, promotion of transgenderism even to our children mandating laws opposed to the laws of God! Rebellion of all authority! There thus so far this year in America 101 police officers shot in the line of duty! Our cities becoming combat zones! No sovereignty over our borders being invaded by millions of illegal immigrants! Mandating by fiat blocking our natural resources such as gas and oil for the benefit of our people! Millions of Christians are suffering in Ukraine driven from their homes by war! Suffering by death and destruction by a wicked ruler in Russia! Speaking against the God of heaven and creator of all by our teachers in public institutions! Public authorities threatening more lock downs and freedoms of choice removed! Tearing down voting laws to win elections by corruption! Our public leaders not following the law! Leaders taking bribes from other countries who are enemies to America to change laws to benefit themselves! All these actions opposed to Christ signal the end times are here for we need to look up to Christ our Savior who will rescue us out of all our troubles! James & Hamsa Sasse.

End of the Age? Matthew 24:35-37

Jesus said; “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall never pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, not the angels in heaven but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were so also the coming of the Son of man be.” Commentary: So what happened in the days of Noah? The world became so wicked God had to destroy it except one family who had faith enough in God that God required them by faith to build an ark for the coming flood. Jesus since the Cross is saving the world but not all have faith in his redemptive work! Many are saved yet many more reject his love! As the world becomes more wicked we can be sure our redeemer’s return is closer than ever before! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Foundation of Sin! Ephesians 6:12

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness in high places.” Commentary: Wickedness is first a spiritual condition not innoculated by the Blood of Christ! It is not an it but a spirit waring against Christ in the heavens and here on earth! This foul spirit Satan wants a Kingdom opposed to Christ! This spirit has a home field called hell! He was kicked out of heaven but believes he has the home field advantage here on earth! Satan has his beginning in rebellion and death and that is where his Kingdom ends! Wicked governments terrorize their own people and then to their neighboring countries! In Ukraine we see the evangelism of death and millions of homeless people fleeing their own country! The sacrifice of Russian and Ukrainian people because evil also demands a sacrifice! If the sacrifice of God’s own son is rejected then the sacrifice of the masses by Satan follows! High places in governments controlling and sacrificing their own people! This is the history of nations! A culture without Christ will turn on its own! Jesus is called the Prince of Peace! Jesus will put the wicked out of business! They must give up their sin or perish! When Jesus came into my life the internal war ceased! There is still a external war from those that reject Christ yet even those waves that rock my boat everyday I know that Jesus calms those storms as he proclaims peace be still! Peace that remains in my soul as he anchors my soul to his love and the sacrifice on the Cross he has made for me! Jesus predicted wars and rumors of war before his second coming! At Jesus second coming Satan will be bound for a thousand years and then the lion will lay down with the lamb! If everything you have is taken away through war remember you still have Christ where he has gone to prepare a place in heaven for you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Doctrine of Nicolaitians Revelation 2:15

Commentary: So why did Jesus hate the Doctrine of the Nicolaitians? Sometimes they are called Antinomians a group of people within the church holding a false doctrine opposing Christ! They believed they could freely participate in sin because by grace the law of God no longer applies? So what did Jesus say in John 14:15? Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! To honor God is to keep his Commandments! Jesus never broke the law! He was Lord of the Sabbath! We have all broken his Commandments for all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God! His love for us in suffering and dying on the Cross for our sin through love for us makes us understand that our breaking his Commandments caused his great suffering and death because of us! So in his love he has forgiven us of our sin and the breaking of God’s Laws so we want to keep his Commandments so not to crucify him again! We ask Jesus to forgive us all our violations of the law and sin against God and man! Even though none of us can keep his commandments his love for us enables us to be sensitive to sin and to repent of any sin past, present or future! Grace is God doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves! We can sin by ourselves and to do this violates the very purpose Jesus came to redeem us! He has removed our guilt and to do the same sin that caused our guilt is blasphemy against the will and purposes of God and his redemptive sacrifice on our behalf! Jesus said the two greatest Commandments is to love God and man! To reject his law is to reject his love because he paid the price of death the penalty for sin that we have initiated against God and man! Forgiveness of sin cannot be a license to sin again under the false ideology of grace! Grace is God doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves! We cannot save ourselves only God has done this for us! To sin again against this grace is separation from God and his love forever! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Bishop of Smyrna Martyred! Revelation 2:10

Last Words of Polycarp before burned at the Stake: “Eighty six years I have served him and he has done me no wrong! How can I blaspheme my King and Savior? You threaten men with a fire that burns for a season, and after a little while is quenched; but you are ignorant of the fire of everlasting punishment that is prepared for the wicked.” Bishop Polycarp of Smyrna. (69-155 A.D.)

Marxism & Evolution! Survival of the Fittest!

Labor is the source of all wealth, the political economists assert, and it really is the source-next to nature, which supplies it with material that is converted into wealth. But it is infinitely more than this. It is the basic condition of all human existence, and this is such an extent that, in a sense, we have to say that [labor created man himself]. Source: Frederick Engels, The Part Played by Labor in the Transition from Ape to Man. 1876 Commentary: The Marxists got it ass backwards! God created man and gave him labor to be productive! For purpose! God worked himself in the creation of this world in six days! Then rested on the seventh day from his labor! Sunday is about resting from our labor just as God rested! The Darwinists or evolutionists in history oppose God and his creation manufacturing an ideology that has proven the most destructive ideology known to man! This same ideology is carried on today in America by the political left pushing Marxism and all anti-God ideologies! Look for the sources of all ideologies! We have our Bible and the scriptures proven since the beginning of time! Marx and Engels and Darwin have themselves only as the basis for their theories! James & Hamsa Sasse.