Most Popular Book Read in Hell?

Title: How Did I Get Here? Paperback and hard cover not available because of elevated temperatures! Titanium steel etched pages are available. Most asked question of people in Hell is, “How do I get out of here?” New book coming soon to answer this question! Sampler answer in conclusion portion of book most read in Hell is, “Trusting in yourself instead of Jesus Christ!” Best selling book on planet earth? The Bible! Read it and believe it and it will save you from a lot of sweat! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do Your Feet Sweat?

After retirement in 1994 I needed something to do? So we bought 30 rental properties! I became very busy! We purchased these in low rental area’s and I also made the renter’s a ministry! One of these properties was a shell duplex that was not completed. The walls were up and the roof but nothing else. We bought it for about $5K so I thought I could complete it by myself! Each day I would spend time working at the sight. All the neighbors would come over and visit me and what a neighborhood! Young children, drunks, criminals and even a Pastor ministering in that area. Next door was a young man named Gary. He was a nice man and a distraction because he would hang around and talk while I was working. I tried to focus on my work and would reply yes to everything Gary said not really listening to his talk. Then he caught me by surprise and said, “Jimmy do your feet sweat?” Without thinking I said yes and Gary asked me if he could sniff my feet? No Gary you cannot smell my feet! Gary left and I realized I could not complete this duplex myself because I was so busy with the other 29 units. I hired a plumber to help me. Jake the plumber showed up at the site so I left to attend to the other units. When I came back the next day Jake was very upset and used some very bad words! He told me he did not want to work in this neighborhood anymore! I assured him I would talk to Gary and the others! So I went to Gary and asked him about Jake? Gary told me Jake really used some bad words on me yesterday! He did not want to repeat the words but said Jimmy Jake called me a female dog! Gary did you talk to Jake about sweaty feet? Jimmy do your feet sweat? Jimmy does Jake’s feet sweat? Jake explained to me he was not going to turn his back on this neighborhood while on his knee’s soldering pipes together with a blow torch! Jake told me that if that queer ball comes over here again I will put my blow torch to his feet and then his feet will really sweat! Jake quit the next day and I hired another plumber. I thought how am I going to get people to stay in this unit? I finally figured out what to do with Gary! If you say no to his first question he will not ask the second question. I explained to the new plumber and things went better! Next episode I will talk about the drunk next door and the prostitute I invited to church! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Have You Wrestled with God Lately? Genesis 32:24-28

Can you win this one? Jacob did! Here is the question we need to ask ourselves? Do you have enough Faith in God that if you wrestle with God you could win? One of my best friends back in high school loved to wrestle! I hated it but he loved it! Since we were good friends I became a wrestling dummy for him to practice on! I was much like a sparing partner for a boxer. Kent Dove went on to win the heavy weight wrestling division state title for Colorado. Wrestling was sweaty, brutal, exhausting and very bruising to your body. Jesus wrestled with God for us in the Garden of Gethsemane! He sweat drops of blood! Most of our religious church guy prayers are pious, quiet, indifferent and selfish a sort of milk toast approach to God. You are probably thinking I have enough problems without taking on God! Jacob’s victory was a Blessing from God to himself and to all that followed him! It resulted in a name change. From a trickster to a Prince! The name Israel means to rule as God! If you were able to rule over this world would you do it as God does? Love the good and hate the evil? Jacob became Israel and a different man after his struggle with God and limped as he walked yet dependent upon God! No more tricks to try to get ahead! Do you struggle with God for the lost souls of this world? If they do not fight for themselves who will fight for them? How about the widows and orphans? Jesus wrestled with His Father and the Cross! Why have you forsaken me? Jesus went through hell for you and me so that we will never be forsaken! Let us wrestle with God to pluck souls out of the burning fire and from the Kingdom of darkness! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.