Christmas Forever! Luke 1:33

Greek Translation: “And he shall rule and reign over those that belong to Christ the household family of God from Jacob forever; and his Kingdom of Royal dominion over heaven and earth in the heart’s of men shall have no end with continues victory over sin as the purpose of men is consummated in him!” Comment: So will we be celebrating Christmas in Heaven! Yes! With billions of people and millions of Angels! So what will we be doing when we follow Christ back to earth at his second coming? We will be celebrating the second Christmas! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Cry unto Repentance! Isaiah 58:1

Hebrew Translation: “Cry, preach, roar, proclaim, summon to the judgment seat, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show by bringing to the front, bring to the light, confess and profess openly my people, the nation of servants of your Master your National moral rebellious revolt of sin against the living God and show the House of Jacob their sins.” Comment: Sounds like a good old fashion altar call! To be transparent with God is to confess your sin! Sometimes I hear a request to make Jesus Lord and Savior but what is missing sometimes is a valid reason for doing so? Muslim’s do not believe they are sinners! So why repent? Who needs a Savior? Atheists do not believe they need a savior! Whatever your message as a Pastor at the end and hopefully laced throughout your message it must be made clear that transparency before God requires a confession of your sin! Both the Old and New Testaments have the same theme! Repent! Repent of our sin! Pride in the church can separate us from God! I would suggest more frequent Communion services for your congregations! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Light to the Gentiles! Isaiah 49:6

“And he said, It is a small thing that thou should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel. I will also give thee for enlightenment to the non-Jewish people, that thou may be my salvation unto that ends of the earth.” Comment: Why has planet earth had a history of anti-Semitism? Why the war on the Jews? Why did Hitler and Protestant and Catholic Europe persecute them? Hitler had an excuse for he worshiped Charles Darwin and Evolution but the Church? For the church I believe that it is about forgetting your roots! Spiritually the church has forgotten her foundation! When you forget your foundation you do not know where you have come from and where you are going? Like lost! Why is anti-Semitism growing in America today? Why today is the world standing against the small Nation of Israel? Why is the political and religious persecution carrying on today against the Jews? Who is behind this war on the Jews? Satan! Satan wants to extinguish the light! If Satan can get Christian’s to reject their foundation then he can control them! Spiritual wickedness in high places and the principalities and powers of darkness lead the way to hating the Jews! Judaism is the womb that birthed forth Christ! Never forget your mother and be thankful to God for her forever! If the foundations are broken down what can the righteous do? Satan knows the connection between the Jews and Christians because he created a religion named Islam and according to the Koran the followers have a duty to kill Christians and Jews! Satan knows the connection and the church does not? Wise up followers of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Have You Wrestled with God Lately? Genesis 32:24-28

Can you win this one? Jacob did! Here is the question we need to ask ourselves? Do you have enough Faith in God that if you wrestle with God you could win? One of my best friends back in high school loved to wrestle! I hated it but he loved it! Since we were good friends I became a wrestling dummy for him to practice on! I was much like a sparing partner for a boxer. Kent Dove went on to win the heavy weight wrestling division state title for Colorado. Wrestling was sweaty, brutal, exhausting and very bruising to your body. Jesus wrestled with God for us in the Garden of Gethsemane! He sweat drops of blood! Most of our religious church guy prayers are pious, quiet, indifferent and selfish a sort of milk toast approach to God. You are probably thinking I have enough problems without taking on God! Jacob’s victory was a Blessing from God to himself and to all that followed him! It resulted in a name change. From a trickster to a Prince! The name Israel means to rule as God! If you were able to rule over this world would you do it as God does? Love the good and hate the evil? Jacob became Israel and a different man after his struggle with God and limped as he walked yet dependent upon God! No more tricks to try to get ahead! Do you struggle with God for the lost souls of this world? If they do not fight for themselves who will fight for them? How about the widows and orphans? Jesus wrestled with His Father and the Cross! Why have you forsaken me? Jesus went through hell for you and me so that we will never be forsaken! Let us wrestle with God to pluck souls out of the burning fire and from the Kingdom of darkness! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Esau and Jacob Romans 9:13

Why did God hate Esau and love Jacob? Esau was the first born and should get all the perks! The name Jacob means trickster or to supplant or replace. The name James in the New Testament is the same word as Jacob and has the same meaning! In fact in some foreign language translations of the New Testament calls the Book of James the Book of Jacob. God does not personally hate Esau but hates his priorities! We must value what God values! Our priorities must be God’s priorities! We must define our priorities according to scripture! We must make wise choices! Seek first the Kingdom of God! God will either respect or disrespect your priorities! There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek! Whosoever calls on His name shall be saved! Esau despised his birthright but Jacob valued it! If you value what God values then you will find favor with God! Live your life with integrity! The root word for integrity is the word integer. Something complete and not a fraction of something but a whole number. Let your yes be yes and your no be no! Do not add or subtract from the Bible. Do not cherry pick the Bible! That is only what you like! Some people think they will be cheated if they do the right thing? Jacob was cheated by his uncle Laban! Jacob did not take vengeance but let God Bless him more than if he had not been cheated! Isaac loved Esau more than Jacob because he was a hunter. Jacob tricked his father into thinking he was Esau! He did this to get the Blessing of the first born. Jacob comes in the name of another! To receive Blessings we do not come in our own name but in the name of Jesus Christ! We despised our birthright by living in sin! He took our sin away! We cannot save ourselves but in the name of another! Jacob wrestled all night with God! Jacob did not give up until he was Blessed! Do not compete but get complete! Jesus wrestled in the Garden of Gethsemane for us! Jacob in Faith got a name change! Yes, Israel! God promoted him to be a Prince! Jesus is our Prince of peace! We serve the God of Israel! Source; Pastor Steve Vaggalis, Destiny Worship Center. He was guest Pastor at New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Want To Build A Altar To God? Requires Blood! Genesis 35:1

The word for Altar in the Hebrew is the word, “Mizbeach.” It means the place of sacrifice by slaughtering an animal. The sacrificial system was at the focal point of the Israelite system of worship since the sacrifice and subsequent meal were used to solemnize a covenant or treaty to symbolize a position relationship between two parties. Noah built an altar and offered sacrifices on exiting the ark. The patriarchs built altars and sacrificed at various points along their journeys such as Abram, Isaac, Jacob and Moses. At Mount Sinai, God commanded that the Israelites build a tabernacle that included two altars; a bronze altar in the courtyard for sacrificing animals and a golden altar inside the tabernacle for burning incense. Solomon and Ezekiel followed a similar pattern. God also required that the altar for burnt offerings be made of earth or uncut stones so that human hands would not defile it. God also required that the altar would have no steps so that human nakedness would not be exposed on it. Notice that the blood required was not human blood but animal blood. In some religions including Islam human sacrifice is required. God never required us to commit another sin to try to cover our first sin. The blood of animals never did pay the penalty of death for our sin but pointed us to the God-Man Jesus Christ as the one and only sacrifice for our sin. Only the blood of God Himself which was sinless blood would suffice for our guilt. Choose Christ and the gift of salvation that He alone has provided for us! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Family Feud!

Abraham had two wives. Sarah and Hagar produced a son from Abraham. Sarah produced Isaac and Hagar produced Ishmael. Since then the Jews and Arabs have warred over family position and predominance! God in the Book of Genesis promised to Bless both families. The promised seed(Christ), was to come through the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When Islam began in about 650 A.D. a religious system was born to legalize violence against Christians and Jews. On 9-11 Americans got their first real taste of this family feud! Now Bin Laden is gone along with tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars in losses! So where does it end? What is the solution? Do we give up and surrender to evil? Much of the world rejects Christ and His teachings. This includes many Jews, Arabs and gentiles. But it is Christ the only Son of God who is the real answer to this dilemma! Christianity was born out of the womb of Judaism! God promised the Messiah would come through the Jew. This does not mean God has rejected Arabs or anyone else! It was simply God’s plan for giving a Saviour to the world. I am not a Jew but God has given me a sacrifice for my Sin through the Jew. Prophetically Christ was to die on a Cross for all people. God did not leave anyone out of the plan. Until men come to Christ this war will continue. Once we understand that our Sin is forgiven by God then we can forgive others as we have been forgive. Peace comes to our lives when we embrace Christ and His Spirit lives in us! Christ is the solution for this dilemma! If we do not allow Christ’s blood to cleanse us then we will continue to shed our fellow man’s blood in war! Man is at war with God! God’s ways are higher than our ways! Jesus said those who live by the sword will die by the sword! Will it be His way or your way? The wages of Sin is death! The choice is yours! Choose Life today! Give God a chance to change your ways! In Christ’s Love. James Sasse.