Goals! Matthew 4:8-9

Jesus said what profits a man if he gain the whole world and lose his only soul? Remember the Devil offered Jesus all the Kingdoms of this world if he would bow down and worship him! We need a Godly goal! An eternal goal! Depending on our natural gifts we have different abilities. I will never play football in the NFL. I will never go to the Olympics. I am not a rocket scientist. I always enjoyed taking things apart and turning wrenches. I love preaching the Gospel but never had a full time job doing it. I love girls but they are very expensive! I like politics but it is too ugly for me! I would rather do a Bible Study than balance my check book! Math was not my best friend! We should all have one common goal! Reach the Kingdom of God! After this life an eternity awaits us all! Did you ever notice Jesus just had one goal. His goal was to prepare people for Heaven! To do that he had to die a ugly death on a Cross! He had to be raised from the dead! He had to ascend to his Father in Heaven to prepare a place for us there and send his Holy Spirit to us here on earth! How would I know if I had a Godly goal? I would have the same goal for you that I have for myself! My goal is to lead people to Jesus! I do not want to be set apart from Jesus seeking the Kingdoms of this world ending up separated from God forever! Also denying you access to Heaven by my rebellion against Christ! By creating an ideology that opposes the Kingdom of God! I want to share Heaven with you! My goal is that we both share Heaven together! Jesus said they will know you are my disciples if we have love for one another! Do you love the world as much as God does? Humanly impossible! But by his indwelling Holy Spirit all things are possible! Why not give your goals to God and let him sort them out in his eternal plan and purpose for your life! If you fight God’s plan and purpose for your life you will be miserable! If you confederate yourself to him then you will have joy forevermore! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Are You Having a Cloudy Day?

A cloud is simply water vapor that condenses into rain, snow, ice particles or fog. Clouds at night reflect heat and keep the earth warmer. During the day clouds shade the earth and keep it cooler. On our other planets in our solar system clouds are not made up of water vapor. For example Jupiter has clouds made up of ammonia gas. The clouds on our other planets will not support life. The Bible has 108 verses that speak about clouds. You need to have a cloud to have a rainbow! Remember in Creation God moved upon the waters! Jesus walked on water! The Jews in their wilderness wandering were provided a cloud by day for protection! The Tabernacle was covered in a cloud! God spoke to Moses in the midst of a cloud on Mount Sinai. When the cloud moved the tribes of Israel moved! God’s GPS was a cloud! Remember the cloud at the transfiguration? Jesus ascended into a cloud! Jesus will return in a cloud! The two Prophets in Revelation will ascend into a cloud! God turns water into clouds and clouds into water! Noah was saved by water and the earth destroyed by water! There was a cloud over the earth at Calvary! Today when you see a cloud in the sky think on these things! God is Faithful to you and look up for your redemption draweth nigh! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com