Case Against Socialism Isaiah 62:8

The Lord has sworn by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength, Surely I will no more give  thy corn to be meat for your enemies; and the sons of the stranger shall not drink thy wine, for which thy has labored.  Comment: I know what the socialists will say! Well Jesus said to love your enemies! Right? Let us look at the Greek word “Agape”. This Greek word is not found in Classical Greek but is only used in revealed religion! Here is the key to this word used for our English word love! This word when used is not doing what the person loved desires but what the one who loves deems as needed by the one loved! This is central to understanding what Jesus meant! Jesus love is not based on what we want but on what we need! If people wanted Salvation then the whole world would be saved and we could close up our churches and go home! Most people are not in love with God but with the world and themselves! Ever try to sell someone what they don’t want? Like selling a comb to a bald man! However I was blind but now I see! So the Jesus standard of love is to give people what they need not what they want! Socialism is all about people getting what they want! Free stuff! Do not have to work for it let someone else do the work! Theft! Why did God invent work? Work is a sacrifice! God’s whole Kingdom is built on a sacrificial system! Work is a sacrifice! Jesus sacrificed himself on a Cross for us! God worked 6 days in creation and rested on the 7th day! Should he expect less from us? God has made provision for those who cannot work! Work is the only vehicle that brings out our gifts God has given us! We love our enemies by sharing Christ with them! It is tough because most do not want him! They trust the world and themselves rather than God! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Choosing Good or Evil! Isaiah 56:2

Hebrew Translation: Blessed, happy and successful is the man that works, labors, toils and the son of man that layeth hold unto it; that keeps, watches and guards the Holy Sabbath, the 7th day of the week, on the same day God rested from His Creation and ceased from work. Keeping from polluting it or making it common and committing violence against God’s established law. Also keeping his hand of authority and responsibility from doing evil. Comment: The choice should be easy and obvious but it is not! The first day of the week is Sunday! Not Monday! In early America you could not find a business open on Sunday! If you are trusting in your own works then Sunday is just another work day for you! A chance to make more money! Then you believe the time you have is not a gift from God but belongs to you! All of it! This is an ownership question! No faith in God causes people to trust themselves and their own efforts! God rested on the 7th day so are we greater than God? Do you believe God is looking after you? Then show it! Pressures build as you try to carry the load by yourself! Your health is affected! Do not make Sunday just another day in the week! Do you follow God and His example or do you make up your own rules? I am almost 70 years old and have been walking with Christ for 44 years! The peace, joy and prosperity is beyond measure! I have been retired for 22 years! I have never been a slave to work but God works for me! May seem a prideful statement but not really! I do what I can do but understand I can do nothing without Him! My efforts are futile unless God Blesses my efforts! When I cease from my own labor and rest in Christ each Sunday I leave the results to God! Whether the experiences seem good or not my trust is in the Lord! When I tithe and make offerings each Sunday I am giving back to God what He has already given me! I watch for the Sabbath! I guard the Sabbath! Sorry sir I cannot work on Sunday! We will fire you! So be it! God will provide another job! I prepare for the Sabbath! My soul, mind and body prepare for it! Then I rest in Christ and he renews my soul, mind and body! My thoughts are continually on Him! My expectation is from Him! My reward is in Him! My joy comes from Him! My peace from Him and the relationship to Him! My eternity is framed by Him! His promises are mine! You can please God by making the right choice! Then your remaining choices for the rest of your life will be easy! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sunday, December 7, 1941

On January 27, 1941 U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Joseph C. Grew, wired Washington that he had learned information that Japan, in the event of trouble with the U.S., was planning a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor! No one in Washington believed this information. Many thought war was possible but could never surprise us. Most of our military leaders thought they would attack us in Manila. However, U.S. Admiral Kimmel wanted to take our fleet out of Pearl Harbor and meet the enemy at sea. Washington wanted to paint a more secure political climate! Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto had lived in America several years and knew American culture. He knew on Sunday morning Christian’s would be worshipping in services on the Island and it would be a day off for military members. Also Christmas preparations would be a distraction. On Sunday, December 7, 1941, at 0750, Hawaiian time, the first wave of Japanese aircraft attacked American forces! At the end of the day 2403 American’s were killed and 1178 wounded! Eighteen ships were sunk and 77 aircraft destroyed! Today, please have a moment of silence and remember the American’s who sacrificed their lives for us! These American’s did not have a Christmas day in December of 1941. We are battling an old enemy today but relatively new to American’s which is Islam! They also want to take Christmas off your calendar! Christmas has not always been a time of peace for American’s but remember our only real peace comes from Christ who sacrificed Himself to bring us peace with God! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.