Case Against Socialism Isaiah 62:8

The Lord has sworn by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength, Surely I will no more give  thy corn to be meat for your enemies; and the sons of the stranger shall not drink thy wine, for which thy has labored.  Comment: I know what the socialists will say! Well Jesus said to love your enemies! Right? Let us look at the Greek word “Agape”. This Greek word is not found in Classical Greek but is only used in revealed religion! Here is the key to this word used for our English word love! This word when used is not doing what the person loved desires but what the one who loves deems as needed by the one loved! This is central to understanding what Jesus meant! Jesus love is not based on what we want but on what we need! If people wanted Salvation then the whole world would be saved and we could close up our churches and go home! Most people are not in love with God but with the world and themselves! Ever try to sell someone what they don’t want? Like selling a comb to a bald man! However I was blind but now I see! So the Jesus standard of love is to give people what they need not what they want! Socialism is all about people getting what they want! Free stuff! Do not have to work for it let someone else do the work! Theft! Why did God invent work? Work is a sacrifice! God’s whole Kingdom is built on a sacrificial system! Work is a sacrifice! Jesus sacrificed himself on a Cross for us! God worked 6 days in creation and rested on the 7th day! Should he expect less from us? God has made provision for those who cannot work! Work is the only vehicle that brings out our gifts God has given us! We love our enemies by sharing Christ with them! It is tough because most do not want him! They trust the world and themselves rather than God! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Witness of the Jews! Isaiah 61:9

  1. And their seed, offspring, family and race will be perceived and known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people, nation and tribes: all that see them shall recognize and acknowledge them, that they are the seed that the Lord has blessed.  Comment: Salvation has come to the earth through the Jew! We need to be reminded of this because if forgotten history has shown us that even the church has been guilty of the persecution of the Jews! Yet congregations are very seldom reminded of this? If we are not taught the whole truth and nothing but the truth then error can enter into the church! The world will never have any problem persecuting the Jews! Did you ever observe that a right theology by the church leads to the persecution of the Jews and the church! Bad theology leads to the church  persecuting the Jews! Jesus a Jew was persecuted by the Jews not because he was a Jew but because he claimed to be God! Would the Messiah not be God? The 1st Century Jews knew the scriptures but they believed their Messiah would be a world political leader who would conquer the Romans and the world! Much like the Anti-Christ will do in the future here on earth! The true Messiah conquers through love! A sacrificial love demonstrated on the Cross! So the Jews ignorantly offered up the sacrifice that would save the world! A Jewish sacrifice offered up by the Jews! Many Jews will turn to Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period in history! The Jewish Anti-Christ will set up his world reign from the re-built Jewish Temple at Jerusalem! The False Prophet will set up his co-reign with the Anti-Christ at Rome! The False Prophet will be the one world religious ruler! My guess is it will be Islam! The Church will have been raptured by then! When the Anti-Christ proclaims he is God the Jews recognize their error! Jesus said many false Christ’s will come! A Jew who hates the Jewish Messiah has been deceived! A Jew who loves the Anti-Christ has been deceived! A Jew or a Gentile who loves the Jewish Messiah has found the truth! Your defense against the false Messiah’s of this world is the Word of God! Read it, hear it and proclaim it! James and Hamsa Sasse.

John 3:16 Word Study “Loved”

Loved Strongs #25 Agape (Greek). This love is from the direction of the will finding joy through this choice! Love is a choice! Judgment is also a choice! Our judgment is based upon the rejection of God’s choice to save us! The word ‘Agape” is not a word found in classical Greek. It expresses God’s love towards man! Sometimes the word “charity” is used. This word expresses compassion! Compassion means to suffer with! God’s love is a sacrificial love! There are three other Greek words used for love but they are lower level’s of love! This love is a gift and is not given to us by what we desire but by what is needed for us to save us! It is a love we do not deserve! It is God’s willful choice for man! To love God we must show his love that is expressed to us! Without his love we cannot love him and others! It is the love we do not think we need that is the only love we need! We must chose to receive his love! If you chose to receive God’s love, Jesus Christ on the Cross for you then you have a new ability that is divine to share his love with others! The angel’s also have a choice! They are created beings just like we are! Lucifer decided one day in heaven not to receive and show love! He rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven! Even in heaven you will still have a choice about “Agape”! If you make heaven then as now here on earth you still will have a choice! Love demands a choice! When you do your Bible study remember every time you see the English word “love”, the Greek root word may not be “Agape” but another Greek word in the New Testament! It helps in our understanding if we know which word is being used for love! James and Hamsa Sasse.