The Millennium Kingdom!

2 Peter 3:8 “But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” Comment: We need to go back to the Book of Genesis! Did you know Jesus quoted out of the Book of Genesis more than any other Book in the Old Testament! So how many days for creation? Six days! Most Bible scholars believe the earth is about six thousand years old. One day is equal to a thousand years so how old is he earth? Never believe the lie by Darwin and his theory of evolution that the earth is over 13 billion years old! He came along to try to deceive people drawing them away from God! Carbon dating is also junk science! After the eruption of Mount Saint Helen’s here is the U.S., the newly formed rock after about two years was carbon dated using both methods. It was found the rocks were anywhere between three hundred thousand and a million years old when in fact they were two years old! They did this with other active volcano’s including the one in Sicily. Science is not science if it is exponentially off on dates! History is more accurate than a phony science! We know Moses wrote the Book of Genesis in his wilderness crossing between 1450-1410 B.C. Abraham was born in 1973 B.C. Noah was born in 2948 B.C. So how many years between the creation of Adam and Eve and the flood? Again plus one or a thousand years as most scholars believe. So what happens after the sixth day or six thousand years? We enter into the 7th day of rest! The Sabbath! We enter into the Millennium reign of Christ here on earth! His second coming! Satan is bound for a thousand years and perfect peace on earth! No more war! The lion lays down with the lamb! The Apostle Peter was a prophet! Jesus told us all the signs that would precede his second coming! When we look at all the signs in our scriptures both Old and New Testament his coming is soon! Those that see Christ will be those that are looking for him! Are you looking for him? James and Hamsa Sasse.

New World Order? Daniel 8:25

From the Tower of Babel to the United Nations man has made many efforts to form a one world government with the deceptive promise of peace! Here is a quote from the Book of Daniel about the Anti-Christ the future ruler of the one world government: “He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed but not by human power.” Here is another quote by C.S. Lewis: “It does not matter how you rearrange the rotten eggs you still get a bad omelette!” The Millennium will feature Jesus Christ ruling as a one world leader in perfect peace because He is the Prince of Peace! Pastor David Jeremiah

The Third Jewish Temple Jerusalem

This subject with about 32 scriptures on the rebuilding of the third Temple is complicated by various interpretations of these scriptures. I want to print a new version of the Bible titled, The Bible for Dummies!” After I write it I will read it myself! Will dummies go to Heaven? Yes! The whole earth is covered with them! It is an elite club! Smart people are not allowed! It is called the Democratic Party! If you think they are dumb well not as dumb as their followers! Let me give you some history on the Jewish Temple’s at Jerusalem. Two Jewish Temples have been built so far. King Solomon built the first Temple in 960 B.C. The Babylonians destroyed it in 586 B.C. The returning Jewish captives from exile from Babylon were freed by the Persians (Iranians), in 539 B.C. The returning Jews completed the second Temple in 515 B.C. The second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. Remember Jesus in about 33 A.D. prophesized the Temple destruction (Matthew 24:2). So what do the Jews today say about the 3rd Temple? A number of Jewish scholars believe the deadline for the Jewish Messiah is in the Jewish Year 6000 which is 2240 A.D. This date would also be the date for the completion of the third Temple! The Orthodox Jews recite the Amidah which are daily prayers for rebuilding the Temple and the sacrificial offerings to be reestablished! Jesus said He is the Temple! We are the Temple as the Holy Spirit resides within us! But what about Jesus second coming? The Jews will probably think it is His first coming when he returns for the second time! At His second coming we who pray to Him will see Him face to face! Is the third Temple necessary? Absolutely! When Jesus returns and enters Jerusalem he will come through the eastern gate (who the Muslims sealed off), and enter the Temple! The Anti-Christ will occupy the Temple during the 7 year Tribulation period! At the end of this period Christ will return and route him out of the Temple! What about the New Jerusalem? We will have a new Heaven and a new Earth at the end of the Millennium or thousand year reign of Christ on earth! Christ will rule the earth from Jerusalem! So the rebuilding of the Temple is important to Bible Prophecy and the fulfillment of scriptures! If you live to see the construction of the third Temple you will see one more sign of Christ’s second coming! James and Hamsa Sasse.