Suffering with God! Revelation 1:9

“I John, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom of patience of Jesus Christ, was in the Isle of Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Commentary: Some think since God suffered for us we should not have to suffer for him! Let us look at some of the history of the Apostle John! This is not everything but some highlights of his life! He was the only disciple to die a natural death! He with Peter and James witnessed the Transfiguration! He was one of three witnesses that saw Jesus raise the daughter of Jairus raised from the dead! Jesus sent John and Peter into the city to make preparations for the Passover or Last Supper! He was the disciple Jesus loves as he sat next to him at the Passover meal! He and Peter followed Jesus into the Palace of the High Priest at his arrest! John alone with the women remained at the foot of the Cross at his crucifixion! John took Mary under his care after Jesus death! After Jesus resurrection and ascension John and Peter became the pillars of the church! John suffered under Roman Emperor Domitian along with many Christians! He was boiled in a pot of oil at Rome yet by a miracle survived this! The audiences at the Colosseum who witnessed this miracle converted to Christianity! Since Rome could not kill John they exiled him to the one of three remote Islands at Patmos which was a prison labor camp! There John wrote the Book of Revelation predicting things to come today and into the future! All his persecutions by Satan promoted Christ and his Kingdom! If you suffer for the right things God will promote you! We do not choose persecution it just comes as you follow Jesus! But no human can promote you like God can! Even to eternal life spent in Heaven with your Savior forever! Satan and the world system can only demote you to hell forever! Which promotion do you choose? Eternal life or eternal death? You choose! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Suffering! Luke 24:25-26

“Then Jesus said to his disciples. O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and enter into his glory?” Comment: Sometimes we as believers in Christ will play the fool and listen to the lies of the world too much! Where are the prosperity preachers now here in America? Have they not gone into hiding with the rest of us? The gift of life here on earth is a very short time granted to us by God to prepare us for Heaven! Some will go unprepared! The main event of your life will be after death when we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ! What will be your defense for rejecting him? Did you play the fool and mock Christ while here on earth? Who really holds your future? Christ does! He judges the living and the dead! So why do you trust your mortality? Why trust in the arm of flesh that will perish? Jesus did not trust his flesh! He was God and man! His divinity raised him from the dead and so will he do with you! If this Coronavirus causes you to trust in Christ this will be the greatest thing that will ever happen to you! My death bed experience was the best thing that ever happened to me! I found the light at the end of the tunnel and it was not a train it was Christ! He was waiting for me! We in Christ do not want to be the slow to believe people! After Jesus was raised from the dead his disciples had a hard time believing the facts? Do you believe the facts of the Holy Scriptures? Do you believe God enough to read and study your Bible daily? Fake news will always oppose the Good News! Which voice will you follow? The truth or a lie? If you listen to the voice of God those mocking Christ today on earth and in Hell have no hold on your future! My future and your future has everything to do with Christ! No success in this world will defer you from the main event! Why? Time will run out! Get off your side show and follow Christ! Wise men still seek him! No mortal on earth can save another mortal! Christ is more than a man! He is God in the flesh! No one cheats death! Your undertaker will not be able to raise you from the dead! He will just lower you into the ground! Only Christ can raise you from the dead! He will raise everyone! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment! Do not ignore the main event! Make the right choice today for this virus is temporary but eternity is forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.


Not by gain our life is measured, but by what we have lost is scored; It is not by how much wine is drunken but how much is poured out. For the strength of love never standeth in the sacrifice we bear; He who has the greatest suffering ever has the most to share! Watchman Nee (1903-1973) Comment: This Chinese Christian spent 20 years in prison sentenced by the Chinese Communist government for his stand for Christ! The books he has written are some of the most sought after literature on the planet.

Truth & Suffering! 2 Peter 2:2

Greek Translation:  “And many shall follow their pernicious ways with no restraint wanting all pleasure with unmanageable evil traveling the road to destruction; by their reasoning reject the truth of the reality clearly laid out before their eyes rather embracing an appearance without reality or false image evil speaking of to hurt a reputation with false words.” Comment: If you follow your flesh this will be your end result! You will try to defend your evil mocking the righteous! Peter the Head of the Jerusalem Church had to deflect much criticism and false allegations! A righteous leader will always be in this battle! Much of the politics today is about smearing our President to try to defame his character! It is a character assassination! Only Christ can change hearts from evil to good! Suffering is the way of the righteous! Suffering for doing good! Our Christ had to endure suffering and should we no less? Suffering for Christ is a sign we are on the right path! If the world approves you look out! The Apostle Peter had to overcome many things! Especially with his past! Satan will always try to bring up your past! Peter you betrayed your Lord! You denied your Savior! You are not fit to lead! Christ has forgiven us and as Satan reminds you of your past remind him of his future in the Lake of Fire! Peter went on to be crucified on a Cross upside down in Rome! Centuries later he became the first Pope of Rome! If you give God your worst as the Apostle Paul and Peter did he will turn it around and make you the best! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Power in the Name! (Continued)

The Church at Smyrna is the second of seven churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation. (Revelation 2:8-11). If you look at an old world map it is second closest church to the island of Patmos. The Greek name for this city Smyrna means; “Anointing oil.” Jesus commended this church and found nothing wrong with it! I wonder why? Smyrna was the suffering church! When you suffer for Christ and his Kingdom there is an anointing from him that comes over your life! We do not look for suffering but if you follow Christ it will come to you! Jesus told them he saw their tribulation, poverty and the blasphemy of their oppressors! He commended them for being put in prison for his name! He encouraged them to be faithful unto death! He told them a crown of life awaits them and that they will escape the second death! Jesus said we must be born again! This is how you escape your first death! Then Jesus has taken your judgment for sin for you and then you escape the second death! Remember God’s whole Kingdom is based on suffering and sacrifice! So what evidence would there be that I am saved and in Christ? If I would sacrifice my own life for others! If you are not saved you will sacrifice others for yourself! Just the opposite behavior! Look at your own life! Which is it? We are not saved by our works but the works of Christ however my works will reflect who I am following! Jesus or Satan? Satan has sacrificed you with his sin! Jesus has sacrificed himself for your sin over 2000 years ago on a Cross at Calvary! You cannot save yourself but by his power and his name all things are possible! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Tribulation with Purpose! Revelation 1:9

“I John, who am also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Comment: When you are in Jesus Christ no amount of suffering is wasted! In fact it leads to a promotion if you go through it with patience. Do not curse your enemies love them! In the natural John being exiled to a slave labor camp on a remote Greek island did not look promising! Working in a stone quarry on a rock pile did not look like a promotion! John’s faith in Christ lead him to his destiny! When we accept Christ we let him determine the path he has for us! We just follow him! He is always with us! Little Caesar did not know this was the best thing he could have done for John! No distractions in prison! No parties to disturb your library hours of writing his Book of Revelation! No loud music! The crack of a whip once and a while but quiet like a hospital zone! John in the late night writing under a candle light with quill and pen plotting the plan God had for his church! Writing in love to the seven churches who were praying for him and communicating to him of their love for him! John predicted the future of history of the world and God’s plan with precision! Out of love he endured with patience the suffering set before him! Most ministries today present a ten point plan how to get out of suffering? In fact if you suffer you must lack faith? Nothing could be further from the truth! I found Christ in the center of my suffering! So did the singer Lauren Daigle as explained in a previous post. Sufferings will come to all but when you are there look for Christ! You will have a companion forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Global Warming in France?

Really sad for the French people are suffering from heavy taxation for socialism policies including a carbon tax and fuel tax that are based on the phony global warming scheme! Global warming is a myth and is used by the political left or socialists to extract money from the hard working citizens through heavy taxation! Diesel fuel is over six dollars per gallon in France! We are about two dollars per gallon here in America! If we had to pay those prices America would go into a deep recession or even a depression! President Trump did not go for the global warming fraud to politically drain the finances of the American people! President Emmanuel Macron needs to wake up and see his error and remove these burdensome taxes on the French people! Then to abandon socialism and the heavy tax costs to his citizens! Shrink the huge government and relieve the people of these heavy burdens! Giant socialistic governments require huge taxes from the people to support it! Socialism has failed everywhere it is tried yet the left just wants to try failure one more time! Utter stupidity! A lean efficient government will relieve the people of heavy taxes and the people will spend that money into the economy which will lead to business prosperity for France! President Macron needs to wake up quick! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why Suffer? Revelation 1:9

Greek Translation: I John, who also am among you a brother of the same womb (Born Again) and companion in tribulation. In tribulation of being broken, squeezed, crushed with the pressure of a burden upon my spirit in a confined space (Prison). And in the Kingdom of God under all circumstances with endurance towards people. I was in the isle of Patmos, for the Word of God and for the testimony being a witness, certifying and declaring Jesus Christ.  Comment: Suffering by the world brings death! Suffering by God has brought men Salvation! John suffered for a testimony of Jesus Christ! Suffering in Christ brings purpose in your life! To live is Christ and to die is gain! We have an interesting story about India. We spent two of our three years there on a remote mountain village named Yercaud in South India. They had an old English church up there that had the graveyard surrounding the church! I explained in a previous post why the British did this. Since I had to walk through the cemetery to get to the front door of the church I noticed some of the grave markers. There were two grave markers of a missionary couple from England that spent their whole life preaching the Gospel in India! But I noticed next to their graves was a little grave marker of a four year old girl. This was their daughter who died of malaria while ministering to the people of India! I wrote there names down and then inquired of the elders of the village if anyone knew about them? An old man in the village told me the story his grandfather told him many years ago. This couple had a powerful ministry bringing  hundreds of Hindus and Muslims to Christ! They had been appointed to a three year mission work to India. However after their daughter died there they spent the rest of their lives ministering in India! They decided their daughter’s death would not be in vain! Her sacrifice was not to be wasted! Jesus said, “This do in remembrance of me!” As we take the bread and the cup let us remember he did not let the cup pass from him! A sacrifice was provided to you for your Salvation! Remember him when you are suffering for he has never forgotten you! James and Hamsa Sasse.