Hebrew and Greek Translation: “Surely he has taken away and carried off our griefs as a horse carries us off away from danger! He also carried off our sorrows! We did count and judge his crippled body through violence with touching him as Adam and Eve touched the forbidden fruit! He was pierced and slain and afflicted by God to establish a hold up against the judgment of sin.” Comment: The Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Old Testament. Using this resource will sometimes help us to get a little more insight into the scriptures! Use every resource you can to understand what God is trying to tell us! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: fruit
Darkness in 21st Century! Genesis 1:2
Hebrew Translation: “The earth was without breath, desolated, confused without purpose in obscurity, falsehood and ignorance was upon the face of the deep. And the breath of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Comment: Could this Bible verse at creation describe the 21st Century? All of these conditions manifest today in the 21st Century from no knowledge of God! No perception and understanding of His presence! No acceptance of His existence trying to run the planet without Him! Trying to run your life without Him! Like having all your modern appliances without electricity? Even though Christ exists today we try to live without Him? Living in deception! The lack of Christ is the source of ignorance that runs our world today! Same problem in all previous Centuries! Trying to exist before creation will not work! It did not work then and will not work today! Trying to live before creation is history repeating itself! Darkness upon the face of the deep! Many men of the 21st century are trying to live without God in the Garden of Eden! There are many fruits around but give me the one I should not eat! The results are the same! Separation from God! Separation from God is a voluntary choice! Getting back to Genesis is getting back with God! History has proven that we cannot live without God yet we still try? To chose the Light of Christ is also a voluntary choice! When will we get fed up with self and choose the light? Fools still say there is no God! Why not be a wise man for a change? Come Holy Spirit we need thee! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Purpose! Psalm 1
Virtues without faith are leaves, flourishing in appearance, but unproductive. How many pagans have mercy and sobriety but no fruit, because they do not attain their purpose! The leaves speedily fall at the wind’s breath. Some Jews exhibit purity of life and much diligence and love of study, but bear no fruit and live like leaves. Saint Abrose of Milan ( 340-397 A.D.) Comment: Remember what Jesus did to the tree that produced no fruit? Jesus being a Jew cautioned the religious Jews that their efforts produced no fruit outside of me! After coming to Christ fruit began to grow in my life! Fruit from deep roots in Christ! True purpose can only be found in the one outside of yourself! When He moves inside of you a harvest comes in your life you could never achieve by yourself! I find many people would rather trust themselves than the God who gave them life! The sooner you abandon self-worship the sooner you find God’s purpose for your life! There is nothing more fulfilling than this! It has eternal consequences here on earth and in heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Two Destinies! Genesis 3:1
“Now the hissing creature was more cunning and crafty than any of the created beings in the field God the creator, ruler and judge had made.” Comment: Remember the Jews again murmured against God in Numbers 21:9. The serpent called God a liar! Moses constructed a brass serpent upon a pole for the people to look at after they were bitten by the fiery serpent in judgment by God! Why? God had instructed Moses to do this to save the people! Remember the brass serpent is an image and not the fiery serpent! We were created in the image of God but we are not God! There are religions today such as Islam that make themselves God and decide who should live and who should die! Remember Lucifer was at one time Heaven’s choir leader and highly ranked in Heaven! He is a created being and rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven down to the earth! His image on a brass pole represented his position and condition before his fall. He was pure and Holy at one time! His pure condition represented by the brass serpent delivered the Jews from same fallen serpent! Any Savior has to be greater than those saved! We cannot be like God unless we are restored to the previous estate of no sin! Jesus has made this possible for us! The wars on planet earth are between the Image of God and the Image of Satan! We have to chose the right side of this war! Adam and Eve had to chose between two tree’s! Today there are still two tree’s in the midst of the garden! One tree looks good to the eyes and the fruit is pleasant but is deceptive and leads to death! The other tree has life in it and healing for the nations and mercy but does not appeal to the carnal nature! Christ was hung on a pole or Cross and took your place in His death and resurrection! He took your punishment for your sin and rebellion! Your image is restored and now you live in the Image of God as first intended at creation! You now live as if you had never sinned! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
The Chief Modern Rival of Christianity is ‘Liberalism’…at every point, the two movements are in direct opposition! John Gresham Machen (1881-1937) John was a seminary professor at Princeton, founder of Westminster Theological Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. His text book on New Testament Greek is still used in seminaries today! Comment: Who was the founder of liberalism? John Locke (1634-1704) However let us dig deeper! Let us hear what Satan told the first inhabitants of earth found in the Book of Genesis! “Has God said? Surely He has not said? You will not die if you partake of this fruit! God is a liar” How are we to live our lives as Christians? By every word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God! Where do we find these words? In your Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Why not go out on the limb? That is where the fruit is! Will Rogers, The Readers Digest, Volume 76, 1960
Hear It and Practice It ! Matthew 7:24-27
Here Jesus gives the final benediction. Jesus demands and compels us to take the narrow gate, produce the right fruit and make the right choice! He required of us that we build on the right foundation. We are to examine ourselves and practice Holiness. Jesus repeats these requirements a second time because they are so important. Jesus was talking to believers not non-believers. The rain, wind and storms will come to us all. Good and bad days are ahead. The wise build on the rock and the foolish on the sand. If we build on the right foundation we will thrive through the storm. We have great days ahead! We can feel His Blessings! The disciples were passionate. They did great things! There were glorious days and there was also trouble. Eleven of His disciples were martyred! One was imprisoned on a remote island in a cave. John 16:33 — Peace and Tribulation? Jesus has come to give us peace. The world gives us trouble. Jesus has overcome the world! Stay strong and keep the Faith. Nothing shall shake you! The place of stability in Christ leaves no terror. The unstable world leaves us with fear. Love and fear are opposites. How do we practice words? We practice them by doing them. Action! Breath in His Holy Spirit. Get saturated with the Gospel! Breath out and go do His Word. Are you receiving but not giving? Gandhi said,” I like your Christ but not His followers! ” Christ’s followers cannot save Gandhi but Christ could! James 1:27– Pure religion is to take care of widows and orphans. Also keep your heart pure. Find some widows and orphans! Get busy. Do! Act! Along life’s path do His Word. Do you have a vision? That vision will deceive you if you are not doing His Word! A medical doctor is useless unless he is practicing his knowledge! Luke 8:15– There are four types of soil. The seed is the word. Good soil is a pure heart. Hear His word and do something about it. Hear it, retain it, talk about it and do it. Cares of the world will choke the word. Know the will of God and cooperate and do it. Good work does not earn our salvation. But the good works help to mature us. Put your hands and feet to His Word. The Bible is a living, breathing document. The Holy Spirit puts boots on the ground through you! Live out your revelation. Matthew 7:28– Jesus taught as one having authority. It is not about Plan A or Plan B. Make disciples teaching them to obey me! Christ will be with you always even to the end of the ages. Have a secure place and build on the right foundation. What are you building your life on? What and who is shaping and forming your life right now today? Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given Sunday, September 15, 2013. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com