Tamil Language Gospel Tract!

This language tract is available in written, audio or video tracts! For more information please contact IndiaJesusLovesYou.com Also you may contact Pastor Maharaja Daniel at the India Jesus Loves You Church in Yercaud India. My E-mail is: dmaha_raja@yahoo.com.in

Chinese Language?

Dear President Trump, Why is the Chinese language being taught in our public schools to elementary schools across America? Who in the NEA and our government is taking bribes from China to promote this agenda? This is not how we make America great again! Twenty percent of high school graduates cannot read English coming out of public schools! Our public school system is the left wing of the Democratic Party! They are teaching our children that transgenderism, homosexuality, gay marriage and sex changes for children is something to behold? After your re-election we must move to school vouchers where parents can move their children to the school of their choice either private or public! This would make America great again! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Do We Think Outside the Box? Proverbs 23:7

Here is a quote from a genius! “I very rarely think in words at all. A thought comes, and I may try to express it in words afterwards.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Let us go back some 2300 years ago and hear from another genius! “The heart collects sensory input from the peripheral organs through blood vessels which are described as perception from which thoughts and emotions arise.” Aristotle. Here is a quote out of a modern science digest! “A baby’s heart begins to beat 18 days after conception and by 21 days the heart is pumping blood through a closed circulatory system. A baby’s brain waves cannot be detected until 45 days after conception.” In addition to Proverbs 23:7 and many other scriptures my Bible says a man has said in his heart there is no God! So our thought language is universal. If you were born in China you just express your thoughts in Chinese! If you were born in Germany you express your thoughts in German! This leads us to some interesting questions? The mute and deaf have thoughts just like we do! They probably have more brilliant thoughts but just cannot express them! Why is America and our Constitution allow more expressive thoughts than other nations? So our nation will prosper! What was the first language spoken here on earth before the Tower of Babel? Most cultures like to think it was their language but what does the Bible say? What language will we speak in Heaven? More important what thoughts will we have? Heaven and Hell are separated by thoughts! What language does the Holy Spirit speak? What about tongues? David said create in me a clean heart! Here is another quote from the genius! “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” Albert Einstein. Do not let things taught to you by humans interfere with what God is trying to teach you! Read your Bible and discover the treasures God has for you that can only be found there! Do you now see why Salvation and the cleansing of our blood with the blood of God and His Christ is so important! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

King James Version of Bible 1611 A.D.

How did the King James version come about? The official language of the Medieval church was Latin. This was the language of the Roman Empire which adopted Christianity in the 4th Century. The Pope ruled from Rome and all services across the Empire were in Latin. Translations of the Bible into other languages was forbidden. By the 1500’s vernacular Bible’s were available in certain parts of Europe. This added fuel to the fire about religious authority as Martin Luther and the Reformation was growing! In England the Constitution of Oxford written in 1408 forbid translation of the Bible into a native tongue! This was done to prevent Lutheranism. The only authorized version was Saint Jerome’s Vulgate Bible which was only understood by England’s educated elite. The English translation by William Tyndale was published in 1525 and was the first Bible circulated in print form. Only 3 copies survived and William was executed! By Shakespeare’s time England and Rome had split and politics changed dramatically! King James the 1st, also known as King James the 6th of Scotland, abolished the death penalty for printing English Bible translations. Interestingly, 80 percent of William Tyndale’s was used to do the King James version! King James also employed 50 scholars to oversee the translation work. Comment: History repeats itself! Our Bible has come to us through the hands of the martyrs! If the Bible is one day banned in America what could you do to assure it would survive for the next generations to follow you? Do not let your Bible collect dust! Read it! Study it! It is the most valuable possession you have! Everything else will perish! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Why Did Hitler Hate The Jews?

There is in fact no way of thinking about the world, says Hitler, which allows us to see each other as human beings. Any idea which allows us to see each other as human beings comes from the Jews! Hitler believed the only way for the world to revert back to it’s natural order was through brutal racial competition so the Jews stood in the way of his ideology. Timothy Snyder, Black Earth; The Holocaust as History and Warning. Comment: Hitler claimed he was a Christian to get elected to power. Hitler was correct that the Bible written by Jews clearly explains Creation as all men created in the Image of God! Those who believed and followed the Bible would oppose racism and resist Hitler’s ideology! Mohammed who wrote the Quran has the same problem with Christian’s and Jews! The Jews and Christianity brings unity and stability to the world and opposes Islam’s efforts for world conquest! Those who accept Christ are not forced to do so! Islam uses death and threat of life to reject it! During World War II Arabic Language radio broadcasts out of Berlin encouraged Muslim’s to join Hitler in the fight against Western allies! Millions joined! I will in another article quote Hitler to explain Hitler’s delight with Islam. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Strength of Great Wisdom! 1Cor. 1:20-25

Verse 25– “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” What is Paul talking about here? He is talking about the Cross! This is God’s genius plan! Christ! Born of a virgin? Sinless? Dies on a cruel Cross as a common criminal? Rose from the grave? Conquered death and hell? Seated at the right hand of His Father right now? If you could figure this out it would not be of God! Only the revelation of God through His Holy Spirit can reveal this to you! Spiritual discernment is required not man’s wisdom! Pilot told Jesus I will determine whether you live or die! Jesus told Pilot I lay down my life! Using man’s wisdom you will decide to enslave others! That is what all our wars have been about over history! Using God’s wisdom you will serve others! When you make decisions love people through the Cross! The world’s way is to use power to dominate them! God’s way is to serve men! I traveled down to Central America last week. I know enough Spanish just to get by! The people there encouraged me there to stay there for some time and learn their language! It would probably take me about two years! Why do we hear these messages over and over again every Sunday? Why do we take communion every week? Is it we have nothing else to do? We need to learn the language of God! We need to learn His language! If you are in love with God read His Bible! Study, pray and do the things that please Him! Live righteously! Hate sin! Love God! Love people! Serve others sacrificially! Praise Him! Serve Him! As we come forward for communion this morning let us receive His language of love! Excerpt from message by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. His entire message may be viewed by going to web site; NewLifeChurch.org

What was the First Language Spoken on Earth?

The question would ask another question! What language did Adam and Eve speak and then ultimately this must have been the language God gave them! Hebrew is classified as a Semitic (or Shemitic, from Shem, the son of Noah) language. Was Hebrew just one of the many Semitic languages such as Canaanite, Aramaic, Phoenician, Akkadian, ect., that evolved out of a more ancient unknown language? Or was Hebrew and the Semitic family of languages, the original language of man? According to the Bible all people spoke one language (Genesis 11:1) until the construction of the Tower of Babel, in southern Mesopotania which occurred sometime around 4000 B.C. During the construction of the Tower, God confused the language of man and scattered the nations (Genesis 11:7-8). It is at this time the Sumerians (from the land of Sumer, known as Shinar in the Bible-Genesis 10:10, speaking non-Semitic, appear in southern Mesopotania. It is believed the Sumerians are related to the people living between the Black and Caspian Seas, known as Scythians, descendants of Noah’s son Japheth.  At approximately the same time the Sumerians appeared in Mesopotania, another civilization emerges in the south, the Egyptians. The original language of the Egyptians is Hamitic (from Ham, the second son of Noah) and also unrelated to the Semitic languages. During the time of the Sumerians and the Egyptians, the Semitic peoples lived in Sumeria and traveled west into Canaan. It would appear that after the Tower of Babel, the descendants of Japheth traveled north with their language, the descendants of Ham traveled southwest with their language and the Semites traveled west with their language. The point of origin from these languages is Babylon or the Tower of Babel. What was the first language spoken prior to the Tower of Babel? When God created Adam He spoke to him (Genesis 2:16) indicating that God gave Adam a language and that this language came from God Himself, not through any evolution of languages. When we look at all the names of Adam’s descendants we find that all the names from Adam to Noah and his children are Hebrew names, meaning that their names have a meaning in Hebrew. For instance, Methuselah (Genesis 5:21) is Hebrew for “his death brings” (The flood occurred the year that he died). It is not until we come to Noah’s grandchildren that we find names that are not Hebrew. For instance, the name Nimrod (Genesis 11:18), who was from Babylon/Sumer/Shinar and possibly the Tower of Babel, is a non-Hebrew name. According to the Biblical record of names, Adam and his descendants spoke Hebrew. In addition, Jewish tradition as well as some Christian scholars, believe that Hebrew was the original language of man! Source; Ancient-Hebrew.org  Jeff A. Benner