Galatians 6:7-10 (Greek Translation)

Verse 7; Do not go astray, do not be a tramp, the God of all is not mocked, for whatsoever the imperfect and mortal man sows that will he reap. Comment: When you sow a seed whether good or bad you will get a harvest! Life or death! Verse 8; For he that soweth to his mortal body shall of his mortal body reap decay and ruin, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap eternal life both past, present and future! Comment: Sowing to your mortal body is sin and death! Sowing to the Spirit is sowing salvation, love, peace, joy, and eternal life! Verse 9; Let us not be slothful and lose courage in valuable words for in ownership at the set and proper time we shall reap if we do not relax! Comment: Laziness is a sin! We take ownership of our words! Good or bad they own you! They identify you! In God’s time you will reap a reward! Verse 10: As we have time and season let us labor and toil for what is profitable and useful to all men, especially to those that are of the family of religious Faith! Comment: Your labors for the word of God will profit many! Especially to fellow believers! You are saving the lost and encouraging believers! James and Hamsa Sasse.

True or False? Matthew 7:15-23

False Prophets! Not all that shines is gold! Jesus warning His disciples. Wolves attack just to kill while other beasts kill only for food. Assassins! Dressed in sheep clothing. They look like you, dress like you, have a good church language but are suicide bombers wearing a Christian costume. Intentional people who purposely mislead us to hurt. Evil at the core. Verse 16- By their fruit you will recognize them. Good or Bad! True or False! Pay attention to the right thing. Walk and be not deceived. Good fruit is moral fruit. Bad fruit is immoral or evil fruit. Verses 21-23. Final Judgment! I prophesied in your name? I cast out demons in your name? I did miracles in your name? Jesus said but I never knew you! Worst thing you could ever hear! Warning! Big crowds always follow those who perform prophecy, cast out demons and perform miracles. They may be genuine or total deceivers? Work for the right fruit. Do they sell products and then sprinkle Jesus on top of their sales pitch? How does fruit come? Fruit takes time to produce. Galatians 5:22- Fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace———-. Is our motivation on self or Christ? Look for sound doctrine! Is your household built on sand or rock? 2Timothy 4:3-4. People want a doctrine that fits their desires. Our desire and God’s desire is different. Make me happy God! The 21st century church theology is called; Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. It says that God is here to make me happy! Use Jesus to get what you want. No sound doctrine. A lot of money made under this false doctrine. Money made in the God business. Why? It sells! Itching ears. We want to hear this! Pleases the flesh. Marketing 101- Find out what the people want and tell them how to get it. Politicians today- They follow the culture rather than lead it! Flow with the stream down the drain. Sound doctrine- Iron sharpens iron. Follow Jesus. Believe Him. False Prophets will appear to go along with the Gospel but yet will say Jesus did not die and raise from the dead. The Death and Resurrection of Christ is foundational to our Faith! The Nicene Creed has been foundational to our Faith for over 1600 years. The early church father’s wrestled these heresies to the ground for us. You have to be able to discern truth to avoid the destruction of the false! Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sunday Sermon Notes Message given on September 8, 2013. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Law Verses Grace!

Text; Galatians Chapter 5, Verse 4. This text is often missused to teach that the phrase “fall from grace” means that a person can loose his or her salvation. In the context of the verses one through three Paul is teaching how depending on the law of Moses for salvation makes Christ’s work on the Cross meaningless! Then in verse four, he speaks about those who think they can justify themselves through the law. Because these people chose to obey the law for salvation , they have no room for Jesus Christ and His Grace.The key to understanding the phrase “you are fallen from grace” is seen in the verb(expesate, Srongs 1601), which is better translated from the Greek as, “have fallen.” It does not mean that the Grace of God was evident at one time and then lost. Rather, a person deviates from the truth of grace and chooses justification by law. Grace does have law in it, (Christ on the Cross for our sin), but the law has no grace outside of itself! The law has only penalty which is death. God has given us Grace which is a Gift and He will not take it away! If someone rejects His Gift it will not void His Gift to those who accept it! Christ kept the law completely and fulfilled the law even to death on the Cross! Source; Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, Copyright 2008. Thankyou. James Sasse.