Jesus calmed a storm which really messed up the weather forecaster’s prediction and then the very next day met a naked crazy man on the beach. Even the crazy man knew someone messed up a perfectly good storm. The Gadarene area was a Roman colony made up of soldiers and gentile pig farmers. This story has helped advocate for the mentally ill over history. Jesus was and is today an advocate to help the mentally ill. The mentally ill are usually pushed to the outer fringes of a culture. Yes, all the way to the cemetary! Then bound with chains to be sure they do not disturb the dead! Satan will always try to isolate people. Whether through divorce, institutions or popular culture. Satan hates marriage and any unity that brings people together under righteousness! There are 4 area’s of theology in American culture. Area #1-No God, No Demons. Area #2- Big God, No Demons. Area#3- Big God, Big Demons. Area#4- Big God, Defeated Demons. The first 3 categories isolate people in our culture. Category 4 brings balance and unity to our culture. Jesus wanted to know the crazy man’s name? Jesus is interested in people not demon’s. A Roman Legion is about 5000 soldiers. The demons did not want to go to the abyss? Why? Their evangelism program would be over! They needed to take someone with them. They were pro-porkchop and wanted deviled ham! Jews considered pigs unclean and not redemptive. The local gentile community was making a living off the unclean. The next thing we see in this story is a man walking around in his right mind wearing clothes. Who gave clothes to this naked man? Does your church have a clothes bank? A wild man gets tamed! Jesus is more than a lamb he is a lion! Never try to tame God down and domesticate Him! Remember all this took place before the Cross! The Demon’s recognized Christ’s Divinity! The sane man wanted to go with Jesus and get out of town! Jesus wanted him to be a witness in his own community. If you are not a witness where you are do not waste time and money running somewhere else! Can you imagine the story he had to take back to his community? The community had to trade in 2000 pigs for a sane clothed man. The Gadarene’s did not like it and wanted Jesus to leave town! Their money was more important than this lunatic! Never get over your salvation! Others may try to tame you down but be wild for Christ! Christ will always make you a testimony of His love and power! Let Christ through you serve Satan a plate of deviled ham! Source; Personal notes from message given at New Life Church by Pastor Brady Boyd, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
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Jury Duty
I was riding with my friend down a snowy icy highway back in the 1970’s. He was a careful driver but a wind gust moved the back of the car and he over corrected and we spun out a full 360 degrees. The car behind tried to avoid us but lost control and upset in the median. The driver was seriously hurt. The case went to trial. My friend told me prior to trial that 12 people would decide his fate and they were not even smart enough to get out of jury duty! Our God who created us is smart enough to know everything and His judgement through His Son Jesus Christ will be true and perfect for all men! You can trust His love and Mercy to deliver you out of all your troubles! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Can You Lose Your Salvation? Hebrews Chapter 6, Verses 1-6.
Chapter 6, verses 1-6 are probably the most controversial verses in the Bible! You need to micro-view these verses and then macro-view them in light of all scriptures! Remember the Bible always interprets itself. For those who say you can loose your salvation my question to them would be when are you going to lose yours? If your salvation is based on works then sooner or later all will be lost. The difficulty of these verses is removed by recognizing when the actual decision to follow Christ becomes true salvation. A person is saved at the point of genuine acceptance of God’s Gift of “Light”, and then he or she is received by God. God ultimately judges every heart and knows who is truly repentant. The decision for salvation is made ineffective when it is based on emotions and one’s own abilities. Christ died once for man’s sin. If this was insufficient there would be no security for believers. In verses 4-6, Paul is using hypollated illustration to make a point. In philosophical language, this form of reasoning called reductive ad absurdum ( a reduction to an absurdity ). From a false assumption comes absurd conclusions. It would be false to assume a believer could fall, because his repentance, based on Christ’s death would be invalidated. There would be no security and Christ would need to be crucified again! Sin is all about depending on your own works! Faith is about depending on Christ’s work! Source: Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible. Thank you. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Mistaken Identity!
My Pastor Steve from Macon Georgia is a very talented man and oversee’s a congregation of about 1200 people. As a college student at Lee College he took a summer job in the local town at a funeral home. He thought the experience of ministering to the grieving would help him prepare for the ministry. That summer the funeral director made steve supervisor over 6 people because steve was so talented. This particular day they had two funerals scheduled. Both were scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM in churches located in opposite ends of the city. One deceased was a man and the other a woman. Well, Steve got the caskets mixed up and sent them to the wrong locations! To make matters worse they were both open viewing! When the lids were both lifted at 2:00 PM shreaks and screams began! Steve thought it was just emotions from the crowd for the dearly beloved. Then he heard one lady say he looks like her old boyfriend? Another said he was going to sue the funeral home? After some bad words were said to steve he realized his mistake! He quickly loaded the casket and headed for the other church! He got stopped on the way and got a speeding ticket. When he got to the other church there was not a warm reception for him there either! Monday morning was a difficult morning for steve as the funeral directory called him into his office. He explained to Steve that anything less than termination would not be accepted by the community. Steve got another job in fast food just up the road in the next town. We love and appreciate Pastor Steve Sawyer and the years he ministered to our family in Macon Georgia! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Best Actor of the Year Award?
Tens of millions of Americans and hundreds of millions of people overseas believe that Obama is the most deserving for this coveted award! I agree! James Sasse.
Anti-Christ is a Jew and Gay! Daniel 11:37
According to the Bible in the Book of Daniel Chapter 11, verse 37, desribes some of his character and race. It is interesting that Jesus is a Jew and so is the Anti-Christ. This is one of the reasons the Jews are deceived by this guy during the 7 year tribulation period of history. They believe a Jew would not turn on a Jew. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God for their gay life style as were they during the flood in Noah’s day. However the homosexuals are back as the United States government and other world governments promote them with our tax dollars. Jesus warned us that the last days before his return would be as in the days of Noah. The spirit of Anti-Christ has always been with us but the embodied man Anti-Christ will soon emerge as the one world ruler. The spirit of Anti-Christ promotes death through abortion, gay marriage, gambling, drug abuse, prostitution,divorce and every other sin on earth. Remember when Herod tried to abort Jesus through the murder of the children in Bethlehem. We as Christians should not be surprised about prophetic events as they unfold before our eyes. Your Bible is front page news! Read it! Thankyou. James Sasse.
Ray Lewis and the Baltimore Ravens!
Ray Lewis started the Superbowl in Faith and ended it in Faith in God! At the beginning of the game during the coin toss he called heads! Why? Because the Bible says we are the head and not the tail! After the Raven’s won the super bowl he said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Ray ended his 13 year career in the NFL with a victory! His Faith in God is a living Faith and his life a testimony to God’s Faithfulness to him! Thankyou. James Sasse.
God’s Best Gift? Satan’s Best Gift?
A conclusive list of God’s Gift’s are listed in First Corinthians Chapter One and Chapter 12. Also Romans Chapter 12 and Ephesians Chapter 4. Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church in Colorado Springs gave us two important purposes of our spiritual gifts in his Sunday message. They are; 1. Our gifts bring others to God! 2. Our gifts help us to grow up! There was much more in his message Sunday and you can go to their web site if you want more. NewLifeChurch.Org Commentary; When I was reading First Corinthians Chapter 12, verse 31, I noticed that Paul said to covet earnestly the best gifts, and i will show unto you a more excellent way. Then i asked myself what is God’s best gift? In the next verse i got the answer! Remember in the original manuscripts there were no chapters but a continuation of thoughts. God’s Best Gift is “Love”! What is Satan’s best gift? Remember the temptations he offered Jesus? Stones into bread-food. Show-off and jump off the mountain-pride. All the kingdoms of this world-Power,Authority,Rule Jesus said that my Kingdom is not of this world! There is competition for your soul between two Kingdom’s! The Kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of God! The lust of the eyes and the pride of life is cheese on the rat trap for you and me! Satan’s gifts are death, disease, sickness, pestilence, abortion, sin, war, judgement and hell forever! God’s gifts are love, joy, peace, prosperity, long-suffering, patience, eternal life, forgiveness of sin. Choose life! Choose death? The choice is yours! Thankyou. James Sasse.
Faith in Who? Faith in What? Ephesians Chapter 3 Verses 11-12
I have translated the two verses above by going back to the original Greek and then reinserting the English translation from Greek back into the text. Verse 11 and 12 reads as follows; According to the past, present and future intension by visibly showing forth something which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. In whom we have boldness and admission with reliance by the belief in the truth of salvation by Christ. God has given every man a measure of faith! Faith is a Gift from God! So our Faith is not really my faith or your faith but God’s Faith! This is the Faith Paul is speaking about. Not faith in yourself, wife, husband, bank account, job, father, mother, son, daughter, government, retirment, church, pastor but Faith in God! Faith in Jesus Christ alone secures our Salvation both now and forever and nothing else will! Although our family, jobs, ect, are important to us they must never be idols in worship before God! Thankyou. James Sasse.