History Endorses The Bible! Genesis 16:11-12

God told Hagar one of the wives of Abraham that her son Ishmael would be a wild man with his hand against every man and every man’s hand against him! The Book of Genesis was written about 1450 BC by Moses during the wilderness wandering after leaving Egypt. Abraham lived about 420 years before Moses. Islam did not come along until about 650 AD. So this prophecy about Ishmael and the Arabs was given about 2100 years before Islam came along. This family feud between the Jews and the Arabs has gone on for thousands of years. All Islam did for the Arabs was legitimize their hatred towards Christians and Jews. There is no political solution for this problem and no military solution. This is a spiritual battle that wages on through the flesh! There can only be a spiritual solution for a spiritual problem! God reconciled Himself to man through His Son Jesus Christ. When we reject the Blood of Christ as the atonement then man’s blood will flow! Christ came to make us spiritual brothers and this peace is the only lasting peace man will ever know and experience! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Deviled Ham Luke Chapter 8, Verses 26-39

Jesus calmed a storm which really messed up the weather forecaster’s prediction and then the very next day met a naked crazy man on the beach. Even the crazy man knew someone messed up a perfectly good storm. The Gadarene area was a Roman colony made up of soldiers and gentile pig farmers. This story has helped advocate for the mentally ill over history. Jesus was and is today an advocate to help the mentally ill. The mentally ill are usually pushed to the outer fringes of a culture. Yes, all the way to the cemetary! Then bound with chains to be sure they do not disturb the dead! Satan will always try to isolate people. Whether through divorce, institutions or popular culture. Satan hates marriage and any unity that brings people together under righteousness! There are 4 area’s of theology in American culture. Area #1-No God, No Demons. Area #2- Big God, No Demons. Area#3- Big God, Big Demons. Area#4- Big God, Defeated Demons. The first 3 categories isolate people in our culture. Category 4 brings balance and unity to our culture. Jesus wanted to know the crazy man’s name? Jesus is interested in people not demon’s. A Roman Legion is about 5000 soldiers. The demons did not want to go to the abyss? Why? Their evangelism program would be over! They needed to take someone with them. They were pro-porkchop and wanted deviled ham! Jews considered pigs unclean and not redemptive. The local gentile community was making a living off the unclean. The next thing we see in this story is a man walking around in his right mind wearing clothes. Who gave clothes to this naked man? Does your church have a clothes bank? A wild man gets tamed! Jesus is more than a lamb he is a lion! Never try to tame God down and domesticate Him! Remember all this took place before the Cross! The Demon’s recognized Christ’s Divinity! The sane man wanted to go with Jesus and get out of town! Jesus wanted him to be a witness in his own community. If you are not a witness where you are do not waste time and money running somewhere else! Can you imagine the story he had to take back to his community? The community had to trade in 2000 pigs for a sane clothed man. The Gadarene’s did not like it and wanted Jesus to leave town! Their money was more important than this lunatic! Never get over your salvation! Others may try to tame you down but be wild for Christ! Christ will always make you a testimony of His love and power! Let Christ through you serve Satan a plate of deviled ham! Source; Personal notes from message given at New Life Church by Pastor Brady Boyd, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com