Truth & Christmas! John 14:6

But truth is greater and stronger than all these things. Everyone on earth honors truth; Heaven praises it: all creation trembles in awe before it. There is not the slightest injustice in truth. You will find injustice in wine, the emperor, women, all human beings, in all they do, and in everything else. There is no truth in them; they are unjust and will perish. But truth endures and is always strong; it will continue to live and rule forever. Truth shows no partiality or favoritism; it does what is right, rather than what is unjust or evil. Everyone approves what truth does; its decisions are always fair. Truth is strong, royal, powerful, and majestic forever. Let all things praise the God of truth! 1 Esdras 4:35-40 (Apocrypha) Comment: The apocrypha was never canonized in our Protestant Bibles but in the Catholic Bibles. There are some good things in the apocrypha for even Christopher Columbus discovered the New World because of it! So what do we mean by truth? According to the Hebrew Old Testament truth means someone trustworthy, faithful, certain and foundational for support. Like the foundation for a building. The foundation is there to build you up. According to the New Testament Greek truth is someone who is open not concealing anything. Someone transparent not hiding anything. Jesus said I am the truth! The way and the life! Truth is embodied in a person! The man/God Christ! There was no sin in Him so nothing concealed or hidden! The strength of sin is it’s secrecy! That is why we are to confess our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive our sin! Truth is not an immaterial quantity of something! It is a spirit embodied in a person by Jesus Christ! If Christ is not embodied in us then there is no truth in us! We must be born again as Jesus commanded us! The second birth! As you worship his first birth this Christmas ask Him for His second birth to be born in you this Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Anti-Christ is a Jew and Gay! Daniel 11:37

According to the Bible in the Book of Daniel Chapter 11, verse 37, desribes some of his character and race. It is interesting that Jesus is a Jew and so is the Anti-Christ. This is one of the reasons the Jews are deceived by this guy during the 7 year tribulation period of history. They believe a Jew would not turn on a Jew. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God for their gay life style as were they during the flood in Noah’s day. However the homosexuals are back as the United States government and other world governments promote them with our tax dollars. Jesus warned us that the last days before his return would be as in the days of Noah. The spirit of Anti-Christ has always been with us but the embodied man Anti-Christ will soon emerge as the one world ruler. The spirit of Anti-Christ promotes death through abortion, gay marriage, gambling, drug abuse, prostitution,divorce and every other sin on earth. Remember when Herod tried to abort Jesus through the murder of the children in Bethlehem. We as Christians should not be surprised about prophetic events as they unfold before our eyes. Your Bible is front page news! Read it! Thankyou. James Sasse.