President Trump State of the Union Speech!

You are all stupid people! I can only assume stupid people elected you! I have a list of 40 senators and 200 congressmen and Women who need to turn in their resignations by the end of the week! Loud applause! I want the illegal Mexicans to build the wall! This will be their path to citizenship! They will all do construction from the south side of the wall! Yes all 11 million of you! Once the wall is completed we will break a hole in the wall and build a door! When you go through the door heading north we will hand you your citizenship papers! You will then be employed as border security guards! For every illegal that gets in we will escort you back through the door heading south! You will drop your citizen papers in the burning barrel by the door as you leave! What about anchor babies or drag queens? They will baby sit the illegals children while they are building the wall! Now that the illegal immigration problem is fixed let us move forward………….>>>>>>>>

Anti-Christ is a Jew and Gay! Daniel 11:37

According to the Bible in the Book of Daniel Chapter 11, verse 37, desribes some of his character and race. It is interesting that Jesus is a Jew and so is the Anti-Christ. This is one of the reasons the Jews are deceived by this guy during the 7 year tribulation period of history. They believe a Jew would not turn on a Jew. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God for their gay life style as were they during the flood in Noah’s day. However the homosexuals are back as the United States government and other world governments promote them with our tax dollars. Jesus warned us that the last days before his return would be as in the days of Noah. The spirit of Anti-Christ has always been with us but the embodied man Anti-Christ will soon emerge as the one world ruler. The spirit of Anti-Christ promotes death through abortion, gay marriage, gambling, drug abuse, prostitution,divorce and every other sin on earth. Remember when Herod tried to abort Jesus through the murder of the children in Bethlehem. We as Christians should not be surprised about prophetic events as they unfold before our eyes. Your Bible is front page news! Read it! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Does God like divorce?

Jesus says unto them, “Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery”. Source, Holy Bible, Book of Mark, Chapter 10, Verses 11-12.