Expiry Date!

We all have one! About 2 years ago I purchased a can of bear spray. It is a stronger mix that your standard can of mace! I was planning to use it on some unsuspecting Jihadist! However the opportunity did not present itself. So my can of bear spray expires is less than 30 days! How to use it before it expires? I could use it on my neighbor’s dog! This dog has a beggar’s complex! I could take the spray down to the Atlanta zoo and spray it in the face of some unsuspecting 400 pound gorilla! However my concern would be the animal would be so angry he might rip off the front of the cage and come after me! Worse yet some nature loving visitor or a bear hugger would get too close to the front of the cage the next day! I could season my fried eggs in the morning for breakfast with this pepper spray! I could spray the Georgia ant hills in my front yard with this stuff! However I think the best idea is to sell these cans on eBay! I could advertise them as EPA approved cans of, “Pepper Spray Lite.” Pre-owned cans guaranteed to aggravate your attacker! While mentioning eBay just want to inform you that our “Solar Panel Clothes Dryer” sales are up this month! I am thankful I have a good supply of Walmart clothes line to mail to our customers! This still has more value than your millions of tax payer monies that went to the now defunct Obama Solar Panel Companies! James

Public Service Bulletin! Fuel Pumps & Octane Ratings

How can you increase your electric fuel pump life and increase your gasoline octane rating? Gasoline has some lubricity although low but lubricates your electric fuel pump in your gas tank. What prompted me to investigate this is my old 2001 Dodge Caravan fuel pump began to whine and make a lot of noise! I found that to increase the lubricity of gasoline you can add 2 cycle oil to your fuel. You can add a small 3 ounce bottle to your gas tank of 2 cycle oil for about 2 dollars at Walmart. After adding this to my gas tank my electric fuel pump stopped whining! I have added a bottle with every tank of gas since! What ratio of fuel to oil is difficult to find! I saw one technical periodical that said 500:1 for gasoline electric fuel pumps and 128:1 for diesel pump injector systems. Another advantage of doing this is the oil slows down the burn rate of gasoline and increases the octane rating of the gas! Remember 2 cycle oils are designed to be added to gas to be burned in combustion chambers and will not smoke! Do not use regular engine oils in gasoline! A dirty fuel filter can also cause a noisy fuel pump but I changed my filter about a year ago and knew was not the problem! Some newer electric fuel pumps have the filter built into the fuel pump so you would have to change the whole pump! A bad fuel pump regulator can also cause fuel pump noise but later vehicles have regulator built into fuel pump! Would have to change whole assembly. Best thing is to add 3-6 ounces of 2 cycle oil to gas tank and see if noise goes away? I did some research and contacted one of the oil companies that supply oils to retailers such as Walmart to white label their product as a fuel additive to lubricated fuel pumps and they did not care if I used their oil for another purpose but suggested I get product liability insurance! One gallon of this 2 cycle oil at Walmart is about 10 dollars. This is 128 ounces. That would make 42 bottles of 3 ounce 2 cycle oil and if you sold each bottle for 2 dollars that would be 84 dollars! There are no fuel pump lubrication additives presently on the market in retail stores so there is a market available! I just want to stay focused on our Blog and web site especially at my age to reach people for Christ! Perhaps someone younger could take this idea and give it a try! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Public Service Notice Blood Pressure Machines

Be careful with purchasing blood pressure machines from retailers such as Walmart! These machines are not accurate! I purchased one years ago and then replaced it with a new one. I took the new machine to our doctor’s office to check it against their machine. They use a mechanical machine that is very accurate! The new Walmart machine measured 15 points higher on both values! This lead us to overmedicating and going to a cardiologist for expensive tests! First check your   blood pressure on the machines located in your pharmacy area’s before going to your doctor!  Our doctor recommended purchasing a blood pressure machine from a medical supply house. Some insurances may cover this cost. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Do American’s Trust Obama?

Since Obama has taken office American’s have purchased a total of 65.4 million weapons! This is 91 percent more than President Bush first term total. Have you tried to buy a weapon lately? Our Constitutional rights in America give law abiding citizens right to own a weapon. However this right is being eroded in a back door way by President Obama. The first red flag I saw was when Obama wanted a civilian defense force during his first term. My first question then was why compete with our regular military? Then my history memory about Hitler and his brown shirts came to mind. These armed youth of Germany became the S.S. troops who worked independent of the regular military forces. The brown shirts got rid of any who opposed Hitler. When any high ranking regular military officer opposed what Hitler was doing they were assassinated by the S.S. The Department of Home Land Security has purchased 1.5 Billion rounds of ammunition. Why? This is more ammo than our military requires. These are not target practice rounds but killer rounds. Other federal agencies that have never been armed in our history are being armed by Obama? This is Obama’s growing civil defense force! Why? America has been weakened by Obama since taking office in almost every category. It does not matter whether health care, employment,income,ect. We are viewed by the world as weak and indecisive! When you go on-line to purchase a weapon you will notice a thirty five dollar pistol just a few years ago is going for six hundred dollars. You will notice that hundreds of ads for handguns are listed as; “Out of Stock.” Go to your local Walmart and notice the empty shelves in the ammunition department? If your government is buying up all the ammunition you may have the right to own but no ammo or guns to buy? This is the back door policy of Obama to disarm civilians. His gun control efforts are also producing the opposite effect. Has Obama planned a takeover? I saw moves early in his first term for planned failures of America. If you have not read history you may think it cannot happen here. I hope I am wrong but next three years will prove or disprove me. I see the hand writing on the wall! I trust my God and He has always given me discernment to coming future events. I had a vision of 9-11 months before the event. In the vision I was walking down a street in New York city and this white powder was everywhere? When I told my Pastor in Macon Georgia he thought I was crazy? After 9-11 he looked the other way when I passed him. Prepare your hearts for very difficult things coming to America. Your faith in God will be tested beyond all your imaginations! When you have a leader who wants us to fail only Christ can rescue you from the disaster to come! God Bless! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Extravagant Worship! Matthew 26:6-10

Jesus and Mary were the only two who left Simon the leper’s house anointed! The two that were anointed was the worshiper and the one worshiped! To know Him is to love Him! The more you love Him the more you want to know Him! Jesus did not ignore the poor but He made the point that the core to all adoration is; “Worship”. Make your worship costly! Break your box of ointment and pour out from your Walmart of Worship Resources to Worship Christ! This message is an outline from New Life Church Youth Worship message given on March 10, 2013, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Pastor Brady Boyd, Senior Pastor. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com