Case Against Abortion Jeremiah 1:5

Hebrew Translation: “Before I formed you in the belly I intimately and personally knew you with your distinction between right and wrong. Before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified and morally consecrated you to me. I ordained you a Prophet possessing you with my Divine Spirit. A Prophet unto the non-Jewish (Gentile) nations.” Comment: Notice the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles)? The Jews rejected the message from God through Jeremiah and went into Babylonian captivity for 70 years! We could make a case here that we have a known existence by God before we were physically born into the earth! We were created in the Image of God! But before our birth? Jesus said we must be born again! We know the Trinity pre-existed creation! They were the cause of creation! However I do not support reincarnation! What the Hindus believe. So why would anyone one want to prevent a child from being born? Why at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem did Herod order the slaying of all children 2 years old and under in the city trying to kill Jesus? Jesus said do not suffer or prevent the children from coming to me for such is the Kingdom of God! Today in America 500 children are murdered by their parents each year! Why over 57 million babies murdered in America since 1973? We have a missing generation of people! What political party would support this genocide? Why would our tax money be used to support the killings? Why would the Democratic Party be attractive to anyone? Because the Democratic Party has always supported immorality! Because it appeals to the sin of man! Whether it be slavery, Jim Crow laws, welfare, gambling, socialism, open borders, sanctuary cities for criminals or anti-law enforcement they have found a following of about 1/2 the U.S. population! Don’t work for a living! Live off the State! Protect illegal immigrants at a cost to their citizens! Government health care! State ownership of everything! The deep State control of every aspect of your life! State worship! Promoting the failed ideologies of Marx, Engels, Lenin and others! If we as Christian’s here in America want to maintain the control of our Constitutional liberties and the implementation of Biblical values then we have to take voting seriously! Support President Trump and those who value Biblical values! Kind of funny but a candidate who is running for office down here in Georgia said she supports both Republican and Democratic voters? Do not elect liars! Lying is not Biblical! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Blasphemy! John 5:22

Jesus words: “For the Father judges no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Comment: The word judgment means to divide or separate based upon the law to either condemn or aquit. Redemptive judgment is not based on breaking the law for we have all sinned but on God’s acceptance and forgiveness through his only Son Jesus Christ! God has committed all judgment to his only Son because his son paid the price for our sin on the Cross! In Chapter 5 of John we see the Jews wanted to kill Jesus because he broke the Sabbath healing a man on the Sabbath! Also Jesus told the religious leaders that all judgment was rendered unto him by his Father! The Jewish leaders were inflamed because they saw Jesus elevated to the position of God! We have previously discussed the one unpardonable sin which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit! Jesus is part of the Trinity! Jesus is the only part of the Trinity that can save you! Blasphemy is rejecting Jesus Christ as your Savior! If you reject the only one that can save you judgment to Hell follows! Jesus is judge of the living and the dead! Jesus did not die for himself! He was without sin! God died for you! Salvation is so important to God that Jesus commanded us to go out into the whole world and preach the Gospel! The good news! If Evangelism was top priority for Jesus what should it be for us? Believer’s highest calling and top priority should be Evangelism above everything else! If in the end of our lives here on earth our future is dependent on what we did with Jesus Christ and our Heaven or Hell depends on Jesus judgment of us then what is more important than reaching people for Christ! I have done some gambling early in my life but why do people gamble with their eternity? This life on earth is very short but eternity is forever! Your decision about Christ will affect you in the here and now and in eternity! Only a fool would say no the Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Anti-Christ is a Jew and Gay! Daniel 11:37

According to the Bible in the Book of Daniel Chapter 11, verse 37, desribes some of his character and race. It is interesting that Jesus is a Jew and so is the Anti-Christ. This is one of the reasons the Jews are deceived by this guy during the 7 year tribulation period of history. They believe a Jew would not turn on a Jew. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God for their gay life style as were they during the flood in Noah’s day. However the homosexuals are back as the United States government and other world governments promote them with our tax dollars. Jesus warned us that the last days before his return would be as in the days of Noah. The spirit of Anti-Christ has always been with us but the embodied man Anti-Christ will soon emerge as the one world ruler. The spirit of Anti-Christ promotes death through abortion, gay marriage, gambling, drug abuse, prostitution,divorce and every other sin on earth. Remember when Herod tried to abort Jesus through the murder of the children in Bethlehem. We as Christians should not be surprised about prophetic events as they unfold before our eyes. Your Bible is front page news! Read it! Thankyou. James Sasse.