Can You Make A Teenager Happy!

God can raise the dead but He cannot make a teenager happy! If you try you will burn out! Love them and leave them to their own devices. They will figure it out in their early twenties! I raised four of them and experience most of the time is the best teacher! I remember an old Burt Reynold’s movie back in the 1970’s. In this movie Burt and his buddy were robbing gas stations for a living. In those days the gas stations were not self-service but had an attendant to fill your tank, check your oil and wash your windshield. Burt was in the driver’s seat and his friend a passenger in the right front seat. Burt pulled up to the station and an old cranky man came up to Burt’s window and asked him what he wanted? Burt said it is surely a lovely day out here! The old cranky attendant said I do not think so. Burt said fill my tank up! Attendant finishes filling tank comes back to Burt and says give me ten dollars. Burt asked him if he could wash his front window glass? Attendant say’s No! Burt say’s you know something, I am tired of trying to make you happy! Burt pulls out his pistol and tell’s attendant to fill his bag with money from his cash register in his office! Attendant seems compliant and goes into his office where the cash register is and then brings a double barrel shotgun out! Burt hits the gas, squeals his tires as the attendant fires two blasts into the trunk of their car as they leave the station! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

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