Salvation through the Jew! Genesis 49:10

Hebrew Translation: “The septre or staff with authority to punish, fight and rule shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver engraving and writing ordaining Kingship to Judah from between his feet, until Shiloh the Messiah come; and unto him shall the gathering of the whole human race be.” Comment: Today we as believer’s in Christ sit before his Throne in Heaven submitting to his authority! One day at the Judgment Seat of Christ he will be seated but you and I will stand before him so judged to everlasting life and some to everlasting punishment! So why did God give us the Law? Simply to show us we all need the Savior! The truth is we are and will submit to someone! It may be God or it may be Satan! I was blind but now I see! I served Satan for years then one day just like the Apostle Paul a great light shone over me and the scales were removed from my eyes! I can see clearly now! You cannot discern you destiny unless Christ intervenes and shows you your error! I will one day stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ! However for me his judgment for my sin was taken by the judge and paid for on the Cross at Calvary! You do not want to take your own judgment! You will end up in Hell. The choice is still ours to make! This life is short but eternity is forever! Where we spend it is the most important decision you will ever make! Like the thief on the Cross there may still be time for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Rejecting God’s Word! Isaiah 8:20-22

So what happens when any nation does this? Isaiah says the light will grow dim and the darkness will get darker! It is interesting that the Hebrew word for our English word darkness means a calamity such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, flood, storm, war or a nuclear attack! Could be a drought, forest fires, economic collapse or a host of other events! After this the people will rage against the King or President and last but not least God! Then they shall look into the earth and see anguish, trouble, darkness and be driven into more darkness! However Isaiah in the next chapter has some good news! Isaiah says as a nation goes into great darkness they will see a great light! The light shines greatest in the darkness! Can you see a pattern here going on in America today? The more we reject God the more calamities come! The assault on our National leaders and anyone who stands up for the Word of God! Vengeance on anyone who tries to point them to the light? Mockery of those who trust the God of the Bible! Crosses taken down, Commandments removed, prayer outlawed and lately destroying statues of our Christian Founding Father’s! Rejection of the Constitution and our laws that establish order in America! Anarchy on the rise! No dissenting views allowed to be expressed? Fascism on the rise! It is a paradox because they blame the God they have rejected that creates the Hell the live in! James and Hamsa Sasse.

State Funded Schools!

Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for it’s own destruction! Adolf Hitler Comment: If anyone knew about destruction it should have been Adolf! Was he right? Let us look at the numbers! I have found in my research that trying to find the illiteracy rate for the United States is very challenging! The 2015 UNESCO report excluded the data for the United States, United Kingdom and Israel? I had to dig for a long time and the State Funded Education Department has it well hidden in a corner of their report? According to the 2016 report there are 32 million American’s who cannot read or write! This is probably a very conservative report! If you include the millions of illegals that have come over the past few years it is much higher! In the New England Colonies prior to public education the illiteracy rate was 2 percent! Then the children used the Bible as their text book for reading! If America is going to survive we must privatize our schools! The worst tragedy is that the State funded schools work overtime to remove their student’s Faith in God! For the first time in American history the succeeding generation is less educated than the previous generation! James and Hamsa Sasse.

A Jewish Guest

We had a Jew from Israel meet us in our home last week. He found something peculiar to him in our living room? He told us he had visited a lot of Christian homes here in America but had never seen a Manorah in their homes? Why do you have a portrait of the Last Supper and a Manorah on your fire place mantel? I told him that Judaism and Christianity are linked together eternally! You cannot have one without the other! You can only separate them with bad Theology! Judaism is the womb that birthed Christ and Christianity! You cannot have ice cream without milk! Even the Muslims understand this! The Quran commands them to kill Jews and Christians! He asked me why then in history have Christians persecuted the Jews! I told him that could only be explained by complete ignorance and by Christians who do not read their Bible! I shared with him that even in America often times the Bible is wrapped around popular culture rather than eternity. I shared with him that a lot of Churches in America have removed symbolism from their worship! Not only has the Manorah been removed but even the Cross? I shared with him that Moses was given instruction from God to construct the Marorah. The seven branched Manorah was made of gold! It is also used in the Book of Revelation in our Bible representing the seven churches! The six of the seven branches represent human knowledge and are inclined towards the central branch or Light of God. The seven branches also represent the six days of creation and the center branch represents the Sabbath or seventh day. The central light also represents the burning bush seen by Moses! The central light was never extinguished in the Tabernacle or the Temple. When you add up the total number of blosoming almond sets on the branches you get sixty six! This represents the sixty six Books of the Bible. My thoughts about the number 666 in the Book of Revelation is that the number of man is the number six added to sixty six represents man trying to live without the Word of God and becomes the Beast! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Many Voices Claim To Speak For God! Few Are Faithful To His Word!

Amos 8:11-12 The Prophet Amos lived thousands of years ago yet his voice rings true today and vogue as we witness the decline of America. Amos said not a famine of bread or water but a famine of the hearing of the Word of God! America’s decline is almost proportional to it’s rejection of the Bible. As nativity scenes are pulled from public view and Crosses removed from grave yards I wonder how long America can last? The good news is still the good news so we as Christians know that only the re-birth of Christ in America will save our people from destruction! Even though you may say Merry Christmas to a store clerk and they do not reply back or say Happy Holidays just continue to announce Christ to the world! No republican or democrat can save America. We have past the point of no return and only if Christ is re-born in the hearts and minds of Americans can this republic be saved! It is more than a Merry Christmas. It is a Saving Christmas, a Redeeming Christmas and an Eternal Christmas! Do not try to live Christmas without Christ! Thankyou for your prayers and support for this ministry this past year. Have a Merry, Saving, Redeeming and Eternal Christmas! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse.