Biblical versus Civil Law!

But hereof be assured, that all is not lawful nor just that is statute by civil laws: neither yet is everything sin before God, which ungodly persons allege to be treason. John Knox (1514-1572)  Comment: No one could probably understand this better than the Colorado Bake shop owner who was fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple! Then after a Supreme Court victory is still being harassed by Colorado State government? This is another ungodly civil law that when passed into statute the ungodly go after the Godly with harassment, threats of violence and civil court actions! John Knox also experienced this first hand as one of the leaders of the Reformation as Queen Bloody Mary of England took him to task! No history is new with man but just repeats itself! This is why God’s only Son Jesus Christ had to make a one way trip to the Cross for our sin! Many civil laws such as slavery, Jim Crow and others were at one time civil statute in our nation! Through a costly civil war the tide was turned! All civil laws that oppose the scriptures will be eventually overturned like abortion but often it comes with a great price! To oppose God is stupid and very costly! The unrighteous cause the righteous to suffer! That is best illustrated by Jesus to the Cross! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Case Against Abortion Jeremiah 1:5

Hebrew Translation: “Before I formed you in the belly I intimately and personally knew you with your distinction between right and wrong. Before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified and morally consecrated you to me. I ordained you a Prophet possessing you with my Divine Spirit. A Prophet unto the non-Jewish (Gentile) nations.” Comment: Notice the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles)? The Jews rejected the message from God through Jeremiah and went into Babylonian captivity for 70 years! We could make a case here that we have a known existence by God before we were physically born into the earth! We were created in the Image of God! But before our birth? Jesus said we must be born again! We know the Trinity pre-existed creation! They were the cause of creation! However I do not support reincarnation! What the Hindus believe. So why would anyone one want to prevent a child from being born? Why at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem did Herod order the slaying of all children 2 years old and under in the city trying to kill Jesus? Jesus said do not suffer or prevent the children from coming to me for such is the Kingdom of God! Today in America 500 children are murdered by their parents each year! Why over 57 million babies murdered in America since 1973? We have a missing generation of people! What political party would support this genocide? Why would our tax money be used to support the killings? Why would the Democratic Party be attractive to anyone? Because the Democratic Party has always supported immorality! Because it appeals to the sin of man! Whether it be slavery, Jim Crow laws, welfare, gambling, socialism, open borders, sanctuary cities for criminals or anti-law enforcement they have found a following of about 1/2 the U.S. population! Don’t work for a living! Live off the State! Protect illegal immigrants at a cost to their citizens! Government health care! State ownership of everything! The deep State control of every aspect of your life! State worship! Promoting the failed ideologies of Marx, Engels, Lenin and others! If we as Christian’s here in America want to maintain the control of our Constitutional liberties and the implementation of Biblical values then we have to take voting seriously! Support President Trump and those who value Biblical values! Kind of funny but a candidate who is running for office down here in Georgia said she supports both Republican and Democratic voters? Do not elect liars! Lying is not Biblical! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Signs of Cultural Decline! Isaiah 5:20

Jesus said persecution will come to you if you are a follower of Christ! Many places in the world Christian martyrdom is common! However in America the assault is growing on Christian’s! Here are the steps that lead to persecution in any culture! What was once celebrated is now condemned! Some examples? Crosses, traditional marriage between a man and a woman! Bibles! Ten Commandments! American Flag! Patriotism! Legal immigration! Borders! Nationalism! Military service! Sodomy laws! Sunday worship! Free speech! Right to bare arms! Prayer in schools! Free press! Visual displays of Christ! Verbal expressions of Christ in the public places! Litigation and fines against those that support traditional values! Social media blocking of Christian content on Facebook, Google and other media forms! So if you condemn what the Bible has expressed as evil then you will not celebrate the condemned then you will be condemned by the culture politically, socially and judiciously! Pastor Robert Jeffress, Pathway to Victory.

Legalizing Sin! Romans 1:27

The unnatural love for young boy’s is so common, that in many places it is established by the public laws! Xenophon, Greek historian, writer and military leader, 430-354 B.C. Comment: So America is not the first country to legalize homosexual behavior but thousands of years earlier there was a city named Sodom that tried the same thing! How stupid for nations to change God’s laws and expect no consequences? History has shown us that Sodom was burned to the ground and the Greek and Roman empires collapsed! No human that ever lived can oppose God’s laws and live! America needs to repent and the Pastor’s across America need not look the other way! If the Pastor’s do not call homosexual behavior as sin out who are God’s representatives on earth then who will? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Hour of Temptation! Revelation 3:10

Greek Translation: “Because thou has kept the spoken word of my cheerful endurance, I will also keep thee from the hour, time and season of one’s virtues which shall come to pass upon all the world specifically the Roman Empire, to try them that dwell on the whole earth.” Comment: The Greek word for our English word “world”, used here refers to the Roman Empire. From the Roman Empire the temptation is spread into the whole earth. So what temptation is Jesus keeping you from that is spread to the whole earth from the Roman Empire? The temptation to deny Christ! The world at this time in history was the Roman Empire! They had conquered most of the known world! Jesus and all the disciples except John and many of the early church Father’s were martyred by the Roman Empire! The Apostle John at the time of the writing of this Book of Revelation was exiled on the Isle of Patmos working as a slave in a stone quarry because of Caesar’s sentencing of John! Christian persecution of the Church began in 64 A.D. with Nero and the great fire of Rome. The persecution of the Church ceased in 313 A.D. with the Edict of Milan with Emperor Constatine. It has been estimated that there were at least 100 thousand martyrs during this period. Remember in previous postings we talked about the unpardonable sin? What was blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Remember to mock one part of the Trinity is to mock all. The unpardonable sin was to deny Jesus! God can forgive every sin except denying Jesus because He is the only one who can forgive sin! Remember the 21 Coptic Christians who were beheaded by ISIS last year? In their hour of temptation they did not deny Jesus! Rome became Christian under Emperor Constatine and became the Holy Roman Empire! Jesus knew what the believers were going to face under Roman Rule for 200 years! He was preparing them for the hour of temptation! So how did the preparation come about for the hour of temptation for the whole earth? When Roman Empire became Christian all the roads they had built throughout their entire Empire were used to take the Gospel to all the known world! I will give you a historical quote on the Roman Empire from Wikipedia: “By means of European Colonialism following the Renaissance, and the descendant states, Greco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian culture was exported on a world wide scale, playing a crucial role in the development of the modern world.” Now where are we at 21 Centuries later today? The pressure upon Christian culture today is to deny Christ! The popular culture, Hollywood, liberal media, atheistic teachings such as evolution, abortion promoters, white supremacy haters, anti-colonialism, gays, lesbian, and transgender promoters all apply pressure against us to deny Christ! Even in the church the denial of Christ exists! Many believers do not tithe their income! Many make a 7 day work week and skip Sunday services! Worship of money over God! The list goes on but we can either deny Christ one small step at a time but when push comes to shove and you have to make a choice between your life or Christ God’s grace will not be their to confess His name! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Gun Control in America?

“To conquer a nation you first must disarm it’s citizens!” Adolf Hitler 1933. Comment: Our Founding Father’s had the God given wisdom to write our Constitution to arm our citizens to prevent a government takeover of them! The Democratic Party and the left are desperately trying to make laws that would disarm us! Why? Are they getting their advice from Hitler? No government can take complete control of a people if the masses are armed! The cost would be too great for a takeover! I am thankful to be born in America and live under our Constitution! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Warning to those in Political Power in America!

We have staked the whole future of American civilization not on the power of government, far from it. We have staked the whole of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind to self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the commandments of God. The future and success of America is not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution is founded! President James Madison.

2014 Prediction! Hebrews 13:8

The world changes! People change. Health changes. Finances change. Attitudes change. Economy changes. President’s change, Families change ( Divorce-remarriage). Weather changes. Pastor’s change. Church member’s change, Friends change. Laws change, Time changes. War changes. Taxes change, Technology changes, Nations change, ect. The News that never changes is the Good News as Paul says in Hebrews 13:8; “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!” Christ is the only one who can give you stability and peace in this unpredictable world you live in! The God of 2013 is the same God of 2014 and on forever! Do not hang your hat on anything else but Him! He will never leave you or forsake you! Others will! Happiness depends on circumstances! Joy is a Gift given to us by God through His Son Jesus Christ! Have a Joyful New Year! James and Hamsa Sasse.