White Indian Attack!

The Democrats better circle their wagons! Elizabeth Warren is on the war path again! Her DNA test shows she is very much white! Less than I/32nd American Indian! You have to have at least one third DNA to legally claim your racial heritage! The American Indians are really fed up with her claim! Is this her Spartacus moment? Next thing she will claim she had sex with the Lone Ranger! Remember Hillary claimed she was Puerto Rican and other races! The Democrats should probably send Elizabeth back to the reservation! Problem with that is the Indians would riot! What length will the Democrats claim to get elected? American’s are like God they do not look at what you were but who you are today! Salvation is all about you are a forgiven sinner living a righteous life today! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Great Leaders Absorb Pain!

Whether it be Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela much pain was applied to achieve their dreams! They did not seek revenge but forgave their enemies! However the ultimate example is God Himself in sacrificing His Son Jesus Christ for our sin! Jesus absorbed all the pain of the entire world with all our sin forever! Source; Pastor Rick Warren.