Politics and Religion!

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventors of the Jews.” Adolf Hitler “There is nothing more abominable and miserable than religion!” Vladimir Lenin  Comment: What can we learn from the lessons of history? History repeats itself even the destructive parts of it! First what is Bolshevism? It is an ideology or doctrine of the violent overthrow of a capitalist government. It was born out of Russia with the Revolution of 1917 by the socialist communist party in Russia! Millions died in this revolution which really carries on today! The founders of socialism were all Jews! They were also atheists! There founders of socialism were names such as Engels, Marx, Lenin and many more! They along with Hitler and Mussolini were all followers of Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution! Darwin was also an atheist and his theory was based on the big assumption there is no God! Russia, Germany and Italy formed the Axis power against the Allied Nations of WWII. So why did Hitler and Stalin turn on each other during the early years of WWII? Remember Italy, Germany and Russia were all socialists! Dinesh D’Souza best explains how this can happen by examples! In Islam the Shiites and the Sunni’s! In Christianity the Catholics and the Protestants! Even though their doctrines were close yet war broke out among them! Also with the socialists! Here is how they get tripped up! Marx, Lenin, Stalin Mussolini and Hitler all agreed as per socialism doctrine all social classes must be eliminated! However except their own? So why is socialism a proven failure over history still promoted today especially in the American political left? So why does the American left go after Christians and Orthodox Jews? Because our Bible opposes socialism! Let us focus just on one point of socialism because I will go too long on this posting! Why the promotion of the gay and lesbian agenda by the Democrats? It is to destroy a social class! To remove the distinctiveness of gender! How about no borders and sanctuary cities? To destroy a social class of people! What about abortion! Thirty six percent of all abortions are done on African American women yet they only make up 13 percent of the population! To destroy a social class! Why the attack on Christian’s and their business enterprises? Why drag them into the courts all the time? To destroy a social class of people! Why the war on Trump! If the Christians gain ground socialism will be pushed back! The Republican Party is primarily made up of Christians and Orthodox Jews! The Democratic Party is made up of Atheists, socialists and followers of Charles Darwin and his evolution! One half the Jews in America are atheists and the other half Orthodox Jews! The Orthodox Jews vote Republican and the atheist Jews vote Democrat! As long as half the population remains Christian then the socialists cannot win! Why did President Johnson put in the 501c Tax exemption Christian churches? To silence the leadership of the church and take them out of the fight against socialism! So when will socialism win out? After the Rapture of the church! Then a one world government will be formed headed by the Anti-Christ a Jew and homosexual which will last for 7 years with the greatest destruction registered in world history! It will climax with the return of Christ and his reign over earth for a thousand years! Praise God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Justification for Revolution!

Advances in science help to delegitimize the Rule of Kings and the Power of the Church! Karl Marx (1818-1883). Comment: History has shown us that science has increased the Rule of Kings! The invention of gun powder would be an example! WWII ended because the United States was the first to develop an atomic bomb! The Power of the Church is increased with the technology to reach millions of more people with the Gospel! So what was Marx really talking about? The Godless Theory of Evolution by Darwin and the embracement of it by Marx! If you believe the lie there is no God then the Church is purposeless! This is the false science Marx is referring too! Since there is no God there is no legitimate government authority and a revolution is needed to overthrow all existing government! This is the root ideology of socialism and communism! De-legitimate the existing government into revolution! This is what the political left is trying to do with President Trump right now here in America! This is right out of the Marx socialist playbook! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

U.S. Constitution & Trinity!

Our American government is patterned after the Trinity! We have one government yet 3 branches! So is it with God’s Kingdom! We have one God yet 3 person’s! The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The reason the Trinity is one is because there is perfect unity between them with no sin! Any human government will never have perfect unity because of the sin of mortals! Our Heavenly Father is the Executive Branch of the Trinity! Jesus is the Judicial Branch as the Supreme Judge! The Holy Spirit is the Legislative Branch as the writer of the Laws (Bible). Remember the Angel’s were divided into 3 branches with 3 different functions! Gabriel the messenger angel. Michael the war angel and Lucifer the Praise angel. Lucifer became Satan and rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven into the earth! Now we have to deal with him here! However God through His Son Jesus Christ has given us the power to defeat him! The work of Satan is to overthrow families and our Constitutional government patterned after the Bible! He uses rebellion and violence! There is a declared war today on the political left to overthrow our form of government and replace it with a Marxist socialist system! An effort to install a one world government with no borders! The one world leader of this one world government will be the Anti-Christ! It will last for 7 years with the return of Christ to earth! If we as Christian’s are going to sit along the side lines and bench ourselves we will lose this war! Remember that old Gospel song? Stand up Stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the Cross! Popular Christianity today is to ignore this war and pretend it does not exist? If we decide not to fight for freedom we will lose this war! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Why Two Political Parties?

” Founders did not mention political parties when they wrote the Constitution, and George Washington in essence warned us against them in his farewell.” Marianne Williamson   Comment: I do not agree with Marianne on much of anything especially her spiritualist promotions that are not Biblical based! However she is a smart Jew but I would call her a secular Jew! Her comment about our Constitution is correct! The question she did not answer is so why do we have two political parties? Simply we have two Kingdoms! The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan! Heaven and Hell. Our Constitution is Christian based and God’s fingerprints are all over it! One group of people want our Constitution enforced as written by our Founders! The other party wants to get rid of our Constitution! Replace it with atheism, secularism and a completely socialistic government controlling every aspect of your life! It is like Communism revisited hoping against all odds it will not fail like in Russia with hundreds of millions of casualties! The Democrats in power want a socialist revolution! Overthrow of our government! They want open borders! No protection for the citizens! If enough illegal immigrants come in by the millions they can overwhelm our financial system and cause a collapse! Sanctuary cities where criminals are free to roam and live off the state! No respect of Military and police officers and attacks on them are encouraged! Get rid of ICE? They are for the complete breakdown of law and order so the Revolution can happen! One party believes in Nationalism where the other a new world order with a one world government controlling all people! So this is where we are today in America! Faith in God mocked and persecuted and the Godless promoting a Satanic agenda! Christ made America great and a return to Him will lead America back to her roots and again to be the Greatest Nation on earth! If the people will make God great again then America will be great again! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Diversity Visa?

Obama brought 680 thousand Muslims into America under his watch! If you think his health care is bad for you this will seem like a small problem as Jihadists in these numbers will really be bad for your health! They are now living among us infested into the population! American streets are starting to look like the Middle East! Terrorist attacks everyday! This is equivalent to God issuing visa’s to residents in Hell to come to live in Heaven! Good leadership is key to our survival. It is bad leadership that has gotten us to where we are now! Islam has no allegiance to any Nation! Their allegiance is only to Allah and Mohammad! If they follow the Quran and other Muslim sources their duty is to overthrow any nation they are living in including America using deadly force to terrorize the population into submission. They are diverse from us but not in a way to establish peace and prosperity! Only war! According to the Quran after they kill and subjugate the infidels their next job is to purify Islam and remove those Muslims who are apostate and not following the Quran! What does this mean? Continuous war! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What Does Knock Mean? Luke 11:9

Everyone knows what it means! Come on! Give me a break! I had an old car and the engine used to knock! Not very pretty! Jesus said knock and it shall be opened unto you! We know what he meant but our point of reference could be wrong! The Greek root word used for the English word knock used in this passage of scripture means to overthrow from captivity! So you are knocking on the door to escape from your captivity of sin! When you knock and Jesus opens the door you are not inviting him in for a cup of tea! You are going through a fire escape leaving a burning building named Hell! Jesus is inviting you into His House and you are exiting Hell! Your house will not stand! Remember the four men that carried the paralyzed man to Jesus on a stretcher? The crowd was so great around the house he was visiting that they tore the roof apart to get to Jesus! They wanted the paralyzed man to escape his physical captivity! Notice Jesus was first concerned with his soul! We are exiting our troubles and entering into His Kingdom with protection from Hell and death! How do we as believers knock on the door? We attend church regularly! We tithe and make offerings to God through our local church! We read and study our Bible daily and pray often! Can Jesus hear your knock? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Overthrow of America–Troubling Thoughts

“The young Obama was a garden variety Marxist-Lenist! He and Boss and his sophomore roommate Hasan Chandoo, believed that forces where creating an inevitable Communist revolution in the United States and that it was important to have a highly trained elite of educated leaders guide this revolution process and oversee it once the revolution takes place. Remember this was at the height of the cold war in 1980. Ronald Reagan had just been elected President and the USSR was still our mortal enemy!” Source: Dr. John C. Drew, classmate of Obama at Occidental College. Comment: This explains his actions to divide America and promote a class and race struggle for a revolution! This explains the anarchy in the streets and the assault on law enforcement! If he can break down social order and our law system he and we are not far off from a revolution! I believe Carl Marx would give him an “A” grade thus far! Remember he has enough time left to get the job done! Pray for America! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com