Anti-Semitism in Europe

“A Jew cannot be a true patriot! He is something different, like a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief–even by pogroms, if necessary. The Jews are responsible for the Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I showed the prominent Jewish bankers.” Kaiser Wilhelm II, German Emperor, (1859-1941) Comment: Adolf Hitler did not wake up one morning and decided that he hated Jews! The German culture over about 400 years was set up for this! It started with Martin Luther! When his revelation of “Christ Alone”, spread across Germany and Europe he thought the Jews would get on board! They did not! He was angry about this and his resentment went to printed words across Germany! This hatred spread into the following generations! This leads us to another important question! Can a Jew be Anti-Semitic? Absolutely! This seems like another contradiction but true! We know from our Bible that the Anti-Christ will be a Jew! So not only can a Christian be Anti-Semitic but also a Jew! How does this happen! Biblical ignorance leads the way! Remember Jesus our Jewish Messiah was hated by the Jews! So much they had him Crucified! However without the crucifixion there would be no Salvation for men! So the Jews that hated him helped to bring the Salvation of men! The Russian Revolution and the rise of Fascism and Nazism was a political ideology promoted by atheistic Jews such as Charles Darwin, Engels, Marx, Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin and others that set the stage for WWII. So the world has a choice to either follow the Jewish Messiah or an atheistic Jew who opposes the Jewish Messiah! Life really boils down this this choice! Which Jew will you follow? One choice leads to life and one choice leads to death! Salvation of the world has come through the Jews! However being Jewish does not guarantee your Salvation! Only following a Jew named Jesus Christ! We know from the Book of Revelation that many Jews will come to Christ during the seven year Tribulation period of history! Why? Because when the Jewish Anti-Christ sets up his world reign over the world in the re-built Jewish Temple at Jerusalem he will turn on the Jews and set himself up as God ruling from the Jewish Temple! Then they will realize they have been deceived by this false Messiah! Satan is the great deceiver and he started his work in the Garden of Eden! We all need spiritual discernment which is available through your Holy Bible! For those that study his word there are no surprises and deceptions are exposed! Through our Bible we see the love of God to man and why he had to sacrifice himself for our sin! Our Bible was written by Jews! All of these Jews both Old and New Testaments point to our Jewish Messiah! Who do you say he is? Your eternity weighs in the balance! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Grace Alone! Ephesians 2 : 8-10

While the soul is in mortal sin, nothing can profit it; none of it’s good works merit an eternal reward, since they do not proceed from God as their first principle, and by Him alone is our virtue real virtue! Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582 A.D.) Comment: Jesus said we must be born again! Not just born once but twice! Do you celebrate your second birth? You should know the date if you have had the second birth! James and Hamsa

Are You a Saint? Philippians 1:1

Thankyou for the promotion! Are the only Saints in New Orleans? The football team there got put on probation and had to pay huge fines for violations of the National Football League Rules! My friend asked me if I thought he would make it to Heaven? Just wondering is not good! I told him that if he did make it he would be on probation for some time! Notice Paul addressed the congregation as “Saints in Jesus Christ!” Apart from Christ there are no Saints! In Him you are one! So by definition what is a Saint? Is it a marble statue in a church or park? No temptation there! According to the Greek a Saint is one who is set apart or consecrated from a common root! If you and I were branches on the same apple tree we would share a common root! We would draw the same nourishment from the same root for life! If we were cut off from that root we would die! As long as we were attached to the same root we would share the same life! So the life that I have is connected to Christ alone! Apart from Him I can do nothing! If I cut myself off from the Tree of Life I will spiritually die! The church cannot save me, the saints cannot save me, the clergy cannot save me and I am disqualified if I trust anyone else other than Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Abuse a Stranger Exodus 22:21

President Obama quoted this scripture to justify his actions to give millions of illegal immigrants legal status through executive order! Obama is changing our laws all by himself? If a stranger is breaking the laws of the United States whether citizen or illegal there are consequences! We have laws for rape, murder, robbery and other crimes but if we change the laws to accommodate these crimes we are no longer a nation of law! If our laws can be changed by one man we are no longer a democratic nation of constitutional law! Then we will become a lawless nation! Watch what God told Israel in the previous verse 20. Quote; “He that sacrifices unto any God, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed!” Most of the crimes committed against American citizens from 9-11 forward have been committed by strangers or foreigners! There is another scripture that says a law is just if it is used justly. Is enforcing our laws just? Is not enforcing our laws just as President Obama has done over and over again! The purpose of the executive branch of our government is to execute or enforce our laws! Obama has failed doing his job! Anarchy is at our door step! What if Obama writes an executive order tomarrow increasing his term limits from two terms to four terms? Think about it! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Pastor’s Job Description

Frederick Buechner once wrote, “There are all kinds of pressures on the preacher to be all kinds of other things and speak all kinds of other words.” God has called me (and I would argue all preachers) to be ‘Good News Specialist’—a phrase my grandfather (Billy Graham) taught me while in seminary. The job description of a preacher, in other words, is not to say many different things but to say the same thing over and over again in many different ways. We have one main message to declare: ‘Christ and Him crucified’ (1 Corinthians 2:2). Source; Pastor Tullian Tchividjian, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

The Trinity of God’s Grid!

God’s grid includes God’s relationship to us. It also includes our relationship to God. Then the outflow of these first two parts is our relationship with each other! This is sometimes messy but important. The local church is the alternative relationship not found in the world. Our behavior is different which includes love and forgiveness. When you operate under God’s love relationships are maintained. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. In the phrase,”a threefold cord is not quickly broken,” it is clear that Solomon is pointing out the advantages of companionship. Moreover, he presents this illustration to show how God’s mercy provides help to those who depend on Him. Solomon explains further by examples how this concept of companionship is beneficial. He shows that there are definite advantages of working together. He also reveals how terrible the circumstances would be if one had to face adversity alone. Two is better than one! Adam was given Eve! Learn to be a better friend. The alternative society has love and respect for each other. Two can defend each other. A three stranded cord is not easily broken. Notice how God set up His Kingdom with a Trinity! How we treat each other is a witness to Jesus. Do we really love each other? Satan is the great divider! He tries to isolate us all alone in broken relationships. Do we use each other for gain? His Church gives without expecting a return! We can even be isolated and alone in a Church. You can live in a city such as New York with millions of people around you but yet be lonely! Reasons for loneliness; 1. Hurt or betrayed by someone. 2. Too busy to invest in friendships. 3. Mental clock keeps ticking with deadlines to be met. 4. Not wired to be friendly. Bashful or introverted. 5. Do not know how to make a friend. Proverbs 11:– A Gossip ! Good friends keep a secret! However, remember the strength of sin is it’s secrecy! That is why we are to confess our sin and repent. Do not hide things that are illegal. Even in the church culture people are betrayed by using prayer requests as a way to gossip about others. A good friend covers the spots of his friend. Remember our sin is covered by His Blood! You are not a good friend if someone else has to lose in order for you to gain! A good friend will confront you about bad behavior. A friend will not enable another friend for bad behavior. Confront or otherwise both will lose. We are not here to win arguments but have loving relationships. Explain to your friend this is what you did and this is how I feel about it. Do not let sun go down on your wrath! If you are married and not friends you have a problem.In searching for a marriage partner look for a friend! Romance will not last! Good friends stay close to each other even through valley of shadow of death! I found out my real friends after the tragic shooting we had in our church a few years ago. Good friends forgive. Live in community. People are not always like Jesus in the church. Be quick to forgive. Luke 17:3-4. Repent and forgive! Confront or be confronted and forgive. Do not imagine and rehearse confrontational conversations with people who have offended you. Waste of time! Talk to God about problem. Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. message given on Sunday, September 29, 2013.

Identity Theft!

The Latin and Old French roots to the word identity mean the condition of being the same with something described or asserted. Your thought’s, idea’s and perspectives allow people to determine who you are. The truth is we try to be like someone else. Either your father, mother, grandpa, grandma, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, teacher, pastor, ect. Someone who tries Identity theft on you tries to be the same as you with the same bio-data such as date of birth, social security number, account numbers, ect. Most people only care about what you have not who you are! If they think you do not have much then they leave you alone. God cares about who you are! Character counts with God! In fact He cares so much that He through His Son Jesus Christ identified with your sin on the Cross so that you could identify with Him and have the power to live like Christ! Lucifer lost his identity in being like God in his rebellion against God. Then Satan took his new identity of being unGodly and tries to get people to try to live their lives without God! Our true identity to be like God was stolen through identity theft by Satan. When we come to Christ we get our Godly identity back and the power to live in righteousness and not in sin. Then Satan and his family moves away from us because he does not want to live like us and be like God. If you have rejected Christ then your identity has been stolen and you try to live like others who are not following Him! All of us will try to live like someone else! Only one can lead us to paths of joy, peace and eternal life Only one can save you while all others will fail you! Turn to Christ and experience a love that cannot compare with any earthly relationship! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse.