The Trump’s & Apostles Creed!

The Apostles Creed is never used by the Orthodox Church! They only use the Nicene Creed! The Apostles Creed arose as a baptism creed. Donald and Malenia were married at an Episcopalian Church in Florida. They only recite the Apostles Creed at Baptism and the Nicene Creed at Communion! Malenia is from the Eastern Orthodox and they only use the Nicene Creed! This may explain the misunderstanding at the Bush funeral! It may demonstrate their convictions! Some of our former Presidents would recite the Quran if you gave them a copy at a Service! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Observations of God and Men!

I have done some studies about events and the leaders of the world prior to WWII. I have studied the ideologies of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Emperor Hirohito of Japan! What was the driving purpose for their ideologies was determined by their belief about God! Their supporting cast were their cultures! Much of Eastern and Western Europe at this time in history embraced Darwinism or Evolution! Charles Darwin was an atheistic Jew who believed that since there is no God things must have happened this way! That is we must have evolved from very primitive life forms! Japan was very different in their culture where they worshipped the Emperor as God! The west and the east were are on very different ends of the spectrum in their belief about God but with the same devastating results! What about Islam? What does believing in a false god lead to whether religious or not? If you are an atheist you make yourself God! If you make man god then you make yourself equal with God! Jesus was man but he was also God! I have noticed in history and in my own life that if you worship a false god you will sacrifice others for your own perceived gains! If you worship the real God you will sacrifice yourself to help others! Whether you wear a religious cloak or not this is the bottom line! The sacrificing could be your laying down your life for others as the disciples did or living one day at a time sacrificing for your family and the community! Sacrificing for friends and sacrificing for strangers! It could be coaching a youth basketball team! Serving in your church! The day I discovered God’s only Son Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for me for my sin I wanted to sacrifice my life in service to others! There is a righteous sacrifice and an unrighteous sacrifice! The righteous sacrifice will always benefit others the unrighteous sacrifice will always destroy others! Serving the living God will benefit all. We face the false god of Darwinism in American culture today! Sacrificing children through abortion to cover sin with 57 million victims so far! Death cannot be our motto! Gay marriage cannot produce children ending in the death of our culture! Gay’s, lesbians and transgenders have about a 40 percent higher suicide rate than the rest of the culture! The only ones holding America together today are the Christians and Orthodox Jews who vote Republican for traditional values that have always made America great! The Bible and the Holy scriptures promote life and not death! When we choose life and Christ we say no to death! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christ or Anti-Christ? Daniel 11:36-37

Verse 37: Neither shall he regard the God of his Fathers (Jewish), or the desire of women (Homosexual), not regard any god (Atheist): for he shall magnify himself above all. Comment: In verse 36 it says he will do marvelous things against the God of gods! Marvelous here translates miracles and astonishing things! This prophecy explains the promotion of the gay agenda in America and around the world! As we prepare to meet Christ as believer’s the world is preparing to meet the Anti-Christ! Atheism is also on the rise in America and around the world! Another preparation for the Anti-Christ! The Orthodox Jews have to be very careful here! Daniel was a Jew and trying to warn them! The orthodox Jews are still waiting for the Messiah? Ben Shapiro says we are looking for a world political leader who would be their Jewish Messiah! I have warned him that the one world Jewish political ruler that will appear 7 years before the return of Christ will be the Anti-Christ! This is how the Jews will be tricked into believing this guy is the real deal! Being Jewish they will let him into their re-built Temple in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Tribulation period! The Othodox Jews would never accept a homosexual however like Hitler it could be hidden from them until he sets himself up in the Temple and at the 3 1/2 year period of the 7 year Tribulation period sets himself up as God! Hitler’s homosexual gender was hidden from the world until his medical records were released in 2009! So which Jew will the world follow? Christ or Anti-Christ! People have and are making their decisions right now! Homosexual and atheistic behavior are Spirits of death! Let us look at the facts: “Studies have found that GLBT youth attempt suicide 3 times (300 percent) more frequently than their heterosexual counterparts! Transgender people have a 30-40 percent higher rate of suicide!” Source: Health Place 2018  Jewish atheists such as Karl Marks and Frederick Engels were responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths! Also the Jewish atheist Charles Darwin who Hitler worshipped is also responsible for tens of millions of deaths! Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is built on the premise there is no God! So things must have happened this way? The atheistic abortion practices here in American are responsible for 57.76 million babies being murdered since 1973! Today in America 1.3 million babies are aborted a year or 3562 babies per day! Our choices have good or bad consequences! Christ knows who are his own here in the earth! Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If it is he is coming back for you as Savior! If not he is coming back as your judge both the living and the dead! Choose this day who you will serve! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Good The Bad and The Ugly!

We were in a Methodist Church yesterday on Nevada Avenue here in Colorado Springs. We were looking into a ministry offered there. I like old churches since they have a lot of history behind them! They had a missions room where I really love to hang out! This church supports a church in Russia. They had photos of the church in Russia along with members from here who have gone there to help with the work. In one photo it shows the picture of the pastor from here with the Russian pastor shaking hands in the Russian church office. Really nice except for one thing? In between them hanging on the wall was a portrait of Lenin? Then I remembered the church in Russia is state run! In fact the Bishop of the Russian Orthodox church lives in the Kremlin with Putin! Where is Putin’s portrait in the church? I personally would make a dartboard out of their portrait’s and move their images to the church recreation room where the children could throw darts! We cannot change1500 years of church history in Russia but we can give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Happened To Jesus’ Prosecutors? Easter 2014

1. Judas Iscariot- Hung himself 2. Pontius Pilot- Married the daughter of Emperor Tiberius. He was ordered back to Rome after harshly supporting a Samaritan uprising after the death of Tiberius which occurred on March 16, in 37 A.D. He was replaced by Marcelus who the new Roman Emperor installed. The new Roman Emperor Caligula (37-41 A.D.), exiled Pilot to Gaul and Pilot committed suicide in Vienne. 3. Herod the Great- Murdered the infants of Bethlehem trying to get Jesus. He murdered one of his wives and several family members. Afraid no one would mourn his funeral he ordered distinguished people of the culture to be executed on the day of his death so people would mourn! Josephus the noted Jewish historian said Herod suffered an excruciating death! He suffered from Founier’s Gangrene (Rotting of his testicles), severe itching, intestinal pain, shortness of breath, convulsions, raging fever, tumors of the feet, inflamed abdomen and severe kidney disease. 4. Herod Agrippa- The grandson of Herod the Great. He was eaten by worms in 44 A.D. 5. Tiberius Caesar- Murdered in Capri in 37 A.D. Killed at the hands of the Prefect of the Praetorian Guard Nevis Sutorius Macor with the help of his successor Emperor Caligula. 6. Saint Claudia Procks of Judea- Pilot’s wife became a revered Saint of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Remember she warned Pilot after a dream not to have anything to do with Jesus. Some say the dream was from Satan to spare Christ from the Cross and the redemption of man. 7. Joseph Caiaphas (High Priest)- Remember the High Priest was appointed by the Roman governor. Remember Caiaphas said it is expedient that one man should die for the people. A new governor Proconsul Vitellius deposed Caiaphas from his position as High Priest. 8. Annas (High Priest)- He was the son-in-law of Caiaphas. He was deposed by Procurator Gratus. Annas was assassinated in 66 A.D. Comments: What would Jesus do? Father forgive them for they know not what they do! The same applies to all of us today. Thank you. James and Hamsa Sasse.