Democrats & Open Borders!

The features of globalization have huge consequences or pandemics! It just comes to us much more closely…and as a consequence, every one of these viruses that pass from animals to humans has the capacity to infest us all! Nathan Wolfe, American Virologist. Comment: The political left has been pushing for a one world government over past administrations! From open borders, sanctuary cities, weak voter I.D. laws, weak military, supporting World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, public government education system and the list goes on and on! Anyway to weaken our Nationalism and promote a one world government! Think if we did not have borders and could not have stopped Chinese air travel into America! Do we want the EU model where there are no borders? No protection from invaders? So according to our Bible there will one day be a one world government! Socialism! It will be hell on earth and run by the Anti-Christ! It will be the most destructive seven years in human history! We do not want to try to build another Tower of Babel! Our American sovereign borders protect us from these physical invasions of diseases and people and armies who want to harm us! Our liberties are dependent on a government that wants to defend our Constitutional rights as citizens of one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all! Your vote this November will be between two very different ideologies! A choice between strong Nationalism or the one world government socialism dis-order and chaos of globalism! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Open Borders?

It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they generate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising their sovereignty! President James Monroe (1817-1825) Commentary: The amazing thing about truth it is always true regardless of which century you are living in! It is always vogue with generational application! That is so with your Bible because it is truth whether yesterday, today or forever! President Monroe was a prophet! He saw the dangers of our culture moving in a direction where we become incapable of defending our own sovereignty! Open borders! Sanctuary cities! Where we no longer defend our citizenship and turn it over to those powers outside of our nation! Like bad trade deals that sent our jobs to China! Like promotion of illegal immigrants! Leaving our factories and workers in a ghost town! In other words we surrendered our rights, liberties and freedoms to those who would want to destroy us! Every time President Trump moves to defend our nation from disease such as the Coronavirus by stopping people from coming into our nation from infected countries the political left fights him all the way? Why would they not want to defend their own people? Why would people not citizens of America who are infected with this disease become more important than protecting our own citizens? This is stranger than fiction! The day President Monroe warned us about has come to America! We are pitched in a battle for the heart and soul of America! Stand up for America and vote out of office those who think and behave in such a way as to devalue American citizens and support regimes that do not represent our values! Do not elect people in public office who would surrender our liberty, freedoms and prosperity to foreign governments for personal financial gain! In other words do not elect traitors! God  Bless America! James and Hamsa  Sasse.

Jesus was a Refugee?

It is interesting how politicians who know nothing about the Bible and in no relation with Jesus Christ make these off the wall political points to try to get more votes and support all the while trashing Jesus! Democrat Ocasio-Cortez claims that Jesus was a refugee? This is made to support her open border socialist ideology and try to trash Trump’s border wall designed to protect America! First of all Joseph and Mary were at Nazareth which is about 90 miles from Bethlehem! They had to travel to Bethlehem because of Caesar’s decree for everyone to return to their home town to pay taxes! Yes Caesar was a Democrat! Since Joseph was of the lineage of David Bethlehem was his home town. Refugee’s do not pay taxes! They have no jobs, status or ability to pay anything! They drag on the taxes of any  nation for support! They do not pay taxes! This is more fake news from the political left! Sometimes they will drag Jesus out of the closet to try to score political points! Then after the lies throw him back in the closet until next Christmas  or the next election! Jesus has to be more than a rag doll for politicians! He is the Son of the Living God so to respect him in this capacity we must be conscious of His Word the Holy Scriptures and not mock him as King Herod did with the death of the little children of Bethlehem! Abortion began before Bethlehem but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to our Bible! It leads to death and eternal separation from God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

President Trump got it right! Chief Justice Roberts got it wrong! We do have liberal and conservative judges in all courts across America! This includes federal, state and municipal courts! We do have Democratic and Republican judges across America! From the Supreme court on down to the lowest court in America! Every man and woman on the court interprets the law according to their belief about where the law came from? Did the law come from God down to man or did man evolve just making up laws as we went along? Was the law given to us by God sovereign over man indisputable never to be changed? Or did man just create his own laws through the chain of evolutionary development? Bottom line is conservative judges are creationists! They take serious the Biblical model of creation and God’s laws given to man! Liberal judges are evolutionists or atheists believing God has no role in the creation and development of man! God is not sovereign over his creation so we make up our own rules! The best evidence of liberal and conservative judges is the split decisions on the Supreme court and the lower courts! If all are equal under the law then all court decisions would  have the same outcome! They do not! Very rare! Man interprets the law based on the presumption of where the law came from! If the law did not come from God then I must make the law! I must legislate the law since there is no God! Liberals do not recognize the sovereignty of God! This is why they end up working against God! Gay marriage is one example! Since there is no God we can make laws contrary to God’s laws! What happens when we go down this road is we end up with a lawless culture! No respect for authority! Kill cops! Smoke drugs! Open borders and sanctuary cities! Divorce! Open borders and sanctuary cities are a rebellion against God’s sovereignty and National sovereignty! It is the new way of ceding from the union as in the civil war! What are some of the characteristics coming soon in the Tribulation period of seven years headed by the Anti-Christ? No borders! One world government! No laws! Total anarchy! No judges! Every man will do what is right in his own eyes! When Jesus returns at the end of the 7 year tribulation period what will he do? He will judge the nations in righteousness! Judge Kavanaugh was assassinated by the political left because they know if he gets in God may still be recognized as the giver of our laws and sovereign over the universe! So how can I escape God’s judgment? By letting him take your penalty for sin through his Son Jesus Christ on the Cross for your sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Socialism is Anti-Marriage!

There is no greater stupidity than for people…to marry and surrender themselves to the small miseries of domestic and private life! Karl Marx   Comment: Marx one of the founders of socialism was a Jewish atheist! So if we are not to marry what do we do? Spread socialism or communism across the world sacrificing your life for the cause! Since there is no God the State is your God! The government is your God! This socialist experiment has not had good results! The Russian Revolution of 1917! Hitler and the National Socialist Party! But what has it achieved in America? Poverty! Especially in the inner cities among the African American community! When President Lyndon Johnson began this experiment back in the 1960’s he replaced the father of the family in the African American community with a welfare check from the government! Sixty years later we have the results in the inner cities of America! Poverty! Crime! Drugs! Anger! Frustration! Trapped! Socialism is all about our National debt! It will bankrupt any country and has for many nations! This experiment has failed over and over yet the Democratic Party continues its promotion! Why? To exchange promises of free stuff for votes! It is about hanging on to power! They do not care about the people but for votes! To maintain political power! George Soros a Jewish atheist billionaire is funding the illegal caravan to our southern border! He is funding it through an Latino organization in Chicago! They are paying people in central America to flood our southern border! Why? Future Democratic voters! This is what open borders is all about! What about the rapes, murders and abductors of the women and children along the way of the migrant caravan? What about most of illegal immigrant caravan are young men? Many criminals! The political left does not care about the Americans that will be exposed to these dangers in their communities across America after they get in! As long as the left gets the votes and stays in power the true costs to Americans will not matter to them! Our next election will come down to the yes vote from you on socialism or a no vote from you on socialism! Just so you understand what you are getting into for your country! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sunday Worship! Revelation 1:10

Greek Translation: “I,  John was in the spirit when the breath of God blew on me! It was on the Lord’s day! It was Sunday the day and time of life that belongs to Christ! It is his day therefore I submit to my King and Ruler this day! This day is owned by my God!” Comment: Man’s day is in opposition to the Sabbath! Fifty years ago when I was a teenager about 90 percent of all businesses were closed on Sunday! What about today in America? I hear about more and more Christians telling me they have to work on Sunday? If the businesses stay open on Sunday then the employee’s will have to work on Sunday! Where was John in the 1st century when he received this revelation? He was in the Lord’s House on Sunday! Do not expect to hear from God if you forsake the Sabbath! It is like trying to catch a fish by casting your line on a sand dune in the desert! If you want to meet God you need to be where he hangs out! Now John’s church building could have been his prison! Peter and the Apostles spent time in prison but still honored the Sabbath! Turn your prison into a House of worship! If you do not want to be where God is then you may need to repent! If you resist Christ’s church here on earth you are also resisting him in Heaven! The separation from Christ begins here on earth and continues resisting Heaven! In American culture work has become the agent of resistance to Christ and Sunday worship! Most people move away from Christ gradually taking many little steps! If you want to take a big step forward back to Christ be in church on Sunday! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Draw a Red Line!

This election is about you drawing a red line on the borders of your State! A red line to keep socialism out with its no borders and sanctuary cities that protect criminals! Socialism with its anti-Semitism ideology! Socialism with its atheistic ideology! The Charles Darwin followers! A red line to keep MS-13 criminals out of your neighborhood! The politicians do not live in your neighborhood you do! A red line to stop promotion of drugs to our youth from our unsecure borders! A red line to stop the dumping of illegals into your neighborhood! A red line to keep illegal caravans from crossing into your State! A red line to keep abortion out! A red line to keep the left’s socialist ideology out of your State! A red line to keep freedom in! To keep economic prosperity in! To keep low taxes in! To keep gun rights and free speech in! To keep liberty in! To keep religious liberty in! A red line to keep our military strong! A red line to keep hope, freedom and prosperity strong in America! The only effort on your part is to take a few minutes of your time to go vote in your State! If you do not vote then someone else will erase your red line of your State for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Putin, Gays & Immigration!

Europeans are dying out! Do you not understand that? Same sex marriages do not produce children. Do you want to survive by drawing migrants? But society cannot adapt so many migrants! Vladimir Putin  Comment: Even Putin see’s the light but not the Democrat’s on the left? What about the 57 million dead American’s through abortion? A missing generation of children! If the Democrat’s continue their genocidal policies no wonder they want open borders, sanctuary cities and  illegal immigration! They need bodies to replace the dead! The dead from their policies! Even our enemies see their error! Tragically many who live here in America cannot? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Three Cards in their Deck!

The Democrats only have three cards in their deck! They play these three cards over and over again! They have the race card! They have the sex card! They have the religion card! They have pulled the sex card on Judge Kavannah! They did the same thing with Judge Clarence Thomas years ago! Remember Anita Hill? This is a political smear to knock his nomination off the rails for the Supreme Court! The Democrats cannot rise above the sewer and come up with idea’s that will help the American people rather than spend their time through lies and deceit to take down American’s who really have good idea’s! There is a lot more swamp to drain in Washington D.C.! Remember Obama’s insult to us that all we care about is our religion and our guns? Democrats always try to claim the higher moral ground but their promotion of immorality whether abortion, illegal immigrants, open borders, sanctuary cities and disrespect for our flag shows me they are immoral people! Most American’s can see through the smoke and mirrors! Truth crushed to earth shall rise again! Judge Kavannah will be nominated to the Supreme Court of the United States! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Case Against Abortion Jeremiah 1:5

Hebrew Translation: “Before I formed you in the belly I intimately and personally knew you with your distinction between right and wrong. Before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified and morally consecrated you to me. I ordained you a Prophet possessing you with my Divine Spirit. A Prophet unto the non-Jewish (Gentile) nations.” Comment: Notice the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles)? The Jews rejected the message from God through Jeremiah and went into Babylonian captivity for 70 years! We could make a case here that we have a known existence by God before we were physically born into the earth! We were created in the Image of God! But before our birth? Jesus said we must be born again! We know the Trinity pre-existed creation! They were the cause of creation! However I do not support reincarnation! What the Hindus believe. So why would anyone one want to prevent a child from being born? Why at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem did Herod order the slaying of all children 2 years old and under in the city trying to kill Jesus? Jesus said do not suffer or prevent the children from coming to me for such is the Kingdom of God! Today in America 500 children are murdered by their parents each year! Why over 57 million babies murdered in America since 1973? We have a missing generation of people! What political party would support this genocide? Why would our tax money be used to support the killings? Why would the Democratic Party be attractive to anyone? Because the Democratic Party has always supported immorality! Because it appeals to the sin of man! Whether it be slavery, Jim Crow laws, welfare, gambling, socialism, open borders, sanctuary cities for criminals or anti-law enforcement they have found a following of about 1/2 the U.S. population! Don’t work for a living! Live off the State! Protect illegal immigrants at a cost to their citizens! Government health care! State ownership of everything! The deep State control of every aspect of your life! State worship! Promoting the failed ideologies of Marx, Engels, Lenin and others! If we as Christian’s here in America want to maintain the control of our Constitutional liberties and the implementation of Biblical values then we have to take voting seriously! Support President Trump and those who value Biblical values! Kind of funny but a candidate who is running for office down here in Georgia said she supports both Republican and Democratic voters? Do not elect liars! Lying is not Biblical! James and Hamsa Sasse.