Jews Return to Israel 1948

Isaiah 51:11 Hebrew Translation: “Therefore the redeemed, the ransomed, the rescued, these set free from slavery, these severed from sin, those that only God can liberate, the transferred of ownership from the first born that were slaughtered, the redeemed of the Lord shall return to Jehovah from their idol’s. They shall return to their point of departure as God reversed the sun dial for the Jews to win the battle. They shall come singing to Zion and everlasting joy that is perpetual without end, that continues without change, that is past, present and future, that is eternity without end and what is hidden and concealed from the unbeliever’s. This joy shall remain upon their Head. They Israel shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.” Comment: If God cannot be faithful to Israel He will never be faithful to you! If He breaks His covenant with Israel no covenant will stand for you! What stood out to me in this passage is the reference to the slaughter of the first born of Egypt that was the ransomed paid to deliver the Jews from their enemies! Also Egypt turned all their gold over to the Jews! The sacrifice of life and treasure for redemption! Likewise God slaughtered His only Son Jesus Christ for the redemption of the Jews and the Gentiles! Jesus also sacrificed all treasure and became poor for your prosperity! One day the Jews eye’s will be opened to their Messiah! Then the earthly treasure will look worthless to them! God did not make us to pursue things but to pursue God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

War on Women! Revelation 12:13

We know from reading our Bible that war was started in Heaven! When the angel Lucifer who became Satan rebelled against God he and 1/3 of the Angel’s who followed Lucifer in Heaven in the rebellion were cast out of Heaven into the earth! So now the war continues in the earth! This constant war on earth will stop with Christ’s second coming! Why does Satan have a war on women? Why did he sweat Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? Because she would produce a seed that would crush the head of the serpent! Satan knew he had to stop this seed which would produce a rival that would defeat him! Salvation has come through the Jew! Christ born into the earth through the Jew! Now Satan has to also persecute the Jews and the Christians! Who replaces the 1/3 of the fallen angel’s that were removed from Heaven? Remember Lucifer was the praise leader of Heaven! Facts show us that 1/3 of the earth’s population are Christian! So the believers on earth replace the fallen angel’s that vacated Heaven! As long as women produce a seed in the earth that could potentially become Christian he will continually find ways to thwart the families! Like divorce and abortion! Homosexual promotion is also a war on women! Kill the seed while it is in the womb! Then to politicalize abortion so as to paint a good picture of death as a woman’s right or choice? Then to use millions of our tax dollars to promote abortion? Why? To kill the offspring so they could never populate Heaven as Satan’s replacements! The battle between good and evil rages on! Everyone has to make a choice about which side you are going with? God through His Son Jesus Christ has paid for our sin on Calvary! If you reject His redemption what hope is there for you? God can forgive every sin except the rejection of His Son! Why? Because that is the only one who can save you! Everything you put your trust in on earth will fail you one day! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! How about you? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Will a Snake Bite Twice? Isaiah 26:10

Verse 10; Let favor with mercy and kindness be shown to the wicked who are haters of God and men yet they will not learn righteousness but act wickedly and will not behold with learning and understanding the Majesty of God.” Comment: To the righteous everything is righteous and to the wicked everything is wicked! This describes two very different state of minds! The righteous can accept and do righteousness but the wicked cannot! The three wise men shared the good news about the King of the Jews being born but Herod could not accept it! Why? The wicked mind cannot receive anything good! Herod felt threatened that his power and authority would be taken away so he tried to kill the child! So innocent babies were thrust thru with the sword in Bethlehem! Abortion thru executive order! This explains why salvation will not be accepted by everyone! Even God’s motives are questioned! This is what happens when you make yourself God! The rejection of God can be as simple as saying Happy Holiday instead of Merry Christmas! It can be as serious as President Obama ordering the IRS to audit Christian conservatives tax records! Today we have a Christian and Jewish friendly President Trump! The anger focused on Him has to do with his Christian Faith and the support of Christian values! The battle between good and evil rages on through every generation! Which team are you on? Our job and commission is to take the Good News into every culture and every nation understanding not all will accept God’s Mercy! You plant the seeds and let God sort this out! Remember Paul? Remember the thief on the Cross? Then Lord remember me! At one time opposed to Christ and all that He is! Now today a crusader for Christ living with no other purpose but to spread the Good News and the favor of God to men! Remember in the Book of Genesis God declared the seed of the woman would crush the Head of the Serpent! The seed of the woman was born in Bethlehem! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

First & Last? Isaiah 44:6

What did God mean here? We probably have a general idea! Elementary Watson! Let us break the Hebrew words down for a deeper understanding! The word “First”, used here means to be foremost in order of rank! It is like a new year! Remember God instructed Moses to set up the Tabernacle in the first month! Remember Satan’s Kingdom also has an order of rank! Remember in the Book of Genesis (First Book), that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the Serpent! That is the birth of Christ would accomplish this! Satan is the head or first in rank in the Kingdom of Serpents! What about the word last? No one likes to be last! This is an interesting word in Hebrew! It means to follow as facing the east! God is going to see tomorrow! He watches the sunset and will see the sunrise! His days are not numbered! Do you remember something about Jesus saying he is the first and the last? (Revelation 22:13) He said i am the Alpha and the Omega! Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet but interestingly has a Hebrew origin! Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet! What did Jesus mean by saying he was the first? From the Greek we learn that he is first in importance! Is he first in your life? What did Jesus mean by saying i am last? According to the Greek it means he is the finalist in rank and time! He is the only guy left standing! He is on the gold metal stand and no rivals! Jesus goes on to say in this verse that he is the beginning and the end! The word beginning used here means he is the first in order of time, place and rank! Remember those hard headed Jews did not get it when he said before Abraham i was! The word end means that he is the goal. Is he your goal? A running back in the NFL has only one objective! He needs to cross the goal line! The Cross of Jesus will get you across the goal line! The word end used here means to a conclusion! What one word would represent the conclusion of your life? Debt? Pain? Sickness? Death? Fear? Guilt? If you prioritize your life where Jesus is first and last in your life these evil spirits will die at the Cross! Remember the scripture that says the first will be last and the last first? They are the same thing! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Super Bowl Owners! Deuteronomy 28:13

What do the super bowl team owners have in common? Arthur Blank and Robert Kraft are both Jews! Even though the Book of Deuteronomy was written thousands of years ago the Words of the Bible still hold true! God promised His people that if they would keep His Commandments He would make them the head and not the tail. Christopher Columbus was a Jew! Do you see the word “Christ”, in the name Christopher? Columbus had a vision before his voyage that he would discover a land that would support the Jews and Israel. Welcome to Columbus Land! My Bible goes on to say the Salvation has come through the Jews! Jesus Christ’s incarnation into the earth is fulfillment of many Biblical Prophecies! Did you ever notice the enemies of the Jews and Christ want to behead people? To be balanced here i want to remind you that Karl Marx, Frederick Engels and Charles Darwin were all Jews with anti-Christ ideologies! I would also remind you that the Anti-Christ (One world ruler), during the tribulation period will also be a Jew! He will also be a homosexual as he will have no natural affection for women! This will be a real war on women! The war on women started in the Garden of Eden! So which Jew are you going to follow? You can follow Christ or someone else! The question begs to be asked where will the one you follow lead you to? One of two places! Heaven or Hell? I have decided to follow Jesus! No turning back! The Cross before me the world behind me! No turning back! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Peace and War! Genesis 3:15

The coming of the woman’s seed was Jesus birth! On the Cross Jesus body was bruised and broken! At Jesus second coming Satan’s head shall be bruised and broken! The seed of the woman brought forth a Savior! Since then Satan has declared a war on women through religious systems that persecute women and political systems that promote abortion and same sex marriage! Satan attempts to destroy lives through through religious and political systems that oppose Christ! His plan is to destroy future seed that might come to Christ! Satan also has a war on believers in Christ! He also has a war on Jews for Salvation has come through the Jews! Satan’s offspring is at constant war with Christ’s offspring! God has declared war on evil but His plan also includes His only Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice made to deliver us from evil. Our judgment for sin was taken on Jesus at the Cross! Christ made peace with God for us in that our judgment was taken by Christ at Calvary! Even the most intelligent human could never devise such a plan! God is awesome in that He has punished the wicked one Satan author of evil forever and yet spared his victims with Salvation and eternal life with God! Amazing Grace! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The War on Women! Daniel 11:37

No bathroom for women? Daniel in chapter 11 describes the character of the Anti-Christ and world events that lead to his short 7 year rule over the earth! The spirit of Anti-Christ has always been with us! Daniel says the Anti-Christ will have no desire for God, women or any God but will magnify himself above all. The Hebrew word for desire would mean you would delight in, consider precious and goodly and pleasant or desirable! Why does Satan hate women? How is this expressed in American culture today? It says in my Bible in the Book of Genesis that God will crush the head of the serpent through the seed of the woman! That is the Savior of the world Jesus Christ will be birthed through the woman! Remember God loves you but Satan hates Jews, Christians and women! It is a trinity of hate carried out in the world through political, religious and economic systems! Some examples of war on women in America is abortion, divorce, sodomy, promotion of homosexuals, lesbians and now the latest transgender bathrooms! The war is against God Himself and Satan attacks Him through His children! Why do Islamic nations oppress women with multiple wives and enslave them? What does this all mean to Jews and Christians? Persecution will increase in the End Times! I believe the Rapture of His Church is not far off! All this identity loss is attributed to the plan to move the world into the one world government! When this happens currencies over the entire world will be worthless! You will have to take the Mark of the Beast to buy or sell! You will have to deny Christ in order to receiver this mark! If you miss the Rapture you can still receive Christ but it will cost you your physical life! Why not give your life to Christ now and miss the Hell on earth today and have Heaven on earth today with Christ dwelling in you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.