Looking for Ministries

After President Trump modified through executive order the 501c tax exempt status for ministries so they could get their free speech back as guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution not one pastor across America stood up by naming any political candidate running for President of the United States? My only conclusion is money is more important than freedom? Beginning in 2021 I will only support a ministry that is not under the 501c tax exempt status! This may mean all my financial support may have to go to an overseas ministry? If you know of any ministries that are not under the 501c tax exempt status here in America please let me know! Ask your Pastors about their support to decouple from the 501c! Happy New Year! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Looking for Who?

Hebrews 9:28 Greek Translation: “So Christ our anointed High Priest was once offered to carry up the sins of many, and to those that look for him with anticipation, expectancy, patience, and hope for the redemption of their bodies shall he appear a second time without sin unto Salvation with deliverance and preservation of our spiritual and eternal soul with all past, present and future deliverances.” Comment: You know the old saying what you see is what you get? Ever buy a used car and two weeks later it needs a transmission? The truth is what you are looking for is what you get! Most of my life I was looking for the wrong things! Pride led me to pursue vanity! How important could I become to people? Success was the tool to promote myself! It was only me in my trophy case! I was my own idol! I worshiped me! Self-worship! I built my own altar and set myself on it! I replaced God with me! I built my own throne and set myself up as God! Vanity of vanities! Common theme with the human race! To worship me I had to put God down! Put myself above him and demand worship! A little Anti-Christ! The one I was not looking for was the one I really needed! No mortal could help me! Self was in the way and I could not see! My crashing down off my throne was the best thing that ever happened to me! Then Christ found me when everyone else abandoned me! Forty five years later I am still looking at the Christ who found me! Look and receive his love everyday! No longer alone! He became a failure for me on the Cross so I could have a victory over myself! If you embrace Christ he will pick you up out of the miry clay! You will walk in the victory Jesus has purchased for you! He has defeated your every enemy on the Cross! Sin and death! Who is Satan looking for? Those who follow Christ! He will mock them! Persecute them! Why? If our faith were of no effect he would leave us alone! The veracity of his efforts to persecute Christians confirms our faith in Christ! We are persecuted yet delivered from evil! Who are you looking for? Satan reminds you of your past but God your future! Today can change your tomorrow! This can be the day of your salvation! Jesus hung between two thieves on the Cross! One looked to Jesus and got saved! The other rejected Jesus and lost his soul! There are two kinds of people in eternity just like here on earth! There are forgiven sinners in Heaven and unforgiven sinners in Hell. Which thief are you? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Looking for God? Exodus 3:4

“And when the Lord saw that he turned away to see, experience and understand, God called and invited him out of the midst of the bush and said, Moses! Moses! And he said, Here am I.” Commentary: Are you looking for God? Wise men still seek him! Everyone seems to have a different experience about this! I did not look for God until I came to the end of myself! My troubles came because I was not looking for God! People that have found God seem to have even more troubles! However the challenges are very different because you are not alone! Jesus said my yoke is easy my burden is light! Why? Because you have yoked with Jesus and he carries your burdens now! Never alone anymore! Moses soon learned after finding God he would be challenged more than ever before but now his faith was in God and not in himself! Challenges like delivering Israel out of Egypt! Like delivering a couple million stubborn Jews through the Wilderness for 40 years! When God is with you all things are possible! God will take you to a place where you could never go on your own! He will do things through you that would be impossible on your own! He will do miracles in your life greater than the burning bush! He will raise the dead and heal the sick! He is capable of doing more than you could ever think or ask! How and why? Because he is God! Everything you see, experience, taste or feel in this world is possible only because he created you! He formed us at creation like a flash of light yet it seems like it takes us forever to find him! Moses was a refugee not fleeing from his people but longing to go back to them! Forty years on the back side of this desert longing for home! Cut off from his people! Hopeless tending to his sheep much like the shepherds above Bethlehem some three thousand years later! A life with no purpose! Living a life of insignificance! One day blends into another day! Time seems lost! The government has seized him now! He is on trial! They have crucified him on a cross! This ministry is over now! Let us go back to fishing! His body is in the tomb now almost 3 days! We should get some flowers for the tomb! We must hide here for the Romans are looking for us! Keep the door locked! There is a knock on the door? Do not answer it! It sounds like Mary? It is a trick it must be the Romans! She says he has risen! Must we hide from God? Open the door! I will not believe her unless I see the scars on his hands and side! Moses deliver your people! How? By my power, ability and Spirit! They will not believe me! Do you believe me Moses? I have given you my rod of authority! We know you are from God Master for only God can do these miracles! Surely you are the Son of God! Do not touch me for I have not ascended to my Father in Heaven! Wait here for my Holy Spirit which I will send to you to do the same works I have done and ever greater works! Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Second Christmas! Hebrews 9:28

“So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Comment: Are you looking for him just like the wise men did? Are you waiting for him? If you are not looking for him and waiting for him then you are not saved! The first Christmas came to those who were looking and waiting for him! The second Christmas will come to those with the same expectations! Today where are your expectations? In your job? Your family? Your politicians? Your government? This world? If so you will be very disappointed! When everything is taken away from you except Christ you will have been a wise person! When everything is taken away from you including the Christ you did not trust you have played the fool! The fool has said in his heart there is no God! Your faith must be based on the expectations God has promised you through his only Son Jesus Christ! I want you to experience the soon coming second Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

God’s Immigration Policy! John 3:16

New World Quote; “And I say that your Highnesses ought not to consent that any foreigner does business or sets foot here, except Christian Catholics since this was the end and beginning of this enterprise, that it should be for the enhancement and glory of the Christian religion, not should anyone who is not a good Christian come to these parts. Here may be found the first suggestion of the exclusive Colonial Policy that Spain and the other nations followed.” Christopher Columbus. Comment: God’s immigration policy is honest and fair! Everyone can apply regardless of sex, race or ethnic origin! No one is denied based upon their past! Everyone who chooses Christ and cast their vote for Him and accepts the terms of the agreement is in! Your parents and grandparents cannot choose Him for you only you have to decide! We are all destined for Heaven or Hell or one of two Kingdoms! This is why the little baby born in Bethlehem is a big deal. What we do with God determines what God does with us! God first loved us! If we do not get that we can miss everything else! Ben Shipiro is a smart young Orthodox Jewish kid who I like to listen to his debates with liberals! He believes the Messiah when he comes will be a political figure! I share with him that the political figure who will rule the world for a short seven years will be a Jew and gay but he will be the Anti-Christ! Our Christ is a Jew and so will be the Anti-Christ! Along side the Anti-Christ will rule the False Prophet and be the one world religious ruler! He will not be a Christian or an Orthodox Jew! Christ will never be a political figure because when He returns the second time after the 7 year tribulation period He will be God as He was at His first coming! Political figures are always dependent on who puts them in office! They are controlled by the voters! God is never controlled by anyone and His decisions are always independent of any mortal. Hanukkah is upon us or the Festival of Lights! God did a miracle to defeat the enemies of the Jews! God did a bigger miracle to defeat sin and power of Satan over mortal men! The miracle star over Bethlehem was a light visible to only those who were looking for Him! Are you looking for Him? Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Jesus is Watching You!

A burglar broke into a home late at night and climbed through a window with his flashlight and began going through the rooms looking for jewelry and cash! He was sure the family was out of the house? He came to the living room in the dark and began going through drawers looking for treasure! Suddenly this voice seemed to come out of nowhere and said, “Jesus is watching you!” He shined his flashlight around the room and saw nothing? Again the second and third time this voice spoke out into the darkness? The thief thought was he losing his mind from guilt or was Jesus really here? He again shined his flashlight across the room and to his relief was a parrot’s cage! However as he shined his light to the bottom of the stand of the cage he saw the white sparkling fangs of a large Pit Bull. The parrot cried out one last time, “Go get him Jesus!” Pastor Greg Laurie

The Lawless One! 2 Thessalonians 2:3

Have you noticed over the past 8 years that lawlessness has increased in America? If have not then your head is stuck in the sand somewhere? Remember Obama proclaimed America is not a Christian nation? What does all this mean? Just as the wise men were looking for Christ’s first coming so we as wise men are looking for His second coming! One of the signs of Christ’s return according to Paul is the promotion of lawlessness! I want to translate this verse three from the Greek back to the English. “Do not be moved out from the (truth) and be cheated! The day shall come towards you when defection from the (truth) and wicked men who error from the (truth) who is also an illegitimate son in whose destruction shall come through corruption.” Did you notice the word truth appearing throughout this verse? What or who is the truth? Jesus Christ is the truth! So as in America or any other culture when truth or Jesus Christ is suppressed then lawlessness increases! In fact they are inversely proportional to each other! As one decreases the other increases! As one increases the other decreases! The bad news brings the good news! So the signs of Christ’s second coming presented to us by our Bible are all around us! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com


I shared with you earlier an article about dreams. I want to continue with you about visions and dreams. Visions and dreams are promised to God’s children! God imparts these into His own for encouragement! My people perish for a lack of knowledge! The natural man dreams and you might call them nightmares! The dreams of the natural man look back! The dreams of the spiritual man will always look forward! The Bible is a forward looking book! The Bible is a living book! Satan will always try to get you to look back because he hates his future! Satan will always try to remind you of your past to enslave you in sin today! The Bible says Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! That is why I can quote you a scripture out of the old testament written thousands of years ago or a theologian who lived a thousand years ago and it applies today and tomorrow! Looking forward for the believer leads to joy! Pharaoh had a dream but only troubled him until Joseph came along! Satan will try to convince you do not have a future! If you believe him then you have no future just like him! During World War II Stalin had a military and political advisor named Nakita Khrushchev. After Russia had lost 2 million men in battle with Hitler Stalin told Nakita that like his other General’s that failed him it was time for you to commit suicide so you could be a good example to the living if they fail me! Nakita told Stalin that this war was not your fault or my fault and even though it looks hopeless we will prevail and win this war! God always has us looking forward! Our youth in America have no hope because of betrayal by their leaders! The Bible has been removed from their lives through public education, popular culture and a host of other venues! Our only hope is to bring it back again! This would give America a future again! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Looking Back 2000 Election Bush/Gore

If George W. Bush is elected president, he will have many people to thank! One of them is Osama Siblani. During Bush’s October 5 meeting with Arab-American leaders at the Hyatt Regency in Dearborn Michagan, Siblani told the Texas governor about two top concerns of Arab Americans: The use of ethnic profiling by aviation officials, which leads many Americam Arabs to be held for questioning at airports, and the use of “secret evidence” by law enforcement, which has lead to many Arab Americans to be wrongly charged as suspected terrorists, which is an insult to our constitution. Siblani says he told Bush, “This is a smear to our civil rights.” Fast forward to the second presidential debate, six days later, Jim Lehrer asked Bush and Gore about racial profiling. Both condemned it, but only Bush said we have to do something about airport profiling and the use of “secret evidence”, which he said unfairly demonized Arab Americans. The Comment received little attention in the post debate spin. But amoung Arab Americans, who never before had been singled out in a presidential debate, it was, as one political operative put it, “The shot heard round the world.” Source-Edmond Walsh, “Arabs, Poles and other key votes, from October 2000 issue, The Weekly Standard.