The Lust Problem!

A young college girl was driving home for the Thanksgiving break. She was an attractive girl with great mental abilities! It was late only 100 miles from home yet she began to tire and needed a rest break. So she pulled off the road to a Waffle House for some coffee! Right across from the Waffle House was a nice Hotel. A man staying at the hotel walked over to the Waffle House for a late night snack. He noticed her beauty so before he left he went by her table and smiled at her and dropped his hotel room keys in front of her and then left for the hotel. She was perplexed? What to do? Then she saw an old truck driver fat, no hair or teeth and went up to him and smiled at him and dropped those keys off to him and left! The man at the hotel was waiting in the lobby for her! It got later and later so he gave up got on the elevator to return to his room! He opened the door and sitting on the edge of the bed was an old fat ugly truck driver with just his under shorts on! Pastor Robert Jeffress.

Problem & Solution!

Isaiah 7:11-12, 14 “Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God, ask it either in the depth, or in the height above. But King Ahaz said, I will not ask neither will [tempt] the Lord. Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call him Immanuel.” Commentary: King Ahaz was under siege! Juda was threatened by foreign armies! Yet he was a wise man! He answered Isaiah wisely! He was not going to tempt the Lord with unbelief! Let the Lord give me a sign I will not request it! Are we sign seekers in our prayers? All our signs are listed in your Bible! Lord let’s make a deal! If I win the lottery then I will serve you! Are you a sign seeker prayer? Do not pile on stuff for the Lord he would never approve! Be thankful for what you have! Your two fish and five loaves can feed the multitudes if God blesses it! The Lord sent King Ahaz a sign for the troubles and temptations of evil men! Lead us not into tempting God but deliver us from evil! When you pray for the lost and do something sacrificially to support ministries the salvation of the lost is a sign! So what was the sign given to King Ahaz? A virgin shall bear a son! This happened hundreds of years after the death of King Ahaz! Verse 15 goes on to say Jesus will refuse the evil and choose the good! Jesus had to make a choice to leave heaven and suffer on a Cross for our sin! That is real love! To deliver us from tempting God with our sin! To take our judgment! He could have stayed in heaven! Let us perish! Where was the first sin committed? Not in the Garden of Eden but in heaven! Lucifer had it made as choir director of heaven yet wanted more! He wanted to be God! Men on earth who reject Christ today want to be God! This is tempting God with their sin! Judgment follows unrepentant sin through the Son of God Jesus Christ! Is he your Savior or judge? People are either a sign in heaven or a sign in hell depending on what they did with Christ the sign from heaven! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Carbon Dating Problem!

Last night i listened to a scientist with several Doctorate degree’s explain carbon dating and problems with the reliability. When carbon dating goes back further than about 1500 B.C., they have to an offset and this offset increases exponentially with every 100 years so the accuracy is minimal the further back they go in time! Our Bible has an explanation for this but if you do not know your Bible you have no explanation! What was one of the differences between the pre-flood era and the post flood era? People lived longer before the flood! Like 700 and 800 years plus! So prior to the flood of Noah the decay rate was much lower like eight or nine times what it is today! True science will always support the scriptures! The scriptures will always be supported by true science! Any proclaimed science like Darwinism that contradicts scripture you want to run like hell away from it because it could send you to hell! When Jesus gives us our new bodies after the resurrection they will have a zero decay rate! However so those that stand condemned before Christ for their denial and rejection of him! This is how they will feel the flames of Hell forever and we will experience the glories of heaven forever! Do not take lightly your redemption! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Problem for Evolutionists!

If modern humans have been evolving from ape-like ancestors for the past few million years, then there is a giant problem! In fact there is a five billion skeleton problem! There should at least be five billion people who should have lived and died over that time. The fossil record should show millions of skeletons of humans and human like remains. Guess what we find? A single bag of bones! That’s right, a few hundred specimens mostly incomplete. There is a reason the atheists do not bring up the lack of human fossils. The truth is powerful evidence that goes against their religion of chance! There simply has not been enough time for evolution to occur, and that should be expected! That is what the Bible has told us all along! Source: Footnote: To see the best collection available of all human and supposed-ancestral humans see the Smithsonian’s collection.

Drugs (Sorceries) Revelation 9:21

About 35 thousand American’s die every year from drug overdoses! Actually the CDC says the numbers are greater than this because many overdoses are not reported! The English word sorceries comes from the Greek word pharmakeia from which we get our word pharmacy. In the Book of Revelation Chapter nine God is pouring out His judgment on the earth during the seven year tribulation period during the Anti- Christ one world government rule before Christ’s second coming! The Church has already been raptured from the earth! Even during these judgments when 1/3 of the earth’s population is destroyed they still would not repent of their drug use! Have you noticed the cultural shift here in America? The secular population is saying this drug use problem is a medical problem not a moral problem? Like medical marijuana! In fact all moral problems in America are viewed as medical problems including our mass shooters! So the last days game is on that immorality does not exist because God does not exist and the Bible has no application anymore! We all do what is right in our own eyes! So science has a fix for our immorality! So medicine is our new god! So no responsibility for sin? Since all the sinners just have a medical problem they need the State to step in since it is no fault of their own with welfare payments to those youth on drugs! Since the youth and their families cannot live on welfare payments alone they sell drugs to supplement your income! So what happens to Christian’s who have a Biblical standard of morality? Since we have a moral standard from a God that does not exist and a Bible that is irrelevant we must have a psychosis or medical problem that science can fix! The State must intervene and reprogram these people! There is a parallel going on in the Church in America today! Some of the big name Pastor’s who are on National media do not talk about sin anymore? Hell is never mentioned? It is all about getting rich and being successful and is all about self! Their pride is fed every Sunday! Remember Billy Graham? Repent for you are a sinner headed for Hell! He hammered this message over and over again! This message seems unpopular today as the standard of morality also fades from the pulpit! Altar calls have become extinct? Why have one if I am not a sinner and Hell does not exist? Christ wasted His time and life on the Cross? Chapter nine of the Book of Revelation closes out saying yet they would not repent of their murders, drug use, fornication and thefts! At the end times the State and the Church will merge as one! The Anti-Christ will join with the False Prophet who will be the one world religious leader! We are getting closer! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Guns Are Not The Problem!

Really? I was raised on a farm in Nebraska 50 years ago where weapons were owned by every farmer to protect their livestock from coyotes wolves and other predators! I learned to shoot a weapon and hunt when I was 10 years old! After moving to Colorado in the 1960’s I purchased my first rifle for hunting when I was 16 years old! Then we never had any school shootings! None across the United States! I remember one student got expelled from school for a week from smoking a cigar on school grounds! So 50 years ago millions of weapons were available to residents of America just as they are today! So something else has changed? Policemen were not murdered everyday on the streets of America like today? Remember policemen are armed with weapons and they are still murdered everyday on the streets of America trying to enforce the law! So what has changed? Something internally has changed in the American culture? I believe there a many reasons! The breakdown of the American family is a big one! No father in the home to guide the children! A casting off of religious values removing the 10 Commandments from our schools and removing prayer out of our schools! The effort to sanitize our culture from any symbols of God in the market place! If God is taken out of our schools then the vacuum is filled with guns! As our nation abandons Christian values anarchy fills the void! If policemen cannot defend themselves carrying weapons who are you? The changes that have to be made have nothing to do with guns! They have everything to do with returning America to the Christian God Jesus Christ and if this is done then America will truly be great again! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jack & Jill Went Down the Hill!

Jack and Jill had been happily married for 25 years! Jill decided to confide to Jack about her early romance! She told Jack her first date was back in high school when she was 16 years old! She told Jack the boy was a good man but broke up with her after only one date? She told Jack that Johnny after breaking up with me began to drink heavily? Through a friend Jill told Johnny that still even today he carries on with his drinking problem? Jack did not seemed surprised? He told Jill usually celebrations do not last this long?

21st Century Problem in America?

We have no government….capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge and licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our Constitution is as a whale going through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other. President John Adams