John 3:16 Word Study “Only Begotten”

Greek Word Strongs #3439 The Greek root word used here is metamorphose! Yes! A worm turning into a butterfly! However in the incarnation the butterfly becomes a worm! Becomes a human! Well the butterfly was always the butterfly! God becomes man but still God! Only begotten means only Son of his mother. Jesus had brothers and sisters but they were from a different father! Jesus was unique only from one race! Salvation has come through the Jews! Father God said this is my beloved Son! Jesus was not born eternally of the Father but as to his humanity here on earth at his incarnation! The Trinity pre-existed creation and the cause of it for the Trinity always has been and forever will be! At Salvation our outward form changes because of a inward transformation! Jesus said we must be born again! The miracle of God in our life changes our condition! It is an invisible process with outward demonstrations of the change! Character is changed! From earthly to Godly character! Remember the Transfiguration? Jesus, Moses and Elijah transformed from earthly to Supernatural! One day we will have a new heaven and a new earth! The word “new”, in the Greek means qualitatively new! A new quality! That is what happens to us at salvation! It will happen at the Rapture of the Church and our eternity spent with Christ! If you can believe your eyes when you see a worm turn into a butterfly here on earth is it too hard for you to believe God’s only Son Jesus Christ was born out of heaven into earth? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sharing Your Faith in Military!

As a young man I found this a very challenging endeavor! For conformity sake the military has a method of challenging anyone who stands out different from the group! This is taught from basic training on throughout your career! Anyone who does not socially conform is singled out and made an example! The purpose is to bring uniformity in a combat unit! So if you are the only guy carrying a Bible around in your hand you could be a target! So your faith is tested by the group! I always tried to do my job well not to disgrace my Lord! There are also rewards for staying true to your faith! Forty years later many have come and gone, retired or died but I still have my faith in Christ! I want to prepare you for the words coming here for they do not use King James English in the military! In fact you will learn some new words in the military! Your vocabulary will grow but not in a nice way! Harold was your typical G.I. who was rough in character and got into a few fights down at the base club! A heavy drinker he used some words that were unkind! So the military unit sent Harold on me as their attack dog! Harold said, “Sasse I don’t believe that virgin birth crap in your Bible! Why would God pull down his pants and rape Mary so he could have a son named Jesus? I would never serve a God who sexually molested women!” Harold you were born not because God had sex with your mother but because your father or another man had sex with your mother! Whoever had sex with your mother I wish they would have not done so! Harold which came first the chicken or the egg? Who gives a F——-! Harold as hard as it is to believe God created you! God created everyone! Our first parents Adam and Eve were created beings! That is God was the first cause for everything we see here on earth! Harold I hear you use Jesus name a lot around here! Jesus Christ was not a created being! He pre-existed creation! Jesus has always and forever will exist! Jesus is part of the Trinity! The Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity and is the active agent on the earth until Jesus returns to earth at His second coming to earth! In order for God to redeem His children from sin His Son had to be incarnated into human flesh in the earth! The Holy Spirit conceived Jesus who already existed in Heaven into Mary to give us the Savior on earth! God had to become flesh! God did not have physical sex with Mary! That is a myth Harold! Jesus birth was as miraculous as His resurrection from the dead! God will never violate our will! Mary invited God to perform this miracle! Jesus will only come to those who invite Him into their lives! He will never force Himself on anyone! Does that make sense to you Harold? Maybe? Harold you and I are both sinners and need a Savior! Harold would you like to make Jesus your Savior? What you have been taught about God is a lie! Read your Bible if you want to know the truth about God! He loves you Harold and proved it on the Cross! He died for your sin! He arose from the dead to give you a new life! Born again! If you accept Him He will change your life today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Incarnation in You! John 3:5-8

Here is the definition of the word “Incarnation”, from the Merrian-Webster Dictionary: “The embodiment of a Deity or Spirit in some earthly form; the union of divinity with humanity in Jesus Christ.” Comment: Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again! After you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior your sin is forgiven then you have a born again experience with God! Now His Spirit rules you rather than the flesh! The Holy Spirit becomes incarnated in you! You then follow Him as He leads you into righteousness! Those that reject Christ receive another Spirit that controls them and leads them away from God! Satan rules their life to destroy them! Jesus came to save us! No one can ignore or escape the incarnation! What Spirit incarnates you has everything to do with what you do with Jesus Christ! Life or death? Judas Iscariot would be one example of what happens when you reject Jesus Christ! The other disciples are good examples of the power that dwelled in them from the Holy Spirit to reach the lost world and transform lives! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Resurrection! Matthew 27:52-53

The word resurrection literally means to quit one’s previous position and to rise up! We need a spiritual resurrection and a physical resurrection! Jesus said we must be born again! We had no control over our physical birth and no control over our physical death unless we chose suicide! Without Christ we wake up everyday in our previous position of sin! Nothing seems to change except things get worse! Through Christ we quit this position and move into righteousness! That is we are made right with God! We wake up with a spiritually resurrected body and the promise of a physically resurrected body! It is interesting that when Jesus died on the Cross the graves were opened up by an earthquake and many of the saints arose! Notice in verse 53, they came out of the graves after the resurrection! When sin has been paid for people get free! I spent a few years in India and learned some of the aspects of the Hindu religion! The Hindus suffer from many bondages and superstitions based upon their Theology of God! One particular destructive belief about God is the Doctrine of reincarnation! Not the incarnation but reincarnation! They believe if you sin or are a bad person in your next life you could be a bug, rat or a snake or something awful. There is no remedy and you are locked into this condition due to your sin! They have respect for bugs and rats because they could have been a former family member! If fact in the Hindu Temples they feed rats and snakes milk and give them respect! Lucky critters! So they believe their sin is punished forever into the next generations whom could be a bug, snake, cow or a human never to come up in life! They make no effort to improve their life because their lot is permanent! It was very hard to improve their life under these beliefs! The incarnation is very different from the reincarnation! God taking on our sin who was without sin to deliver us from evil. God becomes man to take the very sin that separates us from God! If reincarnation were true and Jesus was just another human and took on the sin of the whole world he would have been resurrected as Satan! But Jesus was God and only that sacrifice would have been acceptable to God the Father! His son was the key to redemption! When Jesus was raised from the dead the saints were raised with Him! The resurrection is probably the most important aspect of our Faith! It is also based on historical facts! The next time you see a bug crawling across your floor you have my permission to step on it! What we believe about God determines our outlook and attitude about life here on earth and after! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Incarnation! Philippians 2: 5-8

These are the ten creatures science has already created! Genetically modified cattle with human DNA. Human mouse hybrids with freekishly large brains. Rats with human kidneys. Hunanized milk producing goats. Mice with human anal splinters. Rabbit eggs with human cells. Pigs with human blood. Sheep with human livers. Cow eggs with human cells. Cat-human hybrid cells. Comment: Cannibalism could be alive and well at your local grocery store! Normally two species need to be in the same family and have enough generic material for the sperm and egg to recognize each other. That is why a cat and a dog cannot cross breed! The horse and the donkey are in the same family so they can cross breed. It is not necessary for animals to have the same number of chromosomes to cross bread! The horse and donkey have different numbers of chromosomes. However the mule and the hinny cannot reproduce because their sex cells are sterile! So where does this lead us? A science report like this cannot help me but to think of the incarnation! If God did create everything then He is the DNA pool. I would love to have Jesus DNA sample! Because He lives within believers His genes are in us and His love, peace and joy flows out of us! Born again! If God did create man and we were created in His image then we are of the same family and cross breeding would be possible! Most theology says Jesus was 100 percent man and 100 percent God! When we look at science then why would the incarnation be so difficult for most to comprehend or believe? Science and faith will always compliment each other! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Super Bowl Owners! Deuteronomy 28:13

What do the super bowl team owners have in common? Arthur Blank and Robert Kraft are both Jews! Even though the Book of Deuteronomy was written thousands of years ago the Words of the Bible still hold true! God promised His people that if they would keep His Commandments He would make them the head and not the tail. Christopher Columbus was a Jew! Do you see the word “Christ”, in the name Christopher? Columbus had a vision before his voyage that he would discover a land that would support the Jews and Israel. Welcome to Columbus Land! My Bible goes on to say the Salvation has come through the Jews! Jesus Christ’s incarnation into the earth is fulfillment of many Biblical Prophecies! Did you ever notice the enemies of the Jews and Christ want to behead people? To be balanced here i want to remind you that Karl Marx, Frederick Engels and Charles Darwin were all Jews with anti-Christ ideologies! I would also remind you that the Anti-Christ (One world ruler), during the tribulation period will also be a Jew! He will also be a homosexual as he will have no natural affection for women! This will be a real war on women! The war on women started in the Garden of Eden! So which Jew are you going to follow? You can follow Christ or someone else! The question begs to be asked where will the one you follow lead you to? One of two places! Heaven or Hell? I have decided to follow Jesus! No turning back! The Cross before me the world behind me! No turning back! James and Hamsa Sasse.