End of Church Age! Psalm 137:6

O’ Jerusalem if I should not remember thee; let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy! Comment: Where was the first church on earth? Jerusalem! The Apostle Peter was the Pastor of the Jerusalem Church! Where will be the last church? Jerusalem with the return of Christ at his second coming and the end of the church age! The church age was established by Jesus to maintain his body of believer’s in the earth until his return. To ignore Jerusalem is to deny your faith! Your faith began there and will consummate there with Christ’s return! Jesus is not returning to America or Utah or China, Russia, UK, or any other nation except Israel! Do you now understand why much of the world wants to destroy her! If you really have the courage to fight for your faith you fight for Jerusalem! The Crusader’s acted on their faith! They did not live in a theology based theory! This is why President Donald Trump moved our U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem! As Gentile Christian’s let us never forget Jerusalem for if we do we are living contrary to our Holy Scriptures! The time clock of prophecy is set in Jerusalem to go off one day soon! We do not look for the next new ministry on the horizon! We do not look for the next denomination that claims they have more revelation than the last one! We look to Christ and his return to Jerusalem Israel! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

John 3:16 Word Study “Everlasting”

Everlasting (Aionios) Strongs #166 Everlasting meaning eternal abiding forever! A constant abiding duration in reference to time! It is the life which is God’s not affected by the limitations of time! It is a quality of life that is not belonging to the transitory! It has neither beginning or end! Without end! God has everlasting life! He has everlasting blessings, everlasting salvation, everlasting life, everlasting fire and everlasting judgment! No end! World without end! This everlasting includes our natural life here on earth and forever after! It includes the past, present and future ages of this world and the world to come! This word over time has had an unfavorable reception to the perishing but of great value to the believer’s in Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

One World Two Kingdoms! Acts 17:26-27

Greek Translation; “God has made one flesh and blood of all nations of an organized people of men (Democracy), to dwell in a fixed dwelling place on the face behaving to the eye of another on the earth and has set boundaries for the time (not chronos), but the opportunity to do something with my specific Commands for my specific purpose. That they should seek the Lord, if decisively, then they might feel after him and find him, though he be not far from every one of us.”  Comment: So is God a Nationalist or a Globalist? We see here that God created everything but yet set boundaries! Boundaries like the ten Commandments and territorial boundaries! God respects sovereignty! No sanctuary cities in Heaven where criminals can hide! Heaven has a border and so does Hell. Notice we are to decisively seek God making a conscious decision to do so! We have one world but two Kingdoms! Two Kingdoms competing for dominance! God promotes life and Satan promotes death! God wants righteousness to reign and Satan wants evil to reign! This is what this war on earth is all about! God has an immigration policy that prohibits illegal immigrants from entering Heaven! The screening process is the Blood of the Lamb! Jesus atoning blood must be applied to your heart and mind! This will legalize your status into Heaven! The refugee’s from Hell are looking for illegal entry into heaven! Satan wants a one world government with no borders or rules must like his first attempt at the Tower of Babel. God thwarted his plan dividing one language into many to confuse their attempt! God’s rescue plan was to send His only Son Jesus Christ into the world to save humanity! God promised Israel a land of their own through His Covenant promises! A case for Nationalism here! Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel. Not to destroy cultures as marching armies have done throughout history but to redeem people within the context of their own cultures! That is to recruit people from wickedness to righteousness! One nation under God! Did you ever wonder how the Book the Bible ends? Read the Book of Revelation! Read the last Book! Want to see the ending! The two opposing Kingdoms of this world go into a final battle! Satan rules the world during a short seven year tribulation period! With the greatest destruction known to world history! Christ returns with the saints at the end of the seven year period conquering Satan and his armies and setting up Christ’s Millennium reign for a thousand years! Want to know more well read the book! So which leader of which Kingdom are you following right now? You can ignore the truth and believe a lie but it will cost you your eternity separated from God! My responsibility is to warn you of future events and the importance of your decision about Christ! Eternity is a long time in fire! The rich man tried to warn his family still living on earth about the misery of Hell but Lazarus told him if they would not believe Moses why would they believe me? The truth is you can thank someone for your redemption in Heaven but who will you blame in Hell? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Infinite Versus Finite! Isaiah 46:10

“Declaring and bringing forward the end or future rewards from the beginning or first with regard to order, rank and time; from the ancient times or front of place that are not yet done, saying, my counsel or wisdom and advice shall stand and I will accomplish my delightful pleasure with affection.” Comment: The word end used here in Hebrew means future rewards! Like the resurrection from the dead! The word beginning in the Hebrew also has a fascinating meaning! It means first in order, rank and time! This same Hebrew word is the first word used in the Bible recorded in Genesis 1:1. In the beginning God created…… God expressed His character here in creation! The words ancient times means the position of the front of a place that is not yet done! Then God said my counsel, wisdom and advice will be accomplished with affection! Remember what Jesus said? I am the first and the last! The Alpha and the Omega! Jesus said He was before the beginning! Jesus always was and always will be! He is eternal. Remember in the beginning was the Word? He was before creation! What was His pleasure with affection! The birth of His Son Jesus Christ into the earth! What was God’s affection! To redeem His creation from sin! Whether you recognize it or not your future is in God’s hands! He placed His hands on a Cross for you! Could you not fold your hands in prayer to Him? Why not begin with Him and end with Him! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Going After Strange Flesh! Jude 7

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” Comment: Strange flesh used here by Jude the brother of Jesus means unnatural homosexual behavior. In the last days of this age Sodom and Gomorrah will be revived! It will climax with the Anti-Christ’s one world government during the 7 year Tribulation period that will close out this age! He will be gay also! He will have no natural affection for women! A real war on women! This 7 year Tribulation period will be the most destructive period in human history! We also believe from scriptures that His Church will be Raptured away just prior to this period in history! Now let us go on and see what Jude says in verse 18. “How that they told you that there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.” It is interesting that the word “last”, comes from a Greek word meaning echo! It denotes the last end of a sound made! It will also be the last sound of the age before the trumpets blow! It concludes a time of the end of this age! The word “time”, used here means the last season of an opportunity! There will come a time in all our lives that there will be no more opportunities to get right with God! Do you as a gay want to be in this part of the end times scenario? Jude mentions the eternal fire of judgment! God reigned down fire on these cities! Political correctness and civil judicial approval did not save them! The popular culture will prepare you for Hell. When I stand before my Christ I will have to give an account! God’s love includes judgment and He took our judgment on the Cross! If no judgment then it would not matter what we do! Then bad choices would have no consequences! You can chose Christ today and repent of your sin! The choice is Heaven or Hell? The choice is yours to make! Eternity is a long time if you are in the fire! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Olivet Discourse! Matthew 24:3-14

Jesus disciple’s just before His passion asked Him an important question? What will be the signs of your second coming and the end of the world? I will never forget the man I saw walking in Times Square carrying a sign that said the world is coming to an end! When I got laid off and the steel plant closed back in the 1970’s I thought the world was coming to an end! When Lockheed laid me off with 15000 other people at the plant back in the 1980’s I thought my world was coming to an end! When I got medically separated from the military back in the 1990’s I thought my world was coming to an end! Actually the word “end” in the Greek means the end of an age and the beginning of a new age! Jesus second coming will be the beginning of a new age called the millennium! Jesus said the first sign of the end of the age will be many false Christ’s shall rise up! I will never forget while in India back in the 1980’s of a famous Pastor/Evangelist there who one day in front of thousands of people told them that he was the Christ? His book sales dropped like a rock! Then Jesus talked about wars! Declared and undeclared! Insurrections and seditions! Every generation has not been spared war! However Jesus said do not be troubled with wars for the end is not yet! Then there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places! Jesus said all these things are the beginning of sorrows! Tell me more! The word sorrow here means like a woman with the pains of child birth! Then Jesus goes on to say that they will deliver you up and kill you and be hated of the nations for my name! Is it any wonder some believers will head for the exits? Since the rise of Islam thousands of Jews and Christians have been slaughtered! Remember that the end of the age will be concluded with the 7 year tribulation period! The Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will run the world for 7 years! Destruction like never seen before on earth will come then! The one world political leader and the one world religious leader will co-rule! The Church has been raptured at this point! The Anti-Christ will rule from Jerusalem and the False Prophet from Rome! A Jew and a Muslim will share power! The Anti-Christ will also be gay! He will have no natural affection for women! Now you understand the gay agenda! Now you understand the push for globalism and the war on Nationalism! No borders? Globalism! Sanctuary cities? Globalism! EU? Globalism! UN? Globalism! Democratic party? Globalism! War on cops? Globalism! No voter ID? Globalism! Trump won on Nationalism and how long can the USA fight the globalists? The British left the EU? Nationalism! During the tribulation period many will come to Christ including many Jews! Jesus went on to say iniquity or lawlessness will grow! Record number of policemen killed in America over past two years! Some believers will grow cold! Care and compassion will cool off! Hearts will be frozen in their own self-interest! Jesus said if we endure to the end we will be saved! Shall be saved means the immediate deliverance to Salvation through Christ! Endure means to sustain a load of miseries, adversities, persecutions, provocations with faith and patience! So what event concludes the end of this age and the beginning of the new age? Jesus said the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; then shall the end come! Did you ever notice that some people who are not interested in Christ’s return including some in the church are not interested in Evangelism of the lost? Some make claims to His name but never invest time and money to reach the lost? No tithes or offerings? Will attend church only if convenient? They will jump around to church after church careful not to leave evidence they are in love with the world! If you want Jesus to return soon then go to work in His harvest fields! The seeds are time and money! Cheap grace is to receive the benefits of the Kingdom and yet invest nothing to seed the fields for a harvest? Plant a harvest not a drought! If you are not really interested in Jesus second coming then you will continue in your sin! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

First & Last? Isaiah 44:6

What did God mean here? We probably have a general idea! Elementary Watson! Let us break the Hebrew words down for a deeper understanding! The word “First”, used here means to be foremost in order of rank! It is like a new year! Remember God instructed Moses to set up the Tabernacle in the first month! Remember Satan’s Kingdom also has an order of rank! Remember in the Book of Genesis (First Book), that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the Serpent! That is the birth of Christ would accomplish this! Satan is the head or first in rank in the Kingdom of Serpents! What about the word last? No one likes to be last! This is an interesting word in Hebrew! It means to follow as facing the east! God is going to see tomorrow! He watches the sunset and will see the sunrise! His days are not numbered! Do you remember something about Jesus saying he is the first and the last? (Revelation 22:13) He said i am the Alpha and the Omega! Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet but interestingly has a Hebrew origin! Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet! What did Jesus mean by saying he was the first? From the Greek we learn that he is first in importance! Is he first in your life? What did Jesus mean by saying i am last? According to the Greek it means he is the finalist in rank and time! He is the only guy left standing! He is on the gold metal stand and no rivals! Jesus goes on to say in this verse that he is the beginning and the end! The word beginning used here means he is the first in order of time, place and rank! Remember those hard headed Jews did not get it when he said before Abraham i was! The word end means that he is the goal. Is he your goal? A running back in the NFL has only one objective! He needs to cross the goal line! The Cross of Jesus will get you across the goal line! The word end used here means to a conclusion! What one word would represent the conclusion of your life? Debt? Pain? Sickness? Death? Fear? Guilt? If you prioritize your life where Jesus is first and last in your life these evil spirits will die at the Cross! Remember the scripture that says the first will be last and the last first? They are the same thing! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com