Suffering with God! Revelation 1:9

“I John, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom of patience of Jesus Christ, was in the Isle of Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Commentary: Some think since God suffered for us we should not have to suffer for him! Let us look at some of the history of the Apostle John! This is not everything but some highlights of his life! He was the only disciple to die a natural death! He with Peter and James witnessed the Transfiguration! He was one of three witnesses that saw Jesus raise the daughter of Jairus raised from the dead! Jesus sent John and Peter into the city to make preparations for the Passover or Last Supper! He was the disciple Jesus loves as he sat next to him at the Passover meal! He and Peter followed Jesus into the Palace of the High Priest at his arrest! John alone with the women remained at the foot of the Cross at his crucifixion! John took Mary under his care after Jesus death! After Jesus resurrection and ascension John and Peter became the pillars of the church! John suffered under Roman Emperor Domitian along with many Christians! He was boiled in a pot of oil at Rome yet by a miracle survived this! The audiences at the Colosseum who witnessed this miracle converted to Christianity! Since Rome could not kill John they exiled him to the one of three remote Islands at Patmos which was a prison labor camp! There John wrote the Book of Revelation predicting things to come today and into the future! All his persecutions by Satan promoted Christ and his Kingdom! If you suffer for the right things God will promote you! We do not choose persecution it just comes as you follow Jesus! But no human can promote you like God can! Even to eternal life spent in Heaven with your Savior forever! Satan and the world system can only demote you to hell forever! Which promotion do you choose? Eternal life or eternal death? You choose! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Replace Christianity With What?

One of the peculiar sins of the 20th Century which we have developed to a very high level is the sin of credulity. It has been said that when human beings stop believing in God they believe in nothing! The truth is much worse: they believe in anything. Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990) Journalist   Comment: When we believe in something based upon no evidence or theories based upon theories we are subject to believe anything! This has led America into the 21st Century with no foundation where families and governments are crumbling! God designed the family so Satan brings in every theory to the mind of man to break down the family! Abortion! Divorce! Gay Marriage! Homosexuality! Open borders! Sanctuary cities! Assault on authority and Law enforcement! Legalizing Drug use! Child pornography! Abduction of young girls for prostitution! Lesbianism! transgenderism! Anti-Christian promotions! Evolution replacing Creation! Control of our children through Public Education! Will America continue its abandonment of Judeo-Christian values? The dietary laws in the Old Testament forbid us to eat certain foods such as pork, fish without scales, shrimp, ect. Why? They are the meats containing the highest cholesterol and creatures feeding off the bottom of the water beds intake the most pollutants! Fish with scales feed off the top of the water! They are clean! The virus from China is a result of the culture eating bats! The Ebola virus out of Africa had the same bats at its source! This means these cultures had periods in their history where they starved and ate anything! So these creatures became a part of their cultural foods! Some Christians ignore the Old Testament to their own peril! The birth of socialism is a rejection of God and his Commandments! Stealing what does not belong to you is a sin! If America does not come back to God then history will show a great nation comes to not by the rejection of Christ and his Biblical principles! Anything goes is the result of the rejection of our Holy Book and the God who authored it! God help America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Challenge Lies with Truth!

Luke 1:38 “And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy spoken word, and the Angel departed from her.” Comment: The word “Rhema”, Strong’s #4487, is the spoken word! However this spoken word was the written word! Why is this important? God spoke the word before it was written! God spoke the worlds into existence! Then his spoken words were recorded and written down. God carved with his fingers into the stone tablets and became written yet he first spoke the words to Moses! What Gabriel was telling or speaking to Mary was already written down in the Old Testament! When and where the Messiah was to be born! Hundreds of years before the event! However not until the written word was spoken by Gabriel was the power released for a miracle! Jesus challenged Satan by saying it is written! When he spoke the written word Satan was defeated! Read your Bible aloud! Speak his word! Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! How shall we hear without a preacher? Speak his words from your lips! The written word is like potential energy! When you speak the written word it becomes kinetic energy! It accomplishes miracles! Satan told Adam and Eve that God was a liar! They kept quiet and took the forbidden fruit! When you pray do it aloud! Unspoken requests are no requests! Speaking the word of God has power! Silence is submission to Satan! Our political battles are a war of words! Our words will either condemn us or save us! The battle between good and evil involves words! Trump punches back with words! The word of God is sharper than any two edged sword! Dividing truth from lies! They bring life to the soul and redemption to the lost! Oppose the lies of homosexuality, transgenderism, lesbianism, gay marriage, abortion, gender change with the word of God! Know the written word that opposes this sin and then speak those words out from your lips! If the only convert you get is yourself you have just won the battle! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Love with No End! John 3:16

Greek Translation: “For the true God so loved with devotion, joy and purpose the world setting it in order devoted to all his creation that he gave his only unique begotten Son appointed before his birth, that whosoever believeth with confidence in Christ should not perish eternally lost but have everlasting life without end of the spirit and the soul.” Comment: God is the same yesterday, today and forever! God loved you before you got saved! He loves you after you got saved! Before you got saved you rejected his love! After you got saved you accepted his love! God did not change you did! God only can do this transformation! How could God love those who hate him? This is beyond human comprehension! This is what separates us from him! It is easy to love someone who loves you! It is difficult to have people convince you they love you but then when they get what they wanted out of you they dump you? God’s sole purpose of creating us is to express his love to us! No human can love the right way without experiencing the love of God otherwise hatred and unforgiveness will rule their lives! The love of God is all about forgiveness! His love delivers us from his judgment! Our judgment of people is related to our lack of experience of receiving the forgiveness of God! Our way of thinking is determined by what we believe about God! America is coming apart because of bad theology! If you believe there is no God then your actions are accountable to no one! The recent shootings in Texas and Ohio are connected with criminals who cannot forgive their real or imagined persecutors! Unforgiveness breeds criminals! Unforgiveness breeds anger! Anger out of control violence! The fatherless homes in America plus the teaching of evolution in our public schools has set the stage for these shootings! No God and no family breeds violence in our land! We have learned from history that the axis powers leader’s were all followers of Charles Darwin! The 21st Century holocaust is the 60 million babies aborted here in America and 1 1/2 billion worldwide! Atheism breeds death! God gave his life for you so you could share his love with others! Political correctness is the evil spirit trying to stop us from sharing Christ with others! As the Apostle Paul shared God’s love with those who imprisoned him we must do the same! We share God’s love with our persecutors because that is their only hope for redemption! Every saved person required a sacrifice! Every evil person rejected the sacrifice and then sacrifices others to vent his or her anger! God loves you more than his own life! God gave himself for you on a Cross! Will you sacrifice yourself in love to the God who has done the same for you? Sacrificing by serving others! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christbook or Facebook? Revelation 20:15

So which is it? Christbook or Facebook? It is not about me or about you! It is about Christ! You can let God make it about you but first you have to make it about him! Then you are moving in the right direction to stay out of the Lake of Fire! God did make it about you on the Cross! But if you reject his sacrifice for your sin then you become the sacrifice! You do not want to go there! After I discovered Christ’s love for me then for the rest of my life I have made it about him! So is your name in his Book? Is your name written in the Book of Life? How would I know? If you shared his name on your Facebook! Is your name written down in Heaven? If it was then you would share his name on earth! I do not wish the Lake of Fire on anyone! However the choice will be yours to make! In fact it has already been made! Unless you change your mind? God asked the same question in Daniel 12:1, that he has asked you in Revelation 20:15. Have you made it all about Christ? This is the only evidence God will find in the earth! Pastor Oscar Cope our Pastor here in Georgia has been in the ministry for over 50 years! So he has seen everything there is to see in ministry! He shared with us some of the excuses people make even in the church to avoid Christ! Some say I cannot take Communion or make the trip to the Altar because Christ and God is too Holy! I know God has forgiven me but I cannot forgive myself! Really? Are you greater than God? If God has forgiven you who in the world are you? Identification with Christ can only come while you are here on the earth! Your decision for Christ is only done in this life! But it determines your next life! How could I identify with Christ on Facebook? Put some Bible verses up on it! Embarrassed what your friends might think? Then you are not saved! No secret service Christians in earth or in Heaven! What evidence is there on earth that Christ is first in your life! Do you cheat God on your tithes and offerings! Do you work on Sunday or keep the Sabbath Holy? The evidence is either for or against you! Do you love others more than yourself? Can I have it both ways? My name in God’s Book and keep my Facebook account? Yes if you put and share Christ on your account! Your Facebook account will be closed one day! Then the Book of Life will be opened in Heaven! We hope and pray your name will be written there but your life for or against Christ is being recorded right now!  James and Hamsa Sasse.